> make -s > ./main Original array contents: 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Updated array contents: 191 1 1 101 1 1 63 1 1 21
Q: Flood Fill Description: An image is represented by a 2-D array of integers, each integer…
Q: EXTRA CREDIT LAB: DUE Tuesday, June 22, 2021, before 10 AM Design and Implement a MODIFICATION/…
Q: In this assignment you are to use pointers to manipulate dynamically created arrays. An array's name…
A: Below I have provided a c++program for the given question. Also, I have attached a screenshot of the…
Q: Ac++ application that takes five user inputs and stores them in an array before passing them to a…
A: Introduction: The C++ software shown below will adhere to the following criteria: Including the…
Q: Write a recursive function that returns True if the numerical array passed as input is palindrome,…
A: Palindrome number is the number that remains the same when its digits get reversed. The function…
Q: C++ Programming: Design a class to perform various matrix operations. A matrix is a set of numbers…
A: Introduction: Here is the class to perform matrix operations. A matrix is a set of numbers arranged…
Q: EXTRA CREDIT LAB: DUE Tuesday, June 22, 2021, before 10 AM Design and Implement a MODIFICATION/…
A: Given:
Q: Write a function void switchEnds(int *array, int size);that is passed the address of the beginning…
A: Function: void exchange(int *p, int *q){int temp = *p;*p = *q;*q = temp;}
Q: In this assignment you are to use pointers to manipulate dynamically created arrays. An array's name…
A: Below I have provided a c++program for the given question. Also, I have attached a screenshot of the…
Q: Write the procedure called Kstrcpy with the following comment block. // Given: Source array of…
A: Step 1 : STARTStep 2 : declare variablesStep 3 : implement Kstrcpy, Kstrlen, Average_sum…
Q: If Arr is an array of doubles and pZoom is a pointer to that array, which statement refers to the…
A: & is the referencing operator which is used to get the address whereas * is dereferencing…
Q: 1. Player 1 will roll three dice and player 2 will roll two dice. 2. The highest number rolled for…
A: Program Code: #include<stdio.h>main(){ int a1,a2,a3,d1,d2,highest_a,shighest_a; int…
Q: DESIGN YOUR OWN SETTING Task 5: Devise your own setting for storing and searching the data in an…
A: Using the RAID 1 (Redundant Array of Independent Discs) technology, we will store the data…
Q: DESIGN YOUR OWN SETTING Task: Devise your own setting for storing and searching the data in an…
A: As per the quidelines, I would be able to provide answer for first three parts of the…
Q: Suzie Lunux is one of 10 students in her class; she was out the day the final exam was given; later…
A: Java code: import java.util.Scanner;public class Main { public static int[] changeGrade(int[]…
Q: Problem Statement Average function: Please complete the following function. The function has two…
A: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int average(int array[], int size) { int sum = 0;…
Q: and output txt file name. The input text file will have exactly 10 lines. Each line will have: 1-…
A: Actually, array is a collection of elements.
Q: Written in code C and with clear and concise comments Extend your addition, subtraction,…
A: Code: #include<stdio.h>int main() { float a,b; printf("Please enter the first number:…
Q: In PERL programming we need to crearte this code: we ca use either (file, references to array, hash,…
A: In summary, the provided Perl module Invitation.pm defines a subroutine send_invitations that…
Q: ASSEMBLY It is preferable to pass Arrays by reference when calling subroutines. True False
A: Given data is shown below: It is preferable to pass Arrays by reference when calling subroutines.
Q: Part 3: JavaScript - Program Outline, and Startup Function We are going to use a function,…
Q: In C programming: Write a main() function using the following requirements: • Define a SIZE…
A: Step 1: Declare a const SIZE that stores 5. Step 2: Declare a struct course that stores the name of…
Q: Create a partially-full array that can hold up to 1000 (x,y) coordinate pairs. In order to do this,…
A: Actually, array is a collection of elements.
The Secure Array(use C programming)
• A programmer that you work with, Peter, is a jerk.
• He is responsible for an array [theArray] that is a key part of an important
program and he maintains a sum of the array values at location [0] in the array.
• He won't give you access to this array; however, your boss has told you that you
need to get input from the user and then place it into the array.
• Each evening Peter will scan the code and remove any illegal references to his
• Using pointers, access Peter's array without him knowing it and place three
values that you got from the user (101, 63, 21) at locations 3, 6, and 9.
Recalculate the sum value and update it.

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- C#C++ Get a value from the user and using a loop, search for the value in the array. Report all the index locations where it is found Report if it is not found anywhere This is part 4 of an ongoing assignment RandArray which consisted of assigning 20 integers with a random value. I am not sure how to write this out so it matches the output ( in the attached pictures ). I have attached the starter code to this problem as well as my code for part 3 which was correct. Thank you ( STARTER CODE ) #include <iostream>using namespace std; #include <cstdlib> // required for rand() int main(){// Put Part3 code here //Part 4// ask cout << "Enter value to find: ";// look through the array. // If it is found:// print // Found 55 at index 12 // if it is not found after looking at all the elements, // print // 0 is not found in randArray } _______________________________________________________________________ ( PART 3 CODE ) #include <iostream> using…Help with writing a program a C program implements a bubble sort algorith on an array of integers, and use command line paramameters to populate an array with data. The program should follow below guidelines if possible: If there are no command-line arguments at all when the program is run, the program should print out instructions on its use (a "usage message"). There should be one common usage message (consider a method/function for printing the usage message) for any type of usage error. The program will accept an A or D as the second command line argument (after the program name). This letter will tell you whether the bubble sort should sort in ascending or descending fashion. Anything other than A or D in that position should display the usage message and terminate the program. The program will be able to accept up to 32 numbers (integers) on the command line. If there are more than 32 numbers on the command line, or no numbers at all, the program should print out the usage…
- How difficult is it to duplicate a collection of shared pointers into another array while using the C++ programming language? Create a list of the several approaches you may use to tackle the issue that has been presented to you. Is it the case that copying a shared pointer also copies the objects that it controls? ExplainPython only** define the following function: 1. This function must add a task to a checklist, setting its initial value to False. It will accept two parameters: the checklist object to add to, and the task name to add. In addition to adding the task, it must return the (now modified) checklist object that it was given. There is one issue, however: a task cannot be added to a checklist if the name requested is already being used by another task in that checklist. In that case, this function must print a specific message and must return None Define addTask with 2 parameters Use def to define addTask with 2 parameters Use a return statement Within the definition of addTask with 2 parameters, use return _ in at least one place. Do not use any kind of loop Within the definition of addTask with 2 parameters, do not use any kind of loop.10 Build the Sudoku Reviewer ( the testing program). The specification is below. Please note: you DO NOT have to build a Sudoku solver. To test you just need to build a class that generates a 9x9 2D array with the values you want to test. You can assume the value types are valid. (integers from 1-9). 1-The main purpose is to make sure the Sudoku solver actually solved it correctly! 2- You are also confirming the solver solves puzzle in no longer than a minute 3- Solver (not the reviewer) requires 7 INDICES (ELEMENTS) filled in the input array at least. 4- The reviewer receives both the original puzzle and the solution. The Reviewer needs to confirm the solution is not only a valid SudoKu solution but also the solution to the original puzzle. 5- Solver will return a 2d array filled with -1s if input array has an error/bad input (exception). Reviewer will check for this case.
- C++Revise the following Course class implementation in the following c++ code When adding a new student to the course, if the array capacity is exceeded, increase the array size by creating a new larger array and copying the contents of the current array to it. Implement the dropStudent function. Add a new function named clear() that removes all students from the course. Implement the destructor and copy constructor to perform a deep copy in the class. Write a test program that creates a course, adds three students, removes one, and displays the students in the course.C++ please
- In C++, how can one easily duplicate a set of shared pointers into another array? Make a list of various solutions to the situation you've been given. Is it true that copying shared pointers also copies the objects they manage? Explainjavascript only: This quarter, your team manager is awarding commission to anyone who closes a sale worth $15,000 or more! The commission amount will be 10% of the value of their largest sale. Anyone who does not make this large of a sale will receive the base commission of $500. Write a function `salesCommission(arr)` that takes an array of objects containing salesperson names and their largest sale, and returns the total amount of commission money that needs to be paid out to the team. Example: salespeople = [ { name: "Susan", largestSale: 3000 }, { name: "Brianna", largestSale: 20000 }, { name: "Dwayne", largestSale: 13000 }, { name: "Delilah", largestSale: 26000 }, { name: "Fernando", largestSale: 8000 }, ]; console.log(salesCommission(salespeople)); // 6100DESIGN YOUR OWN SETTING Task: Devise your own setting for storing and searching the data in an array of non-negative integers redundantly. You may just describe the setting without having to give an explicit algorithm to explain the process by which data is stored. You should explain how hardware failures can be detected in your method. Once you have described the setting, include the following to your answer: Write a pseudocode function to describe an algorithm where the stored data can be searched for a value key: if the data is found, its location in the original array should be returned; -1 should be returned if the data is not found; -2 should be returned if there is a data storage error Include a short commentary explaining why your pseudocode works Describe the worst-case and best-case inputs to your search algorithm Derive the worst-case and best-case running times for the search algorithm Derive the Theta notation for the worst-case and best-case running times