Hello, Can you please help me with this question? What are the 6 leadership styles discussed in your Giddens eBook? Discuss key characteristics of each of the styles. TEST: Featured ExemplarsNurses experience situations in which ditterent leadership stvles are ettective and portraved. The exemplars presented here are likely to be encountered at ditterent times and serving ditterent DurposesAutocratic Leaders: Autocratic leaders make all decisions and are generally most concerned with the tasks to be accomplished. They maintain distance from their followers, motivating them th ough the overall goal or rewards as incentives. Traditionally, autocratic leadership was thought to be effective for leading new employees and large groups and for controlling work that needs to be coordinated among many departments. It is often used when a decision needs to be made quickly, as entioned previously, such as in emergenciesDemocratic Leaders: Democratic leaders involve followers in the decision-making process by using a participatory leadership stvle. The focus is on the followers for active participation. Democratic leadership is useful when the followers are experienced workers.particularlv when the expectation from the organization and the leader is active engagement and participation. It is effective when organizational success requires that followers are committed to the goal. Democratic leaders help followersdevelop technical and emotional maturity and provide the necessary recourses for success.Raissez-Faire Leaders: ILaissez-faire leaders do not interfere with employees and their work. They stand at a distance, giving followers freedom to make decisions and accomplish their work. They may provide minimal information to followers and have little munication with them about their work. Occasionallv. laissez-faire leaders must intervene and decide when a crisis develons. This leadershin stvle works hest when followers are highlv exnerienced in their work. but it can result in employee apathy, inefficiency, chaos, and job dissati the laissez-faire style may not be perceived as empowering, it does allow followers an opportunity to empower themselves and result in an increase in team learning. IOTransactionalLeaders: Transactional leaders tocus on the daily operations of an organization and develop an exchange relationship with their tollowers. The transaction entails rewarding tollowers when they pertorm andcorrecting them when necessarvTransactional leaders focus on getting things done and satisfving their own and their followers' self-interests.Transformational Leaders: Transformational leaders use approaches that change or transform individuals. They inspire and intellectually stimulate followers and recognize their contributions. Expectatone ared often challenge tollowers assumptions about what can be attained. They communicate an organizational vision to their followers, moving them to accomplish more than expected. Their focus is long term and involves developing people and organizations. The more followers perceive their leaders as transtormational, the more motivated and empowered they feel 1n decision makingAuthentic Leaders: Authentic leaders are transparent and ethical in their dealings with followers. They are genuine, empathic, reliable, and believable. They are perceived by others to be open, optimistic, warm, and respectful. They focus on establishing that embody trust and show commi ment to ine• development of their followersShared LeadershipLA tve ot leadership associated with work teams is shared leadership. an approach in which emplovees are empowered to distribute leadership responsibilities broadlv within a group. Thev lead one another to achieve a goal. Shared leadership: is ettective with protessionals and with project-tocused workgroups. It is highly interactive and enables employees to develop their skills and protessionalism.
Can you please help me with this question?
- What are the 6 leadership styles discussed in your Giddens eBook? Discuss key characteristics of each of the styles.
Featured Exemplars
Nurses experience situations in which ditterent leadership stvles are ettective and portraved. The exemplars presented here are likely to be encountered at ditterent times and serving ditterent Durposes
Autocratic Leaders: Autocratic leaders make all decisions and are generally most concerned with the tasks to be accomplished. They maintain distance from their followers, motivating them th ough the overall goal or rewards as incentives. Traditionally, autocratic leadership was thought to be effective for leading new employees and large groups and for controlling work that needs to be coordinated among many departments. It is often used when a decision needs to be made quickly, as entioned previously, such as in emergencies
Democratic Leaders: Democratic leaders involve followers in the decision-making process by using a participatory leadership stvle. The focus is on the followers for active participation. Democratic leadership is useful when the followers are experienced workers.
particularlv when the expectation from the organization and the leader is active engagement and participation. It is effective when organizational success requires that followers are committed to the goal. Democratic leaders help followers
develop technical and emotional maturity and provide the necessary recourses for success.Raissez-Faire Leaders: ILaissez-faire leaders do not interfere with employees and their work. They stand at a distance, giving followers freedom to make decisions and accomplish their work. They may provide minimal information to followers and have little munication with them about their work. Occasionallv. laissez-faire leaders must intervene and decide when a crisis develons. This leadershin stvle works hest when followers are highlv exnerienced in their work. but it can result in employee apathy, inefficiency, chaos, and job dissati the laissez-faire style may not be perceived as empowering, it does allow followers an opportunity to empower themselves and result in an increase in team learning. IO
TransactionalLeaders: Transactional leaders tocus on the daily operations of an organization and develop an exchange relationship with their tollowers. The transaction entails rewarding tollowers when they pertorm and
correcting them when necessarv
Transactional leaders focus on getting things done and satisfving their own and their followers' self-interests.
Transformational Leaders: Transformational leaders use approaches that change or transform individuals. They inspire and intellectually stimulate followers and recognize their contributions. Expecta
tone ared often challenge tollowers assumptions about what can be attained. They communicate an organizational vision to their followers, moving them to accomplish more than expected. Their focus is long term and involves developing people and organizations. The more followers perceive their leaders as transtormational, the more motivated and empowered they feel 1n decision making
Authentic Leaders: Authentic leaders are transparent and ethical in their dealings with followers. They are genuine, empathic, reliable, and believable. They are perceived by others to be open, optimistic, warm, and respectful. They focus on establishing that embody trust and show commi ment to ine
• development of their followers
Shared Leadership
LA tve ot leadership associated with work teams is shared leadership. an approach in which emplovees are empowered to distribute leadership responsibilities broadlv within a group. Thev lead one another to achieve a goal. Shared leadership: is ettective with protessionals and with project-tocused workgroups. It is highly interactive and enables employees to develop their skills and protessionalism.

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