Starting Out with Java: Early Objects (6th Edition)
Starting Out with Java: Early Objects (6th Edition)
6th Edition
ISBN: 9780134462011
Author: Tony Gaddis
Publisher: PEARSON

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Chapter 6, Problem 10PC

Parking Ticket Simulator

For this assignment you will design a set of classes that work together to simulate a police officer issuing a parking ticket. You should design the following classes:

  • The ParkedCar Class: This class should simulate a parked car. The class’s responsibilities are as follows:
    • To know the car’s make, model, color, license number, and the number of minutes that the car has been parked.
  • The ParkingMeter Class: This class should simulate a parking meter. The class’s only responsibility is as follows:
    • To know the number of minutes of parking time that has been purchased.
  • The ParkingTicket Class: This class should simulate a parking ticker. The class’s responsibilities are as follows:
    • To report the make, model, color, and license number of the illegally parked car
    • To report the amount of the fine, which is $25 for the first hour or part of an hour that the car is illegally parked, plus $10 for every additional hour or part of an hour that the car is illegally parked
    • To report the name and badge number of the police officer issuing the ticket
  • The PoliceOfficer Class: This class should simulate a police officer inspecting parked cars. The class’s responsibilities are as follows:
    • To know the police officer’s name and badge number
    • To examine a ParkedCar object and a ParkingMeter object, and determine whether the car’s time has expired
    • To issue a parking ticket (generate a ParkingTicket object) if the car’s time has expired

Write a program that demonstrates how these classes collaborate.

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