In the reaction p + 19F -> a + 160, the masses are: m(p) = 1.007825 u, m(a) = 4.002603 u, m(F) = 18.998405 u, m(0) = 15.994915 u. Calculate the Q of the reaction from these data.
Q: Calculate the difference in the binding energy (in MeV) between He (atomic mass = 3.016029 u) and H…
A: Mass of He3 =3.016029 u Mass of H3 = 3.016049 u Mass of H1 = 1.007825 u Mass of neutron =…
Q: What amount of extra kinetic energy will be released in the reaction n + 235U → 93R6+ 9³RB+141 Cs +…
A: Q value represents excess energy of a nuclear reaction: Q = Kf - Ki or in terms of massQ = ∆Mi -…
Q: The following masses are known: n (neutron) 1.008665 u H Fe 1.007825 u 56.935399 u What is the…
A: Thank you
Q: A positive pion (π+, mass: m = 2.50 × 10-28 kg) at rest decays into a positive muon (μ+, mass: m₁ =…
A: Mass of positive pion, 𝑚𝜋=2.50×10−28𝑘𝑔Mass of positive muon, 𝑚𝜇=1.88×10−28𝑘𝑔Using the…
Q: In the analysis of a nuclear reaction, seientists identify the rest masses of all reactants and…
A: the reaction energy
Q: For the radioactive decay of radium-226, ²²Ra → 222Rn + He, calculate AE in 226 88 86 kilojoules…
Q: Nuclear fusion can happen when a carbon nucleus of mass 12u fuses with a hydrogen nucleus of mass…
A: Given, mass of carbon nucleus, mc=12 u mass of hydrogen atoms, mH=1.00782 u mass of nitrogen formed…
Q: A state-of-the-art proton decay experiment is expected to detect 44% of the proton decays in a body…
Q: In this nuclear reaction F + il the atomic mass of H is 1.007825 u, the atomic mass of 0 is…
Q: Consider the following nuclear reaction 189F → 188O + 01e + ν and determine the Q value or total…
A: Given: The atomic mass of 189F is 18.0009 u. The atomic mass of 188O is 17.9992 u. The mass of 01e…
Q: Calculate the energy released in the fusion reaction H+H He + n. The atomic mass of H (tritium) is…
Q: Consider the reaction 92 La + 57 Br + 35 n. Element Atomic Mass (u) 235 U 235.043923 92 1.008665 148…
A: Solution: As per the given data,
Q: A 1.67*10^-27 kg neutron is traveling at (8.0x10^6) m/s. How many Joules of kinetic energy does it…
A: Given: The mass of the neutron is 1.67x10-27 kg. The speed of the neutron is 8x106 m/s.
Q: Calculate the amount of energy released or absorbed in each step of the PPI reaction chain. Use…
A: First we write the reaction H23e + H23e →H24e + 2 H11 + Q where Q is the energy released or absorbed…
Q: Consider the following decay: 223 Fr- 219 At + a. 223 Fr has a mass of 223.0197359 u, 219 At has a…
A: (a) The disintegration energy be calculated as,
Q: Consider the decay of 235U → 231Th → 231Pa, with a half-life of 7.038x108 years for 235U and 25.5…
A: Given that:U 235→ Th 231→ Pa231 (Stable)T12, parent=T1=7.038×108 yearsT12, daughter=T2=25.5…
Q: In the reaction "He + °Ben+ 12C how much energy is released or absorbed? The mass of "He is…
A: At first, we will find the mass defect, and then we will find the equivalent energy.
Q: What is the binding energy, in amu, of 13C? Masses are: proton = 1.00728 amu, neutron = 1.00867 amu,…
A: Given,mass of proton, mp = 1.00728 amumass of neutron, mn = 1.00867 amumass of electron, me =…
Q: (Q5): How much energy is released in the following nuclear reaction: n+ U→Sr + Xe + 12 n 136 38…
Q: A star with a large helium abundance can burn helium in the reaction He + He + He → ?C. Q-value for…
Q: A positron and an electron can annihilate each other and form 3 gammas. Two gammas are detected.…
A: Given data: Energy for first gamma E1 = 225 keV Energy for second gamma E2 = 357 keV
Q: Calculate the sum of the kinetic energies, in MeV, shared among the three outgoing alpha particles.…
Q: The 226Ra nucleus undergoes alpha decay according to the reaction: 226Ra --> 22286Rn + 42He Take…
A: The 226Ra nucleus undergoes alpha decay according to the reaction: 226Ra --> 22286Rn + 42He Take…
Q: The decay of 238U to 206 Pb has a half life of 4.46 Giga-years (billions of years, Gy). A rock is…
A: I hope this helps. Feel free to comment with further queries.
Q: A neutral rho particle decays from rest into two pions through the following decay reaction: The…
Q: The following experimental data were obtained from the reaction A + B → C: experiment| [A] (М) | [B…
A: 2. Rate law equation:dxdt=kAmBn-----(1)From the above…
Q: Calculate the reaction Q-valueof the following reaction: 7Li + α à n + 10 [The masses of the…
A: Calculate the reaction Q-valueof the following reaction: 7Li + α à n + 10 [The masses of the…
Q: Calculate the energy released in the following nuclear fission reaction: 239Pu + n → 98Tc + 138Sb +…
Q: A standard nuclear power plant generates 3.0 GWGW of thermal power from the fission of 235U235U.…
A: Step 1:Given data:The power generated by the thermal power plant is P=300×109WThe mass lost during…
Q: Please please please answer as fast as possible please Answer super super fast
A: We know, here we first have to calculate the mass lost and energy released in the reaction. Mass…
Q: If a particle has a decay time of 2ms, what is its decay time if it is moving at 1.5x10^8 m/s?
A: The given values are,
Q: A nuclear fusion reaction in the Sun converts 4 H nuclei to 1 He-4 nucleus. Each Hydrogen nuclei is…
A: The nuclear fusion reaction can be shown as, 4 H atoms →1 He atom Given, the mass of the hydrogen…
Q: 3 1 Consider the nuclear reaction H +H →, He + 2, n. The known atomic masses are He: 4.002603 u 2 H:…
Q: The fusion reaction shown is part of the proton-proton chain that occurs in the core of the sun.
Q: Known the rest energy for (233,92 U) is E_u=233.039u, with 1u=931.5MeV. he rest energies for one…
A: Rest mass of U92 = 233.039 u Rest energy of proton = 938.27 MeV Rest energy of neutron = 939.56 MeV…
Q: The intensity of cosmic ray radiation decreases rapidly with increasing energy, but there are…
A: The cosmic ray particle energy,
Q: A sample of 23/892U is decaying at a rate of 4.00×10^2 decays/s . What is the mass of the sample?

Step by step
Solved in 2 steps

- What is the binding energy of 12C? The mass of an atom of 12C is 12 u (exactly), of an atom of 'H is 1.007825 u, and of a neutron is 1.0086649 u.An electron-positron collider runs with symmetric beam energies of E(e^+) = E(e^−) = 102 GeV.At each orbit ∆E = 2.2 GeV has to be replaced for each beam particle by the accelerating units.The accelerator has 24 units available; each unit can replace an energy of ∆E = 100 MeV perorbit. a). The researchers want to create the Standard-Model Higgs boson but don’t know its massyet. Argue why the production rate via the direct process e +e− → H is negligible and name the process which can be used instead. Draw a Feynman diagram of this process. State the mechanism responsible for the energy loss and state how the energy loss per orbit scales with the beam energy. b). Name two possible final states of this process and how they can be detected in a modernparticle detector, which consists of a tracker, an EM calorimeter, a hadronic calorimeterand a muon system in radial direction. Calculate the maximum mass of the Higgs Boson, which the experiment can create c). When no Higgs is found in the…In the fusion reaction H+H He + n the masses of deuteron, helium and neutron express ed in amu are 2.015, 3.017 and 1.009 respectively. If 1 kg of deuterium undergoes complete fusion, find the amount of total energy released. 1 amu = 931.5 MeV/c.
- The mass of the anti-neutrino is negligible. The mass of the neutral version of the daughter atom (that's the one that the scandium decays into) is 45.952627 u, while the mass of a scandium-46 atom is 45.955167 u. If you need it, the mass of an electron or positron is 0.0005486 u. Also, 1 u when converted to energy gives an energy of 931.5 MeV. Calculate the kinetic energy carried off by the decay products in this particular decay. d MeVeThe mass of 'H is 1.007825 u and the mass of 'n is 1.008665 u. The mass of 12C is 12.000000 u. What is the total binding energy of 12C? 0.099 MeV 7.7 MeV 92 MeV 46 MeV 15 MeVConsider the following decay: 232 U 92 a mass of 4.002603 u. 228 Th+ a. 232 U has a mass of 232.0371562 u, 228 Th has a mass of 228.0287411 u, and a has 90 92 90 A.) Determine the disintegration energy (Q-value) in MeV. Q= B.) Determine the KE of the daughter in MeV. KED= C.) Determine the KE of the a particle in MeV & as a factor of Q. KE= KE=Qx D.) Determine the speed of the particle in terms of c. For an a particle, E = 3.727 GeV. [NOTE: G stands for giga- which means 10º & M stands for mega- which means 106.] Vα = XC
- Consider the following a-decay of the Uranium nucleus 236 U → 332Th + a. 90 (a) Show how the mass number (Aa) and atomic number (Za) of the alpha particle are obtained from this equation. (b) Calculate the Q-value (Qa) of the reaction. (c) Calculate the speed va = √2MQ of the alpha particle after it has been ejected from the parent nucleus, in terms of the speed of light c. M = -, mp and ma are the atomic masses (ma+mp) x ma mp of the daugher nucleus and the alpha particle, respectively. (d) Calculate the classical turning radius Re= 2Zpe²/Qa, where Zp is the atomic number of the daughter nucleus, and e² = 1.44 MeV. fm. (e) Calculate the decay probability Pa that the alpha particle will tunnel through the barrier. HINT: In calculating the probability, use the fact that ħc=197.327 MeV fm. The formula to use is given on page 5.A beam of 6.76 MeV protons is incident on a target of 2713Al. Those that collide produce the following reaction. p + 2713Al 2714Si +1 + n (Neutral 2714Si has mass 26.986705 u.) Ignoring any recoil of the product nucleus, determine the kinetic energy of the emerging neutrons. answer in MeVUranium-235 is used as a nuclear fuel for Canadian made CANDU nuclear power plants. During one such fission reaction, a uranium-235 atom is split by a fast moving neutron to produce krypton-92, barium-141 and an unknown number of neutrons. Determine the number of neutrons produced by this reaction, record that value in blank #1. Determine the energy released by the reaction, rounded to the nearest whole MeV, record that in blank #2. Isotope Uranium-235 Krypton-92 Barium-141 Neutron Mass (u) 235.043930 91.92345 140.91440 1.008665
- A particle of mass m, is fired at a stationary particle of mass mg, and a reaction takes place in which new particles are created out of the incident kinetic energy. Taken together, the product particles have total mass mg. The minimum kinetic energy the bombarding particle must have so as to induce the reaction is called the threshold energy. At this energy, the kinetic energy of the products is a minimum, so the fraction of the incident kinetic energy that is available to create new particles is a maximum. This condition is met when all the product particles have the same velocity and the particles have no kinetic energy of motion relative to one another. (a) By using conservation of relativistic energy and momentum and the relativistic energy-momentum relation, show that the threshold kinetic energy is [m- (m, + m,)*]c² K. min 2m, Calculate the threshold kinetic energy for each of the following reactions: (b) p + p → p + p + p + p (one of the initial protons is at rest, and…The mass of a sample is 0.91 u. What is its mass in MeV/c2?Outside the nucleus, the neutron itself is radioactive and decays into a proton, an electron, and an antineutrino. The half-life of a neutron (mass = 1.675 × 10-27 kg) outside the nucleus is 10.4 min. On average, over what distance x would a beam of 7.04-eV neutrons travel before the number of neutrons decreased to 75.0% of its initial value? Ignore relativistic effects. X = i