SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY Female luna moths (Actias luna) attractmales by emitting chemical signals that spread throughthe air. A male hundreds of meters away can detect thesemolecules and fly toward their source. The sensory organsresponsible for this behavior are the comblike antennaevisible in the photograph shown here. Each filament of anantenna is equipped withthousands of receptorcells that detect the sexattractant. Based on whatyou learned in this chapter,propose a hypothesis toaccount for the ability ofthe male moth to detecta specific molecule in thepresence of many othermolecules in the air. Whatpredictions does yourhypothesis make? Designan experiment to test oneof these predictions.
SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY Female luna moths (Actias luna) attract
males by emitting chemical signals that spread through
the air. A male hundreds of meters away can detect these
molecules and fly toward their source. The sensory organs
responsible for this behavior are the comblike antennae
visible in the photograph shown here. Each filament of an
antenna is equipped with
thousands of receptor
cells that detect the sex
attractant. Based on what
you learned in this chapter,
propose a hypothesis to
account for the ability of
the male moth to detect
a specific molecule in the
presence of many other
molecules in the air. What
predictions does your
hypothesis make? Design
an experiment to test one
of these predictions.

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