Two separate versions of the sequence (one for a sequence of real numbers and another for a sequence of characters are specified, in two separate namespaces in this header file. For both versions, the same documentation applies.
// NOTE: Two separate versions of the sequence (one for a sequence of real numbers and another for a sequence of characters are specified, in two separate namespaces in this header file. For both versions, the same documentation applies.
// TYPEDEFS and MEMBER functions for the sequence class:
// typedef ____ value_type
// sequence::value_type is the data type of the items in the sequence.
// It may be any of the C++ built-in types (int, char, etc.), or a
// class with a default constructor, an assignment operator, and a
// copy constructor.
// typedef ____ size_type
// sequence::size_type is the data type of any variable that keeps
// track of how many items are in a sequence.
// static const size_type CAPACITY = _____
// sequence::CAPACITY is the maximum number of items that a
// sequence can hold.
// CONSTRUCTOR for the sequence class:
// sequence()
// Pre: (none)
// Post: The sequence has been initialized as an empty sequence.
// MODIFICATION MEMBER FUNCTIONS for the sequence class:
// void start()
// Pre: (none)
// Post: The first item on the sequence becomes the current item
// (but if the sequence is empty, then there is no current item).
// void end()
// Pre: (none)
// Post: The last item on the sequence becomes the current item
// (but if the sequence is empty, then there is no current item).
// void advance()
// Pre: is_item() returns true.
// Post: If the current item was the last item in the sequence, then
// there is no longer any current item. Otherwise, the new current
// item is the item immediately after the original current item.
// void move_back()
// Pre: is_item() returns true.
// Post: If the current item was the first item in the sequence, then
// there is no longer any current item. Otherwise, the new current
// item is the item immediately before the original current item.
// void add(const value_type& entry)
// Pre: size() < CAPACITY.
// Post: A new copy of entry has been inserted in the sequence after
// the current item. If there was no current item, then the new
// entry has been inserted as new first item of the sequence. In
// either case, the newly added item is now the current item of
// the sequence.
// void remove_current()
// Pre: is_item() returns true.
// Post: The current item has been removed from the sequence, and
// the item after this (if there is one) is now the new current
// item. If the current item was already the last item in the
// sequence, then there is no longer any current item.
// CONSTANT MEMBER FUNCTIONS for the sequence class:
// size_type size() const
// Pre: (none)
// Post: The return value is the number of items in the sequence.
// bool is_item() const
// Pre: (none)
// Post: A true return value indicates that there is a valid
// "current" item that may be retrieved by activating the current
// member function (listed below). A false return value indicates
// that there is no valid current item.
// value_type current() const
// Pre: is_item() returns true.
// Post: The item returned is the current item in the sequence.
// VALUE SEMANTICS for the sequence class:
// Assignments and the copy constructor may be used with sequence
// objects.
#ifndef SEQUENCE_H
#define SEQUENCE_H
#include <cstdlib> // provides size_t
namespace CS3358_FA2022_A04_sequenceOfNum
template <class Item>
class sequence
typedef double value_type;
typedef std::size_t size_type;
static const size_type CAPACITY = 10;
void start();
void end();
void advance();
void move_back();
void add(const value_type& entry);
void remove_current();
size_type size() const;
bool is_item() const;
value_type current() const;
value_type data[CAPACITY];
size_type used;
size_type current_index;
namespace CS3358_FA2022_A04_sequenceOfChar
class sequence
typedef char value_type;
typedef size_t size_type;
static const size_type CAPACITY = 10;
void start();
void end();
void advance();
void move_back();
void add(const value_type& entry);
void remove_current();
size_type size() const;
bool is_item() const;
value_type current() const;
value_type data[CAPACITY];
size_type used;
size_type current_index;

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