Flg. 1. Breast cancer families 1 to 7. Solid circles, females with breast cancer; open circles, fe- males without breast cancer; open squares, males without breast cancer. The age given for each woman is age at (first) breast can- cer diagnosis (dx) if affected, age at death if deceased (deceased in- dividuals are represented by diag- onal lines through symbols), or age at most recent interview if alive without breast cancer. Al-
How to calculate the recombination rate between the marker and the gene?
For example, how to calculate the recombination rate between the D17S74 marker and the breast cancer gene?

We are given the following probabilities:
P(woman will develop breast cancer gene) = 1/10
P(woman has mutation of D17S74 marker) = 1/550
P(woman will develop breast cancer gene| woman has mutation of D17S74 marker) =8/10
Now, we are asked to calculate the probability that a randomly selected woman will develop breast cancer gene given that she has a
mutation of the gene is given by:P(woman will develop breast cancer gene | woman has mutation of DS17S74) = 8/10 = 0.8
Now, we are asked to calculate the probability of a randomly selected woman carrying a mutation of the DS17S74 gene and that she will develop breast cancer too. This probability is given by.
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