Starting Out with Python (4th Edition)
Starting Out with Python (4th Edition)
4th Edition
ISBN: 9780134444321
Author: Tony Gaddis
Publisher: PEARSON
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Chapter 13, Problem 9PE
Program Plan Intro

Tree Age

Program Plan:

  • • Import “Tkinter” module for creating the GUI programs.
  • • Define the necessary named constants for creating the growth rings.
  • • Define the class named “Treeclass”.
    • ○ Define “__init__()” method for “Treeclass” class:
      • ■ Create the main window using the “tkinter” module.
      • ■ Create a canvas widget.
      • ■ Create the ring1 using canvas widget using the “create_oval()” method.
      • ■ Specify the text on the ring created using the canvas widget using the “create_text()” method.
      • ■ Create the ring2 using canvas widget using the “create_oval()” method.
      • ■ Specify the text on the ring created using the canvas widget using the “create_text()” method.
      • ■ Create the ring3 using canvas widget using the “create_oval()” method.
      • ■ Specify the text on the ring created using the canvas widget using the “create_text()” method.
      • ■ Create the ring4 using canvas widget using the “create_oval()” method.
      • ■ Specify the text on the ring created using the canvas widget using the “create_text()” method.
      • ■ Create the ring5 using canvas widget using the “create_oval()” method.
      • ■ Specify the text on the ring created using the canvas widget using the “create_text()” method.
      • ■ Pack the canvas that is created using the “pack” method.
      • ■ Call the main loop using the “tkinter” module.
    • • Now, call the “Treeclass()” function.

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Chapter 13 Solutions

Starting Out with Python (4th Edition)

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