we showed you the code#for two versions of binary_search: one using recursion, one#using loops. For this problem, use the recursive one.##In this problem, we want to implement a new version of#binary_search, called binary_search_year. binary_search_year#will take in two parameters: a list of instances of Date,#and a year as an integer. It will return True if any date#in the list occurred within that year, False if not.##For example, imagine if listOfDates had three instances of#date: one for January 1st 2016, one for January 1st 2017,#and one for January 1st 2018. Then:## binary_search_year(listOfDates, 2016) -> True# binary_search_year(listOfDates, 2015) -> False##You should not assume that the list is pre-sorted, but you#should know that the sort() method works on lists of dates.##Instances of the Date class have three attributes: year,#month, and day. You can access them directly, you don't#have to use getters (e.g. myDate.month will access the#month of myDate).##You may copy the code from Worked Example 5.2.5 and modify#it instead of starting from scratch. You must implement#binary_search_year recursively.##Don't move this line:from datetime import date
we showed you the code
#for two versions of binary_search: one using recursion, one
#using loops. For this problem, use the recursive one.
#In this problem, we want to implement a new version of
#binary_search, called binary_search_year. binary_search_year
#will take in two parameters: a list of instances of Date,
#and a year as an integer. It will return True if any date
#in the list occurred within that year, False if not.
#For example, imagine if listOfDates had three instances of
#date: one for January 1st 2016, one for January 1st 2017,
#and one for January 1st 2018. Then:
# binary_search_year(listOfDates, 2016) -> True
# binary_search_year(listOfDates, 2015) -> False
#You should not assume that the list is pre-sorted, but you
#should know that the sort() method works on lists of dates.
#Instances of the Date class have three attributes: year,
#month, and day. You can access them directly, you don't
#have to use getters (e.g. myDate.month will access the
#month of myDate).
#You may copy the code from Worked Example 5.2.5 and modify
#it instead of starting from scratch. You must implement
#binary_search_year recursively.
#Don't move this line:
from datetime import date
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