Write a program that asks the user to enter an item’s wholesale cost and its markup percentage. It should then display the item’s retail price. For example: • If an item’s wholesale cost is 5.00 and its markup percentage is 100 percent, then the item’s retail price is 10.00. • If an item’s wholesale cost is 5.00 and its markup percentage is 50 percent, then the item’s retail price is 7.50. The program should have a method named calculateRetail that receives the wholesale cost and the markup percentage as arguments, and returns the retail price of the item. Class name: RetailPriceCalculator
class RetailPriceCalculator {
def calculateRetail(wholesale_cost, markup_percentage):
if wholesale_cost < 0:
return 0.00
if markup_percentage < -100:
return 0.00
retail_price = wholesale_cost * (1 + markup_percentage / 100)
return retail_price
def main():
while True:
wholesale_cost = float(input("Please enter the wholesale cost or -1 to exit:\n"))
if wholesale_cost == -1:
while wholesale_cost < 0:
print("Wholesale cost cannot be a negative value.")
wholesale_cost = float(input("Please enter the wholesale cost again or -1 to exit:\n"))
markup_percentage = float(input("Please enter the markup percentage or -1 to exit:\n"))
if markup_percentage == -1:
while markup_percentage < -100:
print("Markup cannot be less than -100%.")
markup_percentage = float(input("Please enter the markup again or -1 to exit:\n"))
retail_price = RetailPriceCalculator.calculateRetail(wholesale_cost, markup_percentage)
print(f"The retail price is: {retail_price:.2f}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Test Case 1
Please enter the markup percentage or -1 exit:\n
Test Case 2
Please enter the markup percentage or -1 exit:\n
The retail price is: 200.00\n
Please enter the wholesale cost or -1 exit:\n
Test Case 3
Please enter the markup percentage or -1 exit:\n
The retail price is: 15.00\n
Please enter the wholesale cost or -1 exit:\n
Please enter the markup percentage or -1 exit:\n
The retail price is: 20.00\n
Please enter the wholesale cost or -1 exit:\n
Please enter the markup percentage or -1 exit:\n
The retail price is: 0.00\n
Please enter the wholesale cost or -1 exit:\n
Test Case 4
Wholesale cost cannot be a negative value.\n
Please enter the wholesale cost again or -1 exit:\n
Please enter the markup percentage or -1 exit:\n
Markup cannot be less than -100%.\n
Please enter the markup again or -1 exit:\n
The retail price is: 15.00\n
Please enter the wholesale cost or -1 exit:\n
Test Case 5

The below program is designed to help the user calculate the retail price of an item based on its wholesale cost and markup percentage. The program includes the calculateRetail method that receives the wholesale cost and the markup percentage as arguments and returns the retail price. In main method, the program prompts the user to enter the wholesale cost and the markup percentage. If the input is valid, the program calculates and displays the retail price. If the input is invalid, the program will keep prompting the user for input. The user can exit the program by entering -1 as input.
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Solved in 4 steps with 2 images