class Noiseify(ImageEffect): | def apply(pixels: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Q: AppointmentList -_appointmentList: Array = [] +constructor( +get appointmentList(): Array…
A: In this program it is asked to provide two classes 1. An Appointment class having all data member…
Q: my_fruit1 = input() my_fruit2 = input() my_fruit3 = input() your_fruit1 = input() your_fruit2 =…
A: Given :- Given the user inputs, complete a program that does the following tasks.. Define a set,…
Q: class ADSockDrawer(object): def__init__(self): self.drawer = AD() defadd_sock(self, color):…
A: This Problem can be solved using Python. Python is also one of object oriented language with minimal…
Q: getListRowIndices Method public static java.util.ArrayList getListRowIndices(int[][] array, int…
A: public static java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> getListRowIndices(int[][] array, int…
Q: suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(tidyverse))library(nycflights13) #Q1Q1 <- flights %>%…
A: As per the given information, we need to modify the given code so that it displays the output…
Q: java Create a static method that: is called appendPosSum returns an ArrayList of Integers takes…
A: public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(; int size =…
Q: Please make a linked list box and arrow diagrams to explain how the addNode(DLLNode newNode) and…
A: linked list box and arrow diagrams : Diagram is shown Below that will help you to get view:-
Q: Given the following partial class definition: public class ArrayTwowayQueue implements…
A: public class Array TwowayQueue<T> implements TwoWayQueue Interface<T> { private T[]…
Q: findYoungestPlayer takes an array of Player objects and returns the youngest player. If there are no…
A: Dear learner, hope you are doing well, I will try my best to answer this question. Thank You!!
Q: Java programming language I need to complete the "public int remove" method in the bottom. Please…
A: public class ourArray { //define an array of integers private int[] Ar; //Ar is a reference…
Q: Eclipse Java: create a random object with a seed value
A: ALGORITHM:- Firstly a Random object is created. Then setSeed() method is used to set the seed value.…
Q: Implement a class called ShoppingCart that implements the BagInterfaceMyType in Java. Your…
A: Algorithm for ShoppingCart Class:Create an interface BagInterface<MyType> with the following…
Q: TRANSLATE TO PYTHON import java.util.*; public class queen { finalprivateint [][] map =…
A: Here, we have a java code given. We have to convert it into Python code.
Q: public class TestStudents { public static void main(String[] args) { //2.2…
A: The answer is given
Q: Implement removeLast()
A: Please refer to the following step for the complete solution to the problem above.
Q: Consider the IntArrayBag collection class that we discussed in class, Draw the data array after…
A: SUMMARY: - hence we discussed all the points.
Q: package edu.luc.cs.cs271.mazesolver; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; public…
A: File: Project 7.9 Determine the solution to a maze problem. Uses a gid to represent…
Q: Implement the following method where: 1. String s is a given string 2. myArray is an array list that…
A: code for above : public static ArrayList<Integer> findExactString(String s,…
Q: package com.olympic.cis143.hw1.fizzbuzz; public class FizzBuzzConverter { public int[] data; public…
A: Below is the java code to implement the FizzBuzz game according to the given program: - Explanation…
Q: CSC 236 - Lab 4 (3 programs) stacks 1. For a given integer n>1, the smallest integer d > 1 that…
A: Based on the given directions, it seems that you need assistance with creating a Java program that…
Q: package com.example.myapplication; import; import…
A: The issue with the code is that the findViewById() method needs to be called after setContentView()…
Q: Define a new class named BSTWithBFT that extends BST with the following method: public void…
A: public class BSTWithBFT extends BST { public void breadthFirstTraversal() { if (root…
Q: In Java MailBox - client:String - emails: Email[] - actualSize: int + Mailbox() +…
A: In this question we have to implement a Java code for Mail Box class Let's understand and code,…
Q: ✓ Membership of a point in a rectangle. #@title Membership of a point in a rectangle. def…
A: Based on the screenshot provided, here is the Python code that accomplishes the task:class…
Q: class ArrayStackException extends Exception { ArrayStackException(String m) {…
A: Here we have 2 tasks To change the stack in a way such that it can accept character input.…
Q: import java.util.StringJoiner; public class preLabC { public static MathVector myMethod(int[]…
A: In this exercise, you need to create an instance of the MathVector object, VectorObject, in the…
Q: Using comments within the code itself, can you provide an line by line explanation of the below…
A: Algorithm:Define helper functions isMatrix and isVector for type checks.Implement functions mat2,…
Q: Given a base Plant class and a derived Flower class, complete main() to create an ArrayList called…
A: Given code: import java.util.Scanner;import java.util.ArrayList;import…
Q: Modify the unsortedArrayAccess class by adding a method that find the smallest element and average…
A: Program modification: Define the smallest() function that is called by the called by class object…
Q: wordBag is type BagInterface. What is printed? wordBag.add("apple"); wordBag.add("frog");…
A: Here we have used Bag Interface and inside the object of of bag interface everything is stored in…
Q: Siven the integer array dailyPrices with the size of NUM_INPUTS, write a for loop that sums each…
A: Here, the task mentioned in the question is to complete the Java code given. It is asked to write a…
Q: JAVA programming language i need to create an "addFront" method in the bottom of the code that…
A: public void addFront(int e) {//add only if there is spaceif (size >=…

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- import bridges.base.ColorGrid;import bridges.base.Color;public class Scene {/* Creates a Scene with a maximum capacity of Marks andwith a background color.maxMarks: the maximum capacity of MarksbackgroundColor: the background color of this Scene*/public Scene(int maxMarks, Color backgroundColor) {}// returns true if the Scene has no room for additional Marksprivate boolean isFull() {return false;}/* Adds a Mark to this Scene. When drawn, the Markwill appear on top of the background and previously added Marksm: the Mark to add*/public void addMark(Mark m) {if (isFull()) throw new IllegalStateException("No room to add more Marks");}/*Helper method: deletes the Mark at an index.If no Marks have been previously deleted, the methoddeletes the ith Mark that was added (0 based).i: the index*/protected void deleteMark(int i) {}/*Deletes all Marks from this Scene thathave a given Colorc: the Color*/public void deleteMarksByColor(Color c) {}/* draws the Marks in this Scene over a background…Q1: Write the Java code corresponding to the following UML diagram. The class School implements the interface Building. The method computeArea returns the area of the building as width * length. After that, add a testing class with a main method which defines an arrayList that contains three objects. From the main method, print the area of all the three objects. Building > + computeArea() : double + toString() : String School classroomNum: int width: double - length: double + School(classroomNum: int, width: double, length: double) + computeArea() : double + toString() : StringHow do I sort tiles from least valuable to most valuable? import java.util.ArrayList;class Rack{private ArrayList<Tile> Tile;public Rack(){Tile = new ArrayList<Tile>();}public void addTile(Tile t){Tile.add(t);}public String toString(){String str = "";for(int i=0; i < Tile.size() ; i++)str = str + Tile.get(i);return str;}public void sortHighToLow(){int i, j, min;int n = Tile.size();for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++){min = i;for (j = i+1; j < n; j++){if(Tile.get(j).compareTo(Tile.get(min)) < 0)min = j;}//Swap.Tile t = Tile.get(min);Tile t1 = Tile.get(i);Tile.set(min, t1);Tile.set(i, t);}}}class Main{public static void main(String[] args){Rack craigTiles = new Rack();craigTiles.addTile(new Tile('H', 4));craigTiles.addTile(new Tile('E', 1));craigTiles.addTile(new Tile('L', 1));craigTiles.addTile(new Tile('L', 1));craigTiles.addTile(new Tile('O', 1));craigTiles.addTile(new Tile('Z', 10));craigTiles.addTile(new Tile('Y',…
- Implement move the following way. public int[] walk(int... stepCounts) { // Implement the logic for walking the players returnnewint[0]; } public class WalkingBoardWithPlayers extends WalkingBoard{ privatePlayer[] players; privateintround; publicstaticfinalintSCORE_EACH_STEP=13; publicWalkingBoardWithPlayers(int[][] board, intplayerCount) { super(board); initPlayers(playerCount); } publicWalkingBoardWithPlayers(intsize, intplayerCount) { super(size); initPlayers(playerCount); } privatevoidinitPlayers(intplayerCount) { if(playerCount <2){ thrownewIllegalArgumentException("Player count must be at least 2"); } else { this.players=newPlayer[playerCount]; this.players[0] =newMadlyRotatingBuccaneer(); for (inti=1; i < playerCount; i++) { this.players[i] =newPlayer(); } } } package; import; public class Player{ privateintscore; protectedDirectiondirection=Direction.UP; publicPlayer() {} publicintgetScore() { return score; }…Java this piece of my code is not working .....I am trying to add Warship with a type or warship , but I keep getting an error ? //add another WarShip instance to the ArrayList. //use a foreach loop to process the ArrayList and print the data for each ship. //count the number of ships that are not afloat. Return this count to main for printing. //In the shipShow method: the number of ships that are still a Float public static int shipShow(ArrayList<Ship> fleetList) { //from the ArrayList, remove the CargoShip that was declared as type Ship. fleetList.remove(2); //Removing ElFaro form the list // review Type casting instanceof | up casting Ship < Warship , subclass is a object of its parents //add warship USS John Warner - add cast by (Ship) new WarShip Ship warship2 = (Ship) new WarShip("USS John Warner", 2015, true, "attack submarine", "United States"); fleetList.add(warship2); int count= 0; //use a foreach loop to process the ArrayList and print the data for each ship.…PLEASE HELP, PYTHON THANK YOU class Graph(object): def __init__(self, graph_dict=None): ################# # Problem 1: # Check to see if the graph_dict is none # if so, create an empty dictionary and store it in graph_dict ################## #DELETE AND PUT IN THE IF AND ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS self.__graph_dict = graph_dict ################# # Problem 2: # Create a method called vertices and pass in self as the parameter ################## #DELETE AND PUT IN THE METHOD DEFINITION """ returns the vertices of a graph """ return list(self.__graph_dict.keys()) def edges(self): """ returns the edges of a graph """ ################# # Problem 3: # Return the results of the __generate_edges ################## #DELETE AND PUT IN THE RETURN STATEMENTS
- import java.util.Scanner;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Collections; public class ColorSorter { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scnr = new Scanner(; final int NUM_ELEMENTS = 5; ArrayList<Color> colors = new ArrayList<Color>(); int i; short red; short green; short blue; for (i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMENTS; ++i) { red = (short)(scnr.nextShort()); green = (short)scnr.nextShort(); blue = (short)scnr.nextShort(); colors.add(new Color(red, green, blue)); } Collections.sort(colors); for (i = 0; i < NUM_ELEMENTS; ++i) { System.out.println(colors.get(i)); } }} other : public class Color implements Comparable<Color> { private short red; private short green; private short blue; Color(short red, short green, short blue) { = red; = green; = blue; } @Override public int…Consider the GameOfLife class public class GameOfLife { private BooleanProperty[][] cells; public GameOfLife() { cells = new BooleanProperty[10][10]; for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 10; y++) { cells[x][y] = new SimpleBooleanProperty(); public void ensureAlive(int x, int y) { cells[x][y].set(true); public void ensureDead(int x, int y) { cells[x][y]•set(false); public boolean isAlive(int x, int y) { return cells[x][y]•get(); } a. Identify one code smell in this program. b. Identify and explain the most pertinent (problematic) design smell in this program.Please help fast
- Java Given main(), complete the SongNode class to include the printSongInfo() method. Then write the Playlist class' printPlaylist() method to print all songs in the playlist. DO NOT print the dummy head node.The following code is part of the add method in the ArraySortedBag class. What is the missing code? if self.isEmpty() or item >= self.items[len(self) - 1]: <missing code> add.ArrayBag(self, item) add.self(item) ArrayBag.add(item) ArrayBag.add(self, item)import javax.swing.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Random; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class memory extends JFrame implements ActionListener { private JButton[] cards; private ImageIcon[] icons; private int[] iconIDs; private JButton firstButton; private ImageIcon firstIcon; private int numMatches; public memory() { setTitle("Memory Matching Game"); setSize(800, 600); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); JPanel boardPanel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(4, 4)); add(boardPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); icons = new ImageIcon[8]; for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { icons[i-1] = new ImageIcon("image" + i + ".png"); } iconIDs = new int[16]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { iconIDs[2*i] = i; iconIDs[2*i+1] = i; } Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 16;…