Calculate the whole-house design cooling load (both sensible and latent loads), using the residential load factor method. 23.0 +2.4 6.1 7.3 1.2x1.8 |0.9×0.9 1.8x2.4 0.9x2.1 MASTER BEDROOM BATH LIVING ROOM GARAGE BATH 0.9x2.1 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 1 KITCHEN AND DINETTE UTILITY 1.2x1.2 1.2x1,2 1.2x1.2 0.9x0.9 0.9×2.1 Z'LXZ'L CLOSET STORAGE AND SHOP
Given: Project Description A single-family detached house with floor plan shown in Figure 1 is located in Charlotte, NC (Latitude: 35° N). Ceiling height is 2.4 m. The garage is unconditioned while all other spaces are conditioned. The house has the following construction characteristics: Roof: Attic roof with asphalt shingles Ceiling: Flat wood-frame ceiling with blow-in fiberglass insulation, U-factor= 0.18 W/m2-°C Doors: Wood, solid core doors, U-factor = 0.51 W/m2-°C Floor: Slab-on-grade floor with heavy carpet over rubber pad (Thermal resistance of floor covering Rcvr=0.21 m2*°C/W); R-0.9 edge insulation to 1 m below grade; Fp= 0.85 W/m-°C; Windows: All windows are clear double-pane glass in vinyl frames The window in the living room is a fixed picture window. All other windows are vertical sliding windows operable with insect screens White roller interior shades, half closed Overhang: eave overhang along all four sides of the house; overhang depth = 0.6 m; eave edge at the same height as top of glazing The wall between garage and other spaces has the same construction as exterior walls. The design conditions for this house: Indoor temperature: 20°C for heating; 24°C for cooling Indoor relative humidity: 50% for cooling; no humidification Wind speed: 24 km/hr for heating; 12 km/hr for cooling Infiltration: 0.3 ACH for heating; 0.15 ACH for cooling Ventilation: no

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