Régarding the population growth of Canada geese, which of the following statements is most likely true? The population is increasing at a constant rate with time. If modeled geometrically, A should be greater than 0, because the population is increasing. O If modeled exponentially, r should be greater than 0, because the population is increasing. None of the above statements is true.

The canada geese (Branta canadensis) is a large wild geese with black head neck white cheeks .
the canada geese is native to north america where a number of morphologically different races exits'
there is considerable overlap between the races ,but the birds tend to be smaller and darker towards the north and west of the breeding east .
most of the races are highly migratory ,breeding in canada and the north state of USA and wintering as far south as taxes.
this species is native to north america .
it breeds in canada and the northern united states in a wide range habitat
the the great lakes region maintain a large population of canada geese.
canada geese have reached northern europe naturally ,as has been proved by ringing recoveries.
canada geese were introduce as a game bird into New-zealand in 1905.
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