Concept explainers
Primary Key:
A Primary Key in a
Students in Universities are assigned a unique registration number.
Therefore, in a STUDENT database table, the attribute “reg_no” acts as primary key.
Foreign Key:
Foreign Key is a column in a relational database table which provides a relation between two tables. It provides a cross reference between tables by pointing to primary key of another table.
In STUDENT database table, the attribute “reg_no” acts as primary key and in COURSE database table in which the student selects his or her course, the same “reg_no” acts as foreign key for the STUDENT table.
Candidate Key:
A set of attributes (minimal) which can uniquely identify a record is known as candidate keys. A attribute which could’ve been a primary key but for was not chosen as primary key for some reason is a candidate key.
The value of candidate is not null for every record in database and in unique.
The candidate key can be of composite attributes and there can be more than one candidate key in a relation.
A set of one or more columns or attributes to uniquely identify rows in a table is called super key.
A Super Key is a candidate key containing redundant attributes.
All candidate keys are super keys as candidate keys are derived from super keys.
Any primary key plus any attribute is a super key.
Secondary keys are the set of attributes which are not selected as primary key but are considered to be candidate keys for the primary key of the table.
Numbers of attributes that constitute secondary key are arbitrary.
Secondary keys are also known as alternate keys.
After selecting the attributes from candidate key to form a primary key, the remaining attributes of candidate key are called secondary keys.

Explanation of Solution
Given database tables:
Table Name: CHARTER
10001 | 05-Feb-18 | 104 | 2289L | ATL | 936.0 | 5.1 | 2.2 | 354.1 | 1 | 10011 | |
10002 | 05-Feb-18 | 101 | 2778V | BNA | 320.0 | 1.6 | 0.0 | 72.6 | 0 | 10016 | |
10003 | 05-Feb-18 | 105 | 109 | 4278Y | GNV | 1574.0 | 7.8 | 0.0 | 339.8 | 2 | 10014 |
10004 | 06-Feb-18 | 106 | 1484P | STL | 472.0 | 2.9 | 4.9 | 97.2 | 1 | 10019 | |
10005 | 06-Feb-18 | 101 | 2289L | ATL | 1023.0 | 5.7 | 3.5 | 397.7 | 2 | 10011 | |
10006 | 06-Feb-18 | 109 | 4278Y | STL | 472.0 | 2.6 | 5.2 | 117.1 | 0 | 10017 | |
10007 | 06-Feb-18 | 104 | 105 | 2778V | GNV | 1574.0 | 7.9 | 0.0 | 348.4 | 2 | 10012 |
10008 | 07-Feb-18 | 106 | 1484P | TYS | 644.0 | 4.1 | 0.0 | 140.6 | 1 | 10014 | |
10009 | 07-Feb-18 | 105 | 2289L | GNV | 1574.0 | 6.6 | 23.4 | 459.9 | 0 | 10017 | |
10010 | 07-Feb-18 | 109 | 4278Y | ATL | 998.0 | 6.2 | 3.2 | 279.7 | 0 | 10016 | |
10011 | 07-Feb-18 | 101 | 104 | 1484P | BNA | 352.0 | 1.9 | 5.3 | 66.4 | 1 | 10012 |
10012 | 08-Feb-18 | 101 | 2289L | MOB | 884.0 | 4.8 | 4.2 | 215.1 | 0 | 10010 | |
10013 | 08-Feb-18 | 105 | 4278Y | TYS | 644.0 | 3.9 | 4.5 | 174.3 | 1 | 10011 | |
10014 | 09-Feb-18 | 106 | 4278V | ATL | 936.0 | 6.1 | 2.1 | 302.6 | 0 | 10017 | |
10015 | 09-Feb-18 | 104 | 101 | 2289L | GNV | 1645.0 | 6.7 | 0.0 | 459.5 | 2 | 10016 |
10016 | 09-Feb-18 | 109 | 105 | 2778V | MQY | 312.0 | 1.5 | 0.0 | 67.2 | 0 | 10011 |
10017 | 10-Feb-18 | 101 | 1484P | STL | 508.0 | 3.1 | 0.0 | 105.5 | 0 | 10014 | |
10018 | 10-Feb-18 | 105 | 104 | 4278Y | TYS | 644.0 | 3.8 | 4.5 | 167.4 | 0 | 10017 |
Table Name: AIRCRAFT
1484P | PA23-250 | 1833.1 | 1833.1 | 101.8 |
2289L | C-90A | 4243.8 | 768.9 | 1123.4 |
2778V | PA31-350 | 7992.9 | 1513.1 | 789.5 |
4278Y | PA31-350 | 2147.3 | 622.1 | 243.2 |
Table Name: MODEL
B200 | Beechcraft | Super KingAir | 10 | 1.93 |
C-90A | Beechcraft | KingAir | 8 | 2.67 |
PA23-250 | Piper | Aztec | 6 | 1.93 |
PA31-350 | Piper | Navajao Chiettan | 10 | 2.35 |
Table Name: PILOT
101 | ATP | ATP/SEL/MEL/Instr/CFII | 1 | 20-Jan-18 | 11-Jan-18 |
104 | ATP | ATP/SEL/MEL/Instr | 1 | 18-Dec-17 | 17-Jan-18 |
105 | COM | COMM/SEL/MEL/Instr/CFI | 2 | 05-Jan-18 | 02-Jan-18 |
106 | COM | COMM/SEL/MEL/Instr | 2 | 10-Dec-17 | 02-Feb-18 |
109 | COM | ATP/SEL/MEL/SES/Instr/CFII | 1 | 22-Jan-18 | 15-Jan-18 |
Table Name: EMPLOYEE
100 | Mr. | Kolrnycz | George | D | 15-Jun-62 | 15-Mar-08 |
101 | Ms. | Lewis | Rhonda | G | 19-Mar-85 | 25-Apr-06 |
102 | Mr. | Vandam | Rhett | 14-Nov-78 | 18-May-13 | |
103 | Ms. | Jones | Anne | M | 11-May-94 | 26-Jul-17 |
104 | Mr. | Lange | John | P | 12-Jul-91 | 20-Aug-10 |
105 | Mr. | Williams | Robert | D | 14-Mar-95 | 19-Jun-17 |
106 | Mrs. | Duzak | Jeanine | K | 12-Feb-88 | 13-Mar-18 |
107 | Mr. | Deante | George | D | 01-May-95 | 02-Jul-16 |
108 | Mr. | Wiesanbach | Paul | R | 14-Feb-86 | 03-Jun-13 |
109 | Ms. | Travis | Elizabeth | K | 18-Jun-81 | 14-Feb-16 |
110 | Mrs. | Genkazi | Lieghla | W | 19-May-90 | 29-Jun-10 |
Table Name: EMPLOYEE
10010 | Ramas | Alfred | A | 615 | 844-2573 | 0.00 |
10011 | Dunne | Leona | K | 713 | 894-1293 | 0.00 |
10012 | Smith | Kathy | W | 615 | 894-2285 | 896.54 |
10013 | Owolski | Paul | F | 615 | 894-2180 | 1285.19 |
10014 | Orlando | Myron | 615 | 222-1672 | 673.21 | |
10015 | OBrian | Amy | B | 713 | 442-3381 | 1014.86 |
10016 | Brown | James | G | 615 | 297-1228 | 0.00 |
10017 | Williams | George | 615 | 290-2556 | 0.00 | |
10018 | Fariss | Anne | G | 713 | 382-7185 | 0.00 |
10019 | Smith | Olette | K | 615 | 297-3809 | 453.98 |
PRIMARY KEY in the above tables:
For Table Name: CHARTER:
Primary Key: CHAR_TRIP
“CHAR_TRIP” acts as primary key of the table because the attribute “CHAR_TRIP” is a unique ID that is assigned to every individual trip by the charter plane. It also uniquely identifies every other row present in the database table.
For Table Name: AIRCRAFT:
Primary Key: AC_NUMBER
“AC_NUMBER” acts as primary key of the table because the attribute “AC_NUMBER” is a unique number that is assigned to every individual charter plane and is used to distinguish among them. It also uniquely identifies every other row present in the database table.
For Table Name: MODEL:
Primary Key: MOD_CODE
“MOD_CODE” acts as primary key of the table because the attribute “MOC_CODE” is a unique number that is assigned to every individual model of the charter plane and is used to distinguish models among them. It also uniquely identifies every other row present in the database table.
For Table Name: PILOT:
Primary Key: EMP_NUM
“EMP_NUM” acts as primary key of the table because the attribute “EMP_NUM” is a unique number that is assigned to every pilot that flies an aircraft. It also uniquely identifies every other row present in the database table.
For Table Name: EMPLOYEE:
Primary Key: EMP_NUM
“EMP_NUM” acts as primary key of the table because the attribute “EMP_NUM” is a unique number or ID that is assigned to every employee that works in the airline. It also uniquely identifies every other row present in the database table.
For Table Name: CUSTOMER:
Primary Key: CUS_CODE
“CUS_CODE” acts as primary key of the table because the attribute “CUS_CODE” is a unique code that is assigned to every customer that books a flight with the airline. It also uniquely identifies every other row present in the database table.
FOREIGN KEY in the above tables:
For Table Name: CHARTER:
“CHAR_PILOT” acts as foreign key of the table because the attribute “CHAR_PILOT” is also present in the table PILOT and it references PILOT and hence it forms a link between the two tables.
“CHAR_COPILOT” acts as foreign key of the table because the attribute “CHAR_COPILOT” is also present in the table PILOT and it references PILOT and hence it forms a link between the two tables.
“AC_NUMBER” acts as foreign key of the table because the attribute “AC_NUMBER” is also present in the table AIRCRAFT and it references AIRCRAFT and hence it forms a link between the two tables.
“CUS_CODE” acts as foreign key of the table because the attribute “CUS_CODE” is also present in the table CUSTOMER and it references CUSTOMER and hence it forms a link between the two tables.
For Table Name: AIRCRAFT:
Foreign Key: MOD_CODE
“MOD_CODE” acts as foreign key of the table because the attribute “MOD_CODE” is also present in the table MODEL and it references MODEL and hence it forms a link between the two tables.
“For Table Name: MODEL:
Foreign Key: None
There is no Foreign Key attribute present in the table because there is no attribute in the table except the primary key which is present in any other database table.
For Table Name: PILOT:
Primary Key: EMP_NUM
“EMP_NUM” acts as foreign key of the table because the attribute “EMP_NUM” is also present in the table EMPLOYEE and it references EMPLOYEE and hence it forms a link between the two tables.
For Table Name: EMPLOYEE:
Foreign Key: None
There is no Foreign Key attribute present in the table because there is no attribute in the table except the primary key which is present in any other database table.
For Table Name: CUSTOMER:
Foreign Key: None
There is no Foreign Key attribute present in the table because there is no attribute in the table except the primary key which is present in any other database table.
Super key and Secondary Key in the above tables:
For Table Name: CHARTER:
Super Key:
CHAR_TRIP+CHAR_DATE: This combination of attributes can uniquely identify every other record present in the table.
Secondary Key:
CHAR_DATE+AC_NUMBER+CHAR_DESTINATION: This combination is an alternate key which will identify every other record present in the table is unique and it is less likely that one aircraft on same date will travel to the same destination twice.
For Table Name: AIRCRAFT:
Super Key:
AC_NUM+MOD_CODE: This combination of attributes can uniquely identify every other record present in the table.
Secondary Key:
MOD_CODE: This is an alternate key which will identify every other record present in the table and is unique.
For Table Name-MODEL:
Super Key:
MOD_CODE+MOD_NAME: This combination of attributes can uniquely identify every other record present in the table.
Secondary Key:
MOD_MANUFACTURER+MOD_NAME: This combination is an alternate key which will identify every other record present in the table and it is less likely that two models with same name and same manufacturer exist.
For Table Name-PILOT:
Super Key:
EMP_NUM+PIL_LICENSE: This combination of attributes can uniquely identify every other record present in the table.
Secondary Key:
PIL_LICENSE+PIL_MED_DATE: This combination is an alternate key which will identify every other record present in the table and it is less likely that two pilots with same license and same medical certificate exist.
For Table Name-EMPLOYEE:
Super Key:
EMP_NUM+EMP_DOB: This combination of attributes can uniquely identify every other record present in the table.
Secondary Key:
EMP_LNAME+EMP_FNAME+EMP_DOB: This combination is an alternate key which will identify every other record present in the table and it is less likely that two employees with same first name, same last name and same date of birth exist.
For Table Name-CUSTOMER:
Super Key:
CUS_CODE+CUS_LNAME: This combination of attributes can uniquely identify every other record present in the table.
Secondary Key:
CUS_LNAME+CUS_FNAME+CUS_PHONE: This combination is an alternate key which will identify every other record present in the table and it is less likely that two customers with same first name, same last name and same phone number exist.
Candidate keys present in the above table:
For table CHARTER:
Candidate Key: None
No practical candidate keys are possible. For example:
CHAR_DATE + CHAR_DESTINATION + AC_NUMBER + CHAR_PILOT + CHAR_COPILOT will not necessarily yield unique matches, because it is possible to fly an aircraft to the same destination twice on one date with the same pilot and copilot.
For table AIRCRAFT:
Candidate Key: None
No practical candidate keys are possible as no combination of attributes will yield unique matches, because it is possible to fly a same aircraft to the same destination twice on one date with the same pilot and copilot.
For table MODEL:
Candidate Key: None
No practical candidate keys are possible as no combination of attributes will yield unique matches, because it is possible to fly a same model of aircraft to the same destination twice on one date with the same pilot and copilot.
For table PILOT:
Candidate Key: None
No practical candidate keys are possible as no combination of attributes will yield unique matches, because it is possible to fly a same model of aircraft to the same destination twice on one date with the same pilot and copilot.
For table EMPLOYEE:
The combinations of the above attributes will yield a unique outcome and hence is acceptable as candidate key.
For table CUSTOMER:
The combinations of the above attributes will yield a unique outcome and hence is acceptable as candidate key.
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