Implement Stratified sampling. Given training data, class labels and the fraction of validation data per class 'test_size'. Write a method to sample train data, test data, train labels and test labels such that each class has 'test_size' fraction of data/labels for validation and 1-test_size fraction of data/labels for training.
Q: use the design pattern for collecting objects. We are going to model a Orchard with trees. An…
A: Actually, java is a object oriented programming language. It is a platform independent.
Q: For this exercise, we are going to look at how we can create a .equals method. Remember, to compare…
A: import java.util.Scanner; public class Main{ public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner…
Q: Problem 3 Make a python class called CellPhone. The init() method for CellPhone needs to store two…
A: In the given python , we need to define the python class with following attributes : brand model…
Q: You have been hired by a local grocery store in order to update and expand the CashRegister Class…
A: #pythone code: #defining the classclass CashRegister: #defiing the init function and initializng…
Q: use java to Design and implement a class named MyPoint to represent a point with x- and…
A: CODE :- class MyPoint { public double a; public double b; public double a() {…
Q: Implement any one of the following methods. That will be a good exercise for you if you choose to…
A: Given The answer is given below.
Q: Given a class Square with an instance variable width, provide a recursive getArea method. Construct…
A: public class Main{ public static void main(String[] args) { new Square(5).getArea(); //create…
Q: 'add_car.' This method should facilitate the addition of custom cars to the inventory. The method…
A: In this scenario, we are enhancing the functionality of the CarInventory class to accommodate custom…
Q: Implement a class named Parade using an ArrayList, which will manage instances of class Clown. Each…
A: Implement a class named Parade using an ArrayList, which will manage instances of class Clown. Each…
Q: Write a code in JAVA for storing information of Employee using array. Employee attributes for…
A: Array of class type : An array is a collection of the homogenous data type. Arrays are two types…
Q: Imagine you are reading in a stream of integers. Periodically, you wish to be able to look up the…
A: Since the programming language is not mentioned, I have done the code using Java.
Q: Implement the Solver class. In doing so, you are allowed to define other classes to help you (as…
A: Define the Solver class with a solve method that takes a 5-by-5 boolean array representing the…
Q: Assignment 2 Make a new class called Buffet which posses all the methods and attributes of the…
A: Given:
Q: Pls do fast i will rate instantly for sure Try to give solution in typed form... Consider a banking…
A: In this question we have to write JAVA program for the BankAccount, CheckingAccount, and…
Q: box1 and box2 are instances of the Box class. Attributes length, width, and height of both box1 and…
A: The objective of the question is to define an instance method in the Box class that prints the…
Q: 2. Write a class Comparisons whose main method tests your largest method above. • First prompt the…
A: import java.util.Scanner; class Compare3 { // defination for compare largest public static…
Q: Add a private method simplify() to your Fraction class that converts a fraction to its simplest…
A: Objective: According to the given question, we need to add two methods to simplify the objects of…

Step by step
Solved in 4 steps with 2 images

- Create the compareTo method for a class that represents an individual whose first and last names are stored as two Strings. In an alphabetical list of people with last names first and then first names, one individual is "less than" another if they come before the other.(as is typical).Complete the Course class by implementing the courseSize() method, which returns the total number of students in the course. Given classes: Class LabProgram contains the main method for testing the program. Class Course represents a course, which contains an ArrayList of Student objects as a course roster. (Type your code in here.) Class Student represents a classroom student, which has three fields: first name, last name, and GPA. Ex. For the following students: Henry Bendel 3.6 Johnny Min 2.9 the output is: Course size: 2 public class LabProgram { public static void main (String [] args) { Course course = new Course(); // Example students for testing course.addStudent(new Student("Henry", "Bendel", 3.6)); course.addStudent(new Student("Johnny", "Min", 2.9)); System.out.println("Course size: " + course.courseSize()); } } public class Student { private String first; // first name private String last; // last name private…Complete the Team class implementation. For the instance method get_win_percentage(), the formula is:team_wins / (team_wins + team_losses)
- Implement the Solver class. In doing so, you are allowed to define other classes to help you (as well as use “built-in” Java classes or the book’s classes). The point of the solver class is the solve method which takes a board/puzzle configuration represented as a 2D array of booleans and returns a char array containing a minimal sequence of moves that will lead to the solved board (all the cells around the edges being filled). The board configuration is passed in as a 5-by-5 boolean array of Booleans with exactly 16 true cells (filled) and 9 false cells (empty). The solve method then returns an array of characters representing a minimal sequence of moves that solves the puzzle. In other words, if the characters from the returned array are used in order as input to the move method on the Board object representing the initial configuration, the resulting board configuration represents the solved board. Furthermore, the solution must be minimal in the sense that there are no solutions…Write tests and implementwrite a program (its name should be that first reads an integer, N, for the number of responses from students and then creates an array of N elements of type int to store the responses. Use SecureRandom to generate N random integers of values between 3 and 10 inclusive as the response values (i.e., the survey values) for the array. The program should print out the distribution of the survey like the following outputs. public class StudentPoll {public static void main(String[] args) {// student response array (more typically, input at runtime)int[] responses = {1, 2, 5, 4, 3, 5, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 14};int[] frequency = new int[6]; // array of frequency counters // for each answer, select responses element and use that value// as frequency index to determine element to increment for (int answer = 0; answer < responses.length; answer++) { try { ++frequency[responses[answer]]; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.out.println(e); //…
- Lab 6 - Exercise 2. Write a test driver that reads data about two surgeons and print the specialization of the doctor with the highest salary using the method that compares the salary of surgeons. A Doctor class has the following private data members, constructor, and public methods: name (String) salary (int) End of document I A constructor without parameters, A constructor with parameters, A set method for the data variables (one method) A get method for each data members. A method to print Doctor information A Surgeon is a subclass of Doctor with the following private data members, constructor, and public methods: specialization (String) degree (string) A constructor without parameters, A constructor with parameters, · A set method for the data variables (one method) · A get method for each data member. · A method to print all Surgeon information. · A method that compares the salary of two Surgeons and return the specialization of the doctor with the higher salary. 1. Implement the…Question 2, please. Returns a pair consisting of the max value in the AD, and of the set of keys that attain that value.Solve using OOP in Java.
- Use java and properly indent code.Extend the functionality of the Carinventory class by introducing a new method called 'add_car. This method should facilitate the addition of custom cars to the inventory. The method should take two parameters: a car model and its price. Implement this method to ensure that the inventory is updated accordingly. Instantiate a new object of the car inventory, naming it 'Auto Emporium,' utilizing the extended class with the newly added 'add_car' method. Your next step is to add three distinct custom cars to 'AutoEmporium'-for example, "Sleek Sedan,' 'Sporty Convertible,' and 'Luxury SUV: Assign varying prices to each of these cars. To conclude, utilize the 'display_inventory method to showcase the updated information about 'AutoEmporium." Verify that the output includes details about the newly added custom cars, ensuring that the prices are accurately reflected. This question tests the candidate's ability to implement a specific method, instantiate objects, add custom items, and…In Java, please. Complete the Course class by implementing the findStudentHighestGpa() method, which returns the Student object with the highest GPA in the course. Assume that no two students have the same highest GPA. Given classes: Class LabProgram contains the main method for testing the program. Class Course represents a course, which contains an ArrayList of Student objects as a course roster. (Type your code in here.) Class Student represents a classroom student, which has three fields: first name, last name, and GPA. (Hint: getGPA() returns a student's GPA.) Note: For testing purposes, different student values will be used. Ex. For the following students: Henry Nguyen 3.5 Brenda Stern 2.0 Lynda Robison 3.2 Sonya King 3.9 the output is: Top student: Sonya King (GPA: 3.9) import java.util.Scanner; public class LabProgram { public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner scnr = new Scanner(; Course course = new Course(); int…