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Who was Nasser? Why is Nasser a significant figure in Egyptian history?
Using your historical knowledge and the text, what trend do you notice in which countries helped found the Non-Aligned Movement?
Why did the World Bank refuse to give a loan to Nasser?

Transcribed Image Text:United States had veto power in the powerful U.S. Security Council. With one vote, those
states could end any resolutions.
The Case of South Africa:
The setting for South Africa's freedom struggle was very different from other decolonizing
states. In the twentieth century, that struggle was not waged against an occupying European
colonial power, for South Africa had in fact been independent of Great Britain since 1910.
Independence, however, had been granted to a government wholly controlled by a white
settler minority, which represented less than 20 percent of the total population. The
country's black African majority had no political rights whatsoever within the central state.
Black South Africans' struggle therefore was against this internal opponent rather than
against a distant colonial authority. Economically, the most prominent whites were of British
descent. They or their forebears had come to South Africa during the nineteenth century,
when Great Britain was the ruling colonial power. But the politically dominant section of the
white community, known as Boers or Afrikaners, was descended from the early Dutch
settlers, who had arrived in the mid-seventeenth century. The term "Afrikaner" reflected
their image of themselves as "white Africans," permanent residents of the continent rather
than colonial intruders. Both groups of whites felt that their way of life and standard of
living were jeopardized by any move toward black African majority rule. This attitude from
this sizable and threatened settler community helps explain why African rule was delayed
until 1994.
A further unique feature of the South African situation was the overwhelming prominence
of race, expressed since 1948 in the official policy of apartheid, which attempted to separate
blacks from whites in every conceivable way while retaining Africans' as the labor in the
white-controlled economy. An enormous apparatus of repression enforced that system.
Rigid "pass laws" monitored and tried to control the movement of Africans into the cities,
where they were subjected to extreme forms of social segregation. In the rural areas, a
series of impoverished and overcrowded "native reserves," or Bantustans, served as ethnic
homelands that kept Africans divided along tribal lines.
Established in 1912, the African National Congress (ANC), like its Indian predecessor, was led
by male, educated, professional, and middle-class Africans who sought not to overthrow the
existing order, but to be accepted as "civilized men" within it. During the 1950s, a new and
younger generation of the ANC leadership, which now included Nelson Mandela, broadened
its base of support and launched nonviolent civil disobedience – boycotts, strikes,
demonstrations, and the burning of the hated passes that allI Africans were required to carry.
All of these actions were similar to and inspired by the tactics that Gandhi had pioneered in
South Africa and used in India twenty to thirty years earlier. The government of South Africa
responded with tremendous repression, including the shooting of sixty-nine unarmed
demonstrators at Sharpville in
1960, the banning of the ANC, and
the imprisonment of its leadership,
including Nelson Mandela.
Mandela became a political
prisoner, after being tried and
condemned by a white judicial
The ANC has never at any period of its history
advocated a revolutionary change in the
economic structure of the country, nor has it, to
the best of my recollection, ever condemned
capitalist society.
(Nelson Mandela)
system. After he was released
decades later in a changing South
African States, he became South African's first leader elected in a democratic non-Apartheid
state in 1994.
The combination of internal (violent resistance, mobilization of women, unionization of
black South African laborers) and external pressures (widespread condemnation of
Apartheid in the 1980s-1990s) persuaded many white South Africans by the late 1980s that
discussion with African nationalist leaders was the only alternative to a massive, bloody, and
futile struggle to preserve white privileges. The outcome was the abandonment of key
apartheid policies, the release of Nelson Mandela from prison, the legalization of the ANC,
and a prolonged process of negotiations that in 1994 resulted in national elections.

Transcribed Image Text:Nasser's Revolution
In the 1800s, the British helped build the Suez Canal, a waterway
by Egypt that helped provide Europe access to the Indian Ocean
without circumventing Africa. The British always held significant
control over the canal. However, in the mid-1900s the Egyptian
khedive overspent money. When Egypt's debts grew too large,
the British seized control of Egypt's finances and took over the
Canal in 1879. In 1884, the British army occupied Egypt, and for
the next 54 years, the British controlled Egypt as its protectorate,
or a weaker nation that kept its native ruler but was controlled by
the imperialist power. By the 1950s, there was a huge inequality
in land ownership in Egypt.
In 1952, a group of military officers led by Colonel
Gamal Abdel Nasser overthrew the king and took
control of the Egyptian government in a coup d'état, a
swift overthrow of a country's leaders. Nasser and his
fellow "Free Officers" wanted to end British
occupation and economic control, strengthen the
Egyptian army, and make social reforms. They were
very much against colonialism and any kind of foreign
control, but they were not strong believers in any
ideology, such as socialism, communism, or Muslim
restoration. In 1953, Nasser abolished the monarchy
and made Egypt a democracy (on paper.) Nasser ruled
as a dictator, and the Nasser led organization, the
Revolutionary Command Council (RCC) was the only
legal political party. Nasser's government outlawed both the Muslim Brotherhood and the
Egyptian Communist Party and imprisoned their leaders. Nasser gained much popularity by
introducing land reform, or the redistribution of farmland from the wealthy to the poor. In
1954, he negotiated a treaty with Great Britain to remove British troops from Egypt,
including the Suez Canal zone. In 1955, the British pulled out their troops.
In the Cold War, Nasser wanted to follow a policy of non-alignment, meaning that he did not
want to side with either the US or the Soviet Union. In the mid-1950s, the US was trying to
form an alliance called the Baghdad Pact - an alliance between Iraq, Iran, Turkey, the U.S.
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and Great Britain - to contain the Soviets from spreading into the Middle East. When the US
invited Egypt to join the Pact, Nasser refused, charging that the Pact was just another form
of imperialism and an attempt to keep Arabs dependent on the West. Nasser also publicly
condemned the alliance and urged other Arab nations not to join.
The majority of countries in the world were not aligned with either the Soviet Union or the
United States. They might have had good relations with one power or the other or with
both. Many developing countries played the superpowers against one another in a bid to
receive foreign aid from both. Founding members of the Non-Aligned Movement included
Marshal Tito's Yugoslavia, Jawaharlal Nehru's India, Kwame Nkrumah's Ghana, Gamal Abdel
Nasser's Egypt, and Sukarno's Indonesia'. Most of the member nations were developing
countries of Asia and Africa that wished to avoid becoming involved in the Cold War and
wanted to work for world peace and cooperation as well as their own nation's best interests.
Nasser and the Suez Canal
Nasser also wanted money, to buy weapons and build development projects, such as the
Aswan dam on the Nile River. The US gave lots of weapons to its Baghdad Pact allies, Turkey,
Iran, Pakistan and Iraq, but refused to give or sell any to Nasser.
Nasser applied for World Bank funding to build a second dam at Aswan on the Nile River.
The World Bank is an international financial institution that was created at the conclusion of
World War Il intending for the international community to work together to provide large
loans to countries. The World Bank had approved a loan package which included funding
from the US. In 1956, the US withdrew its loan offer, and used its influence with the World
Bank to kill the entire loan. Now Nasser was furious.
On July 26, 1956, Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal. This meant that the Suez Canal
Company would become the property of the Egyptian government, which would control and
operate the canal. Because France and Britain did not want Nasser to control the canal, they
protested that an international authority to control the Suez Canal.
United Nations
The United Nations was an international organization created by the Allies after World War II
dedicated to keeping world peace (similar to the League of Nations after World War I). The
commitment to establish a new international organization derived from Allied cooperation
during the war. In 1944 representatives from China, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and the
United States finalized most of the proposals for the organization in Washington, D.C. The
final version of the United Nations charter was hammered out by delegates from fifty
nations at the United Nations Conference in San Francisco in 1945. The United Nations was
dedicated to maintaining international peace and security and promoting friendly relations
among the world's nations.
However, during the Cold War it became a battleground between Cold War superpowers.
Even though nations across the globe joined it, the WWII Allies had given themselves a lot of
power within the organization. France, Great Britain, China, the Soviet Union, and the
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