Choose the correct ranking for the following bonds in terms of increasing bond length (from shortest to longest, shortest bond at left end, longest bond at right end). F-F, N-N, O-F, N-F, N-O (all bonds are single bonds) ydrogan holun 2 H Не 1009 Itiam 4006 berylun boon corton nrogon ongen fuorne noon 10 Li Be OF Ne N 140 phoschore 15 15000 641 odkum 90122 naesn 12 1011 aarinum 13 12011 oon 14 2010 agon 18 chiorie 11 16 17 Na Mg AI Si S CI Ar 22990 potasn 19 24.305 caidu 2 galm 31 28.06 oann 32 32065 seorum 34 35453 bromine 35 30914 309 scandum 21 vanadum 23 chronun 24 nangonese 25 oobat 27 adel 28 knoon 36 copper 20 22 26 29 30 33 K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr 54.908 5545 uhorkn 5803 hodkn 63.546 shen 47 (539 4466 yum 39 47M2 Zcorum 40 5042 aiobum 41 51.9 noybdenum technetum 42 7402 antinony 51 1241 78.96 P.004 odine nu n 37 stenkn paladu 46 irdum 38 43 44 45 48 49 50 52 53 54 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te Xe 91224 haum 72 11241 95.94 ugen 74 114 2 Thatun 12100 poloniam 84 101 1021 10.2 platnun 78 1078 1216 bih 83 124.90 131.29 adon casiun 55 tan 56 en 71 henn 75 kad alate 85 noroury 57-70 73 76 77 79 80 81 82 86 Cs Ba Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg TI Pb Bi Po At Rn 200 204 13291 handn 1784 lawndan nthoforn tean 104 17497 160.95 184 seaborgim 106 16621 190.23 hasie 196 0 netheum uanlun unusuntun 110 102 22 2072 201 po nantan 112 bohun Ampertenun 87 88 89-102 103 105 107 108 109 111 114 Fr Ra ** Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Uun Uuu Uub Uuq p pra Lharen 57 praseodyu neod n p 60 gadum 64 smaian 58 59 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 *Lanthanide series La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb 1391 atriam 140 12 thork 144 24 uarum 149 neptann 93 15 25 167 26 femiun 100 1536 150.96 americkum 158.93 berkolum 97 140.91 16030 161.99 16 17344 protactirum 91 callomm sterm 98 nendleviun nobolu 101 ** Actinide series 89 90 92 94 95 96 99 102 Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No 232.04 231.04 2.0 247 251 Select one
Types of Chemical Bonds
The attractive force which has the ability of holding various constituent elements like atoms, ions, molecules, etc. together in different chemical species is termed as a chemical bond. Chemical compounds are dependent on the strength of chemical bonds between its constituents. Stronger the chemical bond, more will be the stability in the chemical compounds. Hence, it can be said that bonding defines the stability of chemical compounds.
Polarizability In Organic Chemistry
Polarizability refers to the ability of an atom/molecule to distort the electron cloud of neighboring species towards itself and the process of distortion of electron cloud is known as polarization.
Coordinate Covalent Bonds
A coordinate covalent bond is also known as a dative bond, which is a type of covalent bond. It is formed between two atoms, where the two electrons required to form the bond come from the same atom resulting in a semi-polar bond. The study of coordinate covalent bond or dative bond is important to know about the special type of bonding that leads to different properties. Since covalent compounds are non-polar whereas coordinate bonds results always in polar compounds due to charge separation.

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