● Develop a simple hashtable with specified size (parameter) that accepts key-value pairs and stores them in an internal structure. The key has to be a string • Use your hash function from exercise 2 • The value can be an object • Demonstrate how your hashtable works with multiple inputs Implement add (key, value), get(key), and print () methods
Q: Think about the binary search tree, the hash table, and the linear array. When looking at overall…
A: Please find the answer below :
Q: Suppose we built a hash table for strings where the hash value (number) associated to each string is…
A: Hashing is a technique that uses a hash table for storing the values in an indexed manner. The hash…
Q: In Java Implement a queue, add data to the queue and display ouput using buil-in functions using…
A: Queue implementation: public class Main { int front, rear;int SIZE = 5;int items[] = new…
Q: Please answer in Java, thank you. The purpose of this assignment is to practice your knowledge of…
A: Start.Create a LinkedGrid class that represents a 2D grid implemented using linked nodes.The grid is…
Q: Implement in Python a double-ended queue (deque): A double-ended queue is a data structure (ordered…
A: Solution: Given, Implement the requested structure using a single linked list, which implements…
Q: what is the correct formula for the load factor?
A: The load factor is the proportion of the array's size to the number of entries in the hash table.…
Q: Design and implement a method to return the index of the smallest value in in arr. Example 1: Input:…
A: The Given Program is implemented in Java: SOURCE CODE: 1. import java.util.*; 2. public class Main…
Q: Complete the implementations of the abstract class LinkedList.java, which implements the List.java…
A: You are asked to create the implementations of LinkedList.java and LinkedOrderedList.java…
Q: Use Java to create an implementation of a stack and a queue using a singly linked list. Please note…
A: Step 1: Declare node that stores data and reference to next node. Step 2: Declare class Stack.…
Q: Question 1: Explain what is meant by "time complexity". Explain why it can be helpful to measure the…
A: Data structures are used to manage, store and retrieve the data efficiently in the computer memory.…
Q: Write a Java program that: • Defines a linked list data structure to represent a collection of…
A: Add method:- Create a new node with the given data.- If the list is empty, set the new node as the…
Q: mplement the abstract data type Queue using a linked list (from previous worksheets). he operations…
A: CODE : class queuenode {public int data;public queuenode next; public queuenode(int data) {…
Q: Python: Graph Colouring A simple method to find a colouring of a graph, with vertices {0,1,…,?−1},…
A: In this question we have to write a code to implement and testing a greedy algorithm for graph…
Q: Implement a sort method public void sort() Implement any sort algorithm. Do not use any of Java's…
A: Start. Create a MyLinkedList class that extends AbstractList and uses generics. The MyLinkedList…
Q: The Min-priority Queue is an abstract data type (ADT) for maintaining a collection of elements, each…
A: I have answered this question in step 2.
Q: 1.- A certain university assigns each of its students student numbers the first time they register…
A: Given: 1.- A certain university assigns each of its students student numbers the first time they…
Q: Java Programming: There must be no errors at all & show output. Attached is rubric. Make…
A: Java is a high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language that is widely used for…
Q: implement a randomized queue where the item removed is chosen uniformly at random among items in the…
A: The algorithm of the code is given below:- 1. Create a Main class with a private Item array, int N,…
Q: Fill In The Blank The that an ArrayList gets, the more difficult it is for a computer to handle…
A: In Java programming language, Array is a set of elements that elements are homogeneous which means…
Q: An algorithm is a step-by-step method by which elements of the desired input set are mapped to…
A: An algorithm is a limited succession of thorough directions, regularly used to tackle a class of…
Q: do you think that the reason for the relative efficiency of hashtables (and dictionaries) over other…
A: - We need to justify if the reason for relative efficiency of hash tables over the forms of arrays…
Q: Write a code to implement binary search tree. Implement all the methods, find, insert, delete,…
A: A binary search tree, is the ordered or sorted binary tree, it is a rooted binary tree data…

Step by step
Solved in 3 steps with 2 images

- Design and implement a method to return the index of the smallest value in in arr. Example 1: Input: [11, 4, 9, 2, 25, 36, 49] Output: [3] Explanation: 2 is the smallest value in the array, and it’s index position is 3 (0-based index). Example 2: Input: [1, 4, 9, 2, 25, 36, 49] Output: [0] Explanation: 1 is the smallest value in the array, and it’s index position is 0 (0-based index). Important: You don’t need to test this method in main(). You don’t need to initialize the array. pubilc static int indexOfSmallest(int [] arr)}PYTHON Why am I getting an error and it doesn't show the right output? Problem 1# Implement a hashtable using an array. Your implementation should include public methods for insertion, deletion, and# search, as well as helper methods for resizing. The hash table is resized when the loadfactor becomes greater than 0.6# during insertion of a new item. You will be using linear probing technique for collision resolution. Assume the key to# be an integer and use the hash function h(k) = k mod m where m is the size of the hashtable. class HashTableProb: def __init__(self, size=10): # Initialize the hashtable with the given size and an empty array to hold the key-value pairs. self.__size = size # size of the hashtable self.__hashtable = [None for _ in range(size)] self.__itemcount = 0 # Keeps track of the number of items in the current hashtable def __contains__(self, key): return self.__searchkey(key) def __next_prime(self, x): def…Use python
- Task - 1: Write a java program to implement the following algorithms for Open Addressing techniques for Hash Table data structure. (Use a simple array of integers to store integer key values only). HASH-SEARCH(T, k) HASH-INSERT (T, k) i = 0 repeat j = h (k, i) if T[j] == NIL T[j] = k return j else i = i + 1 ● i = 0 repeat until i == m error “hash table overflow" For both algorithms, to compute the index j, write the following methods: getLinear ProbIndex (key, i) getQuadraticProbIndex ● get DoubleHash (key, i) (key, i) j = h (k, i) if T[j] == k return j i = i + 1 until T[j] == NIL or i = m return NIL Linear Probing index is computed using following hash function: h(k, i) = (h₁(k) + i) mod m h₁(k)= k mod m Quadratic probing index is computed using following hash function: h(k, i) = (h₁(k) + i²) mod m h₁(k)= k mod m Double hashing index is computed using following hash function: h(k, i) = (h₁(k) + i h₂(k)) mod m h₁(k)= k mod m h₂(k) = 1 + (k mod m - 1)import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class LinearSearchMap { // Define a method that takes in a map and a target value as parameters public static boolean linearSearch(Map<String, Integer> map, int target) { // Iterate through each entry in the map for () { // Check if the value of the current entry is equal to the target if () { // If the value is equal to the target, return true } } // If no entry with the target value is found, return false } public static void main(String[] args) { // Create a HashMap of strings and integers Map<String, Integer> numbers = new HashMap<>(); // Populate the HashMap with key-value pairs numbers.put("One", 1); numbers.put("Two", 2); numbers.put("Three", 3); numbers.put("Four", 4); numbers.put("Five", 5); // Set the target value to search for…- In class HashTable implement a hash table and consider the following:(i) Keys are integers (therefore also negative!) and should be stored in the tableint[] data.(ii) As a hash function take h(x) = (x · 701) mod 2000. The size of the table istherefore 2000. Be careful when computing the index of a negative key. Forexample, the index of the key x = −10 ish(−10) = (−7010) mod 2000 = (2000(−4) + 990) mod 2000 = 990.Hence, indices should be non-negative integers between 0 and 1999!(iii) Implement insert, which takes an integer and inserts it into a table. Themethod returns true, if the insertion is successful. If an element is already inthe table, the function insert should return false.(iv) Implement search, which takes an integer and finds it in the table. The methodreturns true, if the search is successful and false otherwise.(v) Implement delete, which takes an integer and deletes it form the table. Themethod returns true, if the deletion is successful and false otherwise.(vi)…
- Define the abstract base class LinkedSQD_Base using a linked implementation. Indicate whether each field and method should be public, protected, or private, and explain why. Implement each of the ADTs stack, queue, and deque as a class that extends your base class. Repeat parts a and b, but instead define and use the abstract base class ArraySQD_Base using an array-based implementation. Java programRacket: Execute these lists: ( (lambda (x) (* x x)) 1) ( (lambda (x) (* x x)) 2) ( (lambda (x) (+ x x)) 3) ( (lambda (x) (- x x)) 4) ( (lambda (x) (/ x x)) 5) ( (lambda (x) (modulo x x)) 6) ( (lambda (x) (modulo (+ x 2) x)) 6) Explain clearly what these expressions seem to meanPlease show steps clearly
- Java Programming language Help please.Consider the following two functions written in pseudocode: functionA() print "what is your age?" return the input value functionB(int age) look up life expectancy for a person who is age years old in a hash table return the life expectancy Which function has referential transparency? O neither O functionB O functionA O bothData structures. Using Java code, declare any objects that your algorithm allocates. Comment each variable and specify how much memory it consumes in the worst case. You may use any of the libraries that we have considered in this course (either algs4.jar or java.util versions). Here is an illustrative example of the expected format: // the missing string to return // Theta(k) memory StringBuilder missing; Algorithm. Describe you algorithm, using either English prose or Java code (or a combination of the two).