In c++. The instructions are in the image. Please do not change existing code below just add to what is needed. I am very confused. Can you please show the input and output of the code it would help very much. There is also a text file which is named "input.txt" and it reads.
Movie 1 1 Genre1 Movie 2 2 Genre2 Movie 3 3 Genre3 Movie 4 4 Genre4 Movie 5 5 Genre5
//call you addMovie() here cout << "Added " << nm << " to the catalog" << endl; break; } case 'R': { string mn; cout << "Movie Name:"; getline(cin, mn); bool found; found = //call you removeMovie()here if (found == false) cout << "Cannot find " << mn << endl; else cout << "Removed " << mn << " from catalog" << endl; break; } case 'O': { string mn; cout << "Movie Name: "; getline(cin, mn); cout << endl; //call you movieInfo function here break;
} case 'C': { cout << "There are " << movies.size() << " movies in the catalog" << endl; // Call the printCatalog function here break; } case 'F': { string inputFile; bool isOpen; cin >> inputFile; cout << "Reading catalog info from " << inputFile << endl; isOpen = //call you readFromFile() in here if (isOpen == false) cout << "File not found" << endl; break; } case 'W': { string outputFile; bool isOpen; cin >> outputFile; cout << "Writing catalog info to " << outputFile << endl; isOpen = //call you writeToFile() in here if (isOpen == false) cout << "File not found" << endl; break; } } if (option == 'Q') { cout << "Quitting Program"; break; } } }
// Write the definition and implementation of the printCatalog function here
// Write the definition and implementation of the findMovie function here
// Write the definition and implementation of the addMovie function here
// Write the definition and implementation of the removeMovie function here
// Write the definition and implementation of the movieInfo function here // You must use the following cout statement if the movie is not in the catalog: // cout << "Cannot find " << /*movie name variable identifier*/ << endl;
// Write the definition and implementation of the readFromFile function here
// Write the definition and implementation of the writeToFile function here
Transcribed Image Text:17.4 Programming Assignment 4 - Structs and File I/O
You are asked to create a program for storing the catalog of movies at a DVD store using functions, files, and user-defined structures. The
program should let the user read the movie through the file, add, remove, and output movies to the file.
For this assignment, you must store the information about the movies in the catalog using a single vector. The vector's data type is a
user-defined structure that you must define on functions.h following these rules:
• Identifier for the user-define structure: movie.
• Member variables of the structure "movie": name (string), year (int), and genre (string).
Note: you must use the identifiers presented before when defining the user-defined structure. Your solution will NOT pass the unit test
cases if you do not follow the instructions presented above.
The main function is provided (you need to modify the code of the main function to call the user-defined functions described below).
The following user-defined functions are provided in the functions.h template file
printMenu: this function does not receive arguments and does not return a value. The function prints the options from the menu to
A - Add Movie
R - Remove Movie
O -
Output Movie Info
C -
Output Catalog Info
R- Read file
W- Write file
Quit Program
printMovielnfo: this function receives the following arguments:
A string representing the movie name. An integer representing the year of the movie. A string representing the movie genre.
The function prints the information about a movie (name, year, and genre) and does not return a value.
You must write the following user-defined functions:
1) printCatalog: this function receives the following arguments:
-A vector with the catalog of movies.
The function prints the information about each movie in the catalog using the output messages provided in the printMovielnfo function and
does not return a value.
2) findMovie: this function receives the following arguments:
• A string representing the movie name.
• A vector with the catalog of movies.
The function returns the index at which the movie name is located in the vector with the names of the movies in the catalog. If the movie is
not in the catalog, the function must return -1.
HINT: You may have to use this function in other functions.
3) addMovie: this function receives the following arguments:
• A string representing the name of the movie to be added to the catalog.
• An integer representing the year of the movie to be added to the catalog.
• A string representing the genre of the movie to be added to the catalog.
• A vector with the catalog of movies.
The function adds the information about the new movie to the corresponding vectors and does not return a value.
4) removeMovie: this function receives the following arguments:
• A string representing the name of the movie to be removed from the catalog.
• A vector with the catalog of movies.
If the movie is in the catalog, the function removes all the information about the movie from the vectors representing the catalog. The
function returns true (boolean) if the movie was removed from the catalog or false (boolean) if the movie was not found.
HINT: You may have to call another function within this function.
5) movielnfo: this function receives the following arguments:
• A string representing the name of the movie to find in the catalog.
• A vector with the catalog of movies.
If the movie is in the catalog, the function outputs the information about the movie using the output messages provided in the
printMovielnfo function. If the movie is not found, then the function must print to STDOUT the following message:
cout << "Cannot find " << /*movie name identifier*/ << endl;
This function does not return a value.
HINT: You may have to call another function within this function.
6) readFromFile: this function receives the following arguments:
• A string with the input file name
• A vector with the catalog of movies
The function reads the movie information from the input file and appends them to the Catalog. This function returns true (boolean) if the
program can open the file specified by the first argument or false (boolean) if the program cannot open the file specified by the first
The information about the catalog of movies is stored in the input file using the following format:
Movie Name 1 (string)
Yearl (int)
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Movie Name n (string)
YearN (int)
GenreN (string)
Given the previous format for the input file (where each field of a movie is stored in one line), here is an example of an input file:
The Goonies
7) writeToFile: this function receives the following arguments:
• A string with the name of the output file
• A vector with the catalog of movies
The function stores the information from the movie catalog in the output file. This function returns true (boolean) if the program can open
the file specified by the first argument or false (boolean) if the program cannot open the file specified by the first argument. You must save
the information about the movie catalog using the format of an input file presented above (each field of a movie is stored in one line).
HINT: Make sure that this function does not add an end-of-line character at the end of the file.
Quantities that have magnitude and direction but not position. Some examples of vectors are velocity, displacement, acceleration, and force. They are sometimes called Euclidean or spatial vectors.
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