Constructing a csv table A segment below shows a single video clip of index.html. Write a bash script in sir lives to construct a csy table that lists all clips of index.html with five columns: user, views, clip duration, upload time, clip title. Use the following commands only: grep, pipe, while, read, expr, echo, and paste. please Do not use any other commands. Follow the format below to write a bash script in six lines: 1 line for extracting user and saving to user.txt 1 line for extracting views and saving to views.tst I linc for extracting clip duration saving to duration.txt 1 line for extracting upload time saving to 1 line for extracting clip title saving to titles.txt 1 line for pasting five txt files to build a cs table called tbl.csv please do Upload a shell script file. sample clip of index.html .. s/diva«div class-"yt-lockup-content"> «h3 class-"yt-lockup-title "> Worst Plays of the 2016 Season | NFL High-lights - Duration: 17:51.NFL «li> 1,256,384 views2 weeks agoc/ul>c/ div></>«li class="yi-shelf-grid-item yt-uix-shelfslider-item"> «div class-"yt-lockup yt-lockup-grid yt-lockup-video ve-check clearfix" data-contest-item-id="QEor9ZNiQXI" data-visibility-track- ing="CBUQIDUYBSITCLmbnZKK7tECFQaCnAodvZEEkiOHkDygomb2f6KpUA=">«divclass="yt-lockup-thumbnailcontains-addto"> this hw queation if you can asnwer to undetsand me
Constructing a csv table A segment below shows a single video clip of index.html. Write a bash script in sir lives to construct a csy table that lists all clips of index.html with five columns: user, views, clip duration, upload time, clip title. Use the following commands only: grep, pipe, while, read, expr, echo, and paste. please Do not use any other commands. Follow the format below to write a bash script in six lines:
- 1 line for extracting user and saving to user.txt
- 1 line for extracting views and saving to views.tst
- I linc for extracting clip duration saving to duration.txt
- 1 line for extracting upload time saving to
- 1 line for extracting clip title saving to titles.txt
- 1 line for pasting five txt files to build a cs table called tbl.csv
please do Upload a shell script file.
sample clip of index.html
s/diva«div class-"yt-lockup-content"> «h3 class-"yt-lockup-title "> <a href-"/ watch?v=04GH2czFGvw" class=" yt-ui-ellipsis yt-ui-ellipsis-2 yt-uis-sessionlink spf-link" data-session-link="itet=CBYQIDUYBCITCLmbnZKK7ECFQaChAodvZEEkiOHjIKZyloaWdoLXJjaFoP
RkV3aGF0X3RvX3dhdGNo" title-"Worst Plays of the 2016 Season | NFL Highlights" aria-describedby="description-id-897763" dir-"It"> Worst Plays of the 2016 Season | NFL High-lights</a><span class="accessible-description" id="description-id-897763"> - Duration: 17:51.</ span></h3><div class="yt-lockup-byline yt-ui-ellipsis yt-ui-ellipsis-2"><a href-"/user/NFL" class="g-hovercard yt-uix-sessionlink spf-link " data-session-link="itct-CBYQIDUYBCITCLmbnZKK71ECFQaCnAodvZEEkiiOHg" data-ytid="UCDVYQ4Zhbm3 S2dlz7P1GBDg" >NFL</a> <span class="yt-vix-tooltip yt-chan-nel-title-icon-verified yt-sprite" title= "Verified'> </span> </div><div class="yt-lockup-meta
"ul class="yt-lockup-meta-info"> «li> 1,256,384 views</l><li>2 weeks ago</li>c/ul></div>c/ div></div></div></>«li class="yi-shelf-grid-item yt-uix-shelfslider-item"> «div class-"yt-lockup yt-lockup-grid yt-lockup-video ve-check clearfix" data-contest-item-id="QEor9ZNiQXI" data-visibility-track-
ing="CBUQIDUYBSITCLmbnZKK7tECFQaCnAodvZEEkiOHkDygomb2f6KpUA="><div class="yt-lockup-dismissable">«divclass="yt-lockup-thumbnailcontains-addto"><aaria-hid-den "true" href-"/watch?v=QEor9ZNiQXI" class=" yt-uix-sessionlink spf-link" data-ses-sionlink="itet-CBUQIDUYBSITCLmbnZKK7tECFQaCnAodvZEEkiOHjIKZyloaWdoLXJaF oPRIV3aGFOX3RvX3dhdGNo™ >«div class-"yt-thumb video-thumb"» «span class="yt-thumb-simple"> this hw queation if you can asnwer to undetsand me

Step by step
Solved in 5 steps with 3 images