Starting Out with Python (3rd Edition)
Starting Out with Python (3rd Edition)
3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780133582734
Author: Tony Gaddis
Publisher: PEARSON
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Chapter 10.4, Problem 15CP

Explanation of Solution

Unified Modeling Language:

  • • UML diagram is useful to design a class.
  • • It provides a standard graphical diagram for object oriented systems.
  • • UML diagram was represented in a box that is divided into three portions. They are as follows:
    • ○ The first portion is to write the name of the class.
    • ○ The second portion is to list the data attributes of the class.
    • ○ The last portion is to list the methods of the class.



The above is the UML diagram for the “Cellphone” class.

  • • The class “Cellphone” describes its attributes and methods...

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Chapter 10 Solutions

Starting Out with Python (3rd Edition)

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