W AutoSave Off ▾ Document1 - Word Search File Home Insert Draw Design Layout References Mailings Review View Help Times New Roman 12 A A Aa ▾ 酒 Paste BIU ab A v Ро A E✓ += ་ Normal [= ▾ 魚 Clipboard ly Font Гу Paragraph No Spacing Heading Heading 2 Title Styles High demand (60 percent chance): £1,500 million - £100 million (cost) = £1,400 million can be produced. 40% probability of low demand results in £500 million - £100 million (cost) = £400 million. Refurbishing another plant is an option if the bid fails (30% chance) or if the company chooses not to bid. The refurbishment outcomes are: Upgrading an already-existing facility (£750 million, or £500 million in the event of a lost bid): 50% probability of a 5% yield. 10% return with a 50% chance. Calculated the expected values: Bidding for the Site and Building a New Plant: loss of £92 million. Bidding for the Site and Moving the Existing Plant: loss of £50 million. Refurbishing an Existing Plant with £750 million Initially: £56.25 million. Refurbishing an Existing Plant with £500 million After a Failed Bid: £112.5 million. These calculations suggest that the company would be better off concentrating on renovating an existing plant rather than putting in a bid for the industrial site. This option guarantees a positive return on investment and eliminates the risks related to the bid and the construction/movement of plants. 841 words English (United Kingdom) Text Predictions: On Accessibility: Investigate Q Search Page 4 of 5 FTSE 350 +1.03% < > >> ☑ Irfanullah Musazai IM o ☑ Editing Share Comments Find v Replace Dictate Editor Add-ins Select Editing Voice Editor Add-ins Focus 110% 12:25 12/04/2024 PRE O Search ་ Normal References Mailings Review View Help W AutoSave Off 周り Document1 - Word File Home Insert Draw Design Layout Times New Roman ✓ 12 A A Aa A LG Paste BI Uab ×₂ x² A ✓ A ✓ Clipboard Font √☑ Paragraph ly EV: £56.25m Refurbish start initially BID(£750m) No Spacing Heading Heading 2 Title Bid won(70%) Refurbish New Plant Styles Move Plant Bid lost(30%) EV: £1400m HIGH Demand EV: £250m LOW Demand HIGH Demand LOW Demand EV: £1400m EV: £400m Irfanullah Musazai IM 0 X Comments Find ▾ Editing Share Replace Editor Dictate ΙΠΠ Add-ins Select ly Editing Voice Editor Add-ins | > | > English (United Kingdom) Text Predictions: On The Site and Plant Decision Bidding Process The company will have to choose between moving the current plant and building a new one if the bid is successful (there is a 70% chance of success). The demand determines each choice's expected value (EV): constructing a new plant at a cost of £250 million: Excessive demand (60 percent chance): Produces £1,500 million plus an extra £150 million in production - £250 million in costs = £1,400 million. Low demand (probability of 40%): Produces £500 million less the cost of £250 million, or £250 million. Relocating the current plant will cost £100 million. High demand (60 percent chance): £1,500 million - £100 million (cost) = £1,400 million can Accessibility: Investigate Page 4 of 5 841 words 19°C Mostly cloudy Q Search W DFocus 110% 12:25 12/04/2024 PRE
hello so i got a question from my teacher and wanna make sure its correct
here is the question:
A company is considering the strategy to further expand its activity into a foreign market it recently accessed. The foreign government has announced that a new industrial site will be offered for sale on a competitive tender basis, the site going to the company making the highest bid. The multinational has a good experience with this type of auctions, and – based on its assessment – it decides that if it is to bid for the site, it will place a bid of £750 million. In the past, 70 percent of the company’s bids for such type of projects have been successful.
The marketing department indicates that expansions of the multinational’s foreign market activity can be expected to generate revenue of around £1,500 million if
If the company is successful in its bid, it will also have to decide whether to construct a new plant for the site or to move an existing plant which has proven to be inefficient. Building the new plant from scratch costs £250 million, while moving the existing plant costs around £100 million. However, in case demand proves to be high, the new plant, equipped with state-of-the-art technology, would boost production by an additional £150 million.
The same multinational company is also under pressure to refurbish another of its existing plants. The £750 million could be used for this purpose, instead. If the money is used for refurbishment, there is a 50 percent chance of increasing efficiency to generate a return of 5 percent on the £750, and a 50 percent chance of generating a return of 10 percent. If the decision to refurbish takes place after the bid has been made and failed, £500 million will be invested for refurbishment.
1)Construct a decision tree for this problem and suggest a suitable decision for management
2)What is the maximum bid the company should consider? What is the value of perfect information about foreign market demand?
3)Can you explain why and how your answer in part A would change, if management had different attitude to risk (pessimistic vs optimistic)?
In picture 1 and 2 are my answers i am not sure if they are correct.

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