Honey bees are visiting two food sites, A and B, at 6 AM in the morning, as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. Bees at site A are collecting pollen; those at site B are collecting nectar. When bees from site A return to the nest, they must find a cell in the wax combs and store the pollen (Fig. 3). Bees from site B pass their nectar to young Receiver Bees when they return to the nest (Fig. 4).
4. True or False: If foragers are still visiting site B at 10 AM, their waggle runs would be oriented 125 degrees to the right of vertical.
5. True or False: The ability of the foragers to track the passage of time and compensate for the movement of the sun is based on the biological clock located in the deuterocerebrum and involves a 24-hr period of cycling of the genes fem and am-dsx.
6. True or False: The pollen unloading behavior shown in Fig. 3 is a type of associative learning that involves conditioning of the proboscis extension reflex.

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