Starting Out with C++: Early Objects
Starting Out with C++: Early Objects
8th Edition
ISBN: 9780133360929
Author: Tony Gaddis, Judy Walters, Godfrey Muganda
Publisher: Addison-Wesley

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Chapter 3, Problem 1RQE


Program Plan Intro

String object:

  • The variable “char” is used to hold only the characters but the variable string is to hold the whole set of character.
  • Thus, string object is used to carry set of characters and it is declared with the keyword “string” followed by the object name.


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“cin” statement to read a one word string:

When a string input is read using “cin” with a “>>” operator then the “cin” reads the data passed over it and it removes the whitespace characters such as spaces, tabs and line breaks in the string.

  • Once it reaches the first non-blank character then it starts reading and it stops the reading process until it reaches the next whitespace character.

“cin” statement that reads a string in one word is as follows:

  //get value of the description as a one word string

  cin >> description;

  • The above statement is used to read the input string until it receives the whitespace and then it ignores the remaining part of the string.

Therefore, “cin >> description;” is the “cin” statement which reads a string as one word string.


Program Plan Intro

String object:

  • The variable “char” is used to hold only the characters but the variable string is to hold the whole set of character.
  • Thus, string object is used to carry set of characters and it is declared with the keyword “string” followed by the object name.


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“cin” statement to read multiple words:

In C++, using the “cin” statement, the multiple words can be read through the function getline().

  • This getline() function read the line from the user including both leading and embedded spaces and then stores that line into the string object.

“cin” statement that reads multiple words in a string is as follows:

/* Read a string which contains multiple words separated by blanks */

  getline(cin, description);

The above line is used to get input from the user by using “getline()”; the input contains multiple words which are separated by space.

Therefore, “getline(cin, description);” is the input statement that reads multiple words in a string using the getline() function.

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