C++ please help I will give you a good rating!!!!! Implement the following function that returns a vector of vectors of Item, each of which is a subset of elements chosen from the given vector a[first…last]: /* if a is {1,2,3}, first=0, last=2, the function shall returns a vector of the following vectors: {}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2},{1,3}, {2,3},{1,2,3}, all subsets of a[0…2]. Precondition: last-first+1>=1, i.e., there is at least one element in the a[first…last] Note 1)if the length of a[first…last] is n, then the function should return a vector of 2n vectors 2) The order of these subsets does not need to match what’s listed here… */ vector> subsets (const vector & a, int first, int last)
C++ please help I will give you a good rating!!!!!
Implement the following function that returns a vector of
/* if a is {1,2,3}, first=0, last=2, the function shall returns a vector of the following vectors:
{}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2},{1,3}, {2,3},{1,2,3}, all subsets of a[0…2].
Precondition: last-first+1>=1, i.e., there is at least one element in the a[first…last]
Note 1)if the length of a[first…last] is n, then the function should return a vector of 2n vectors
2) The order of these subsets does not need to match what’s listed here…
vector<vector<int>> subsets (const vector<int> & a, int first, int last)
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
void PrintVector (const vector<int> & v){
cout <<"[";
for (auto e:v){
cout<<e<<" ";
cout <<"]";
/* check if we can use values in L[left...right] to make a sum of value, and find
the best solution, i.e., smallest set of coins tht make this value
@param L, first, last: specify a sub-vector where coins/values are chosen from
@param value: the sum/value we want to make
@pre-condition: all parameters are initialized, L[] and value are non-negative
@post-condition: return true/false depending on the checking result, if return true,
used vector contains coins that make up the value, with the minimul # of elements from
L [first...last]
bool CoinChange (vector<int> & L, int first, int last, int value, vector<int> & used)
if (value==0)
return true;
if (first>last) //no more coins to use
return false;
if (value<0)
return false;
//general case below
vector<int> used1;
bool ret1= CoinChange (L, first, last-1, value-L[last], used1);
if (ret1)
// used1 include all values from L[first...last-1] that add up to valeu-L[last]
used1.push_back (L[last]);
//now: used1 include all coins used from L[first...last} that add up to value
vector<int> used2;
// If not using L[last]...
bool ret2 = CoinChange (L, first, last-1, value, used2);
if (ret1 && ret2) {
if (used1.size() > used2.size())
used = used2;
used = used1;
return true;
} else if (ret1) {
used = used1;
return true;
} else if (ret2){
used = used2;
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool CoinChangeK (const vector<int> & coins, int first, int last, int value, int K)
return true;
bool UnlimitedCoinChange (const vector<int> & coins, int value, vector<int>& bestSolution)
return true;
int main()
vector<int> coins{2,5,3,10};
vector<int> used;
vector<int> values{4, 6,15, 18, 30, 41}; //use this to test
//This part demo the CoinChange function: optimization problem
for (auto v: values) {
//Todo: replace CoinChange with your CoinChangeUnlimited function...
if (CoinChange (coins, 0, coins.size()-1, v, used))
cout <<"value="<<v <<" True\n";
//display used vector
for (int i=0;i<used.size();i++)
cout <<used[i]<<" ";
cout <<"Value=" << v<<" False"<<endl;
//Test CoinChangeK
cout <<"Enter coinchangek or unlimited to test the corresponding function:";
string command;
cin >> command;
if (command=="coinchangek"){
//we cannot make 20 using 2 or fewer coins
if (CoinChangeK (coins, 0, coins.size()-1, 20, 2)!=false ||
CoinChangeK (coins, 0, coins.size()-1, 5, 1)!=true)
cout <<"fail coinchangek tests\n";
return 1; //faild coinchangeK test
cout <<"pass coinchangek tests\n";
return 0; //pass coinchangeK test
} else if (command=="unlimited"){
//Test UnlimitedCoinChange
vector<int> bestSolution;
if (UnlimitedCoinChange (coins, 1,bestSolution)!=false) {
cout <<"Failed UnlimitedCoinChange case 1\n";
return 1; //failed unlimited test
if (UnlimitedCoinChange (coins, 15, bestSolution)!=true) {
cout <<"Failed UnlimitedCoinChange case 2\n";
return 1;
vector<int> expectedSol{5,10};
sort (bestSolution.begin(), bestSolution.end());
if (bestSolution!=expectedSol){
cout <<"Failed UnlimitedCoinChange case 2\n";
return 1;
if (UnlimitedCoinChange (coins, 30, bestSolution)!=true) {
cout <<"Failed UnlimitedCoinChange case 3\n";
return 1;
vector<int> expectedSol3{10,10,10};
sort (bestSolution.begin(), bestSolution.end());
if (bestSolution!=expectedSol3){
cout <<"Failed UnlimitedCoinChange case 3\n";
return 1;
cout <<"Pass unlimitedCoinChange cases\n";
return 0;

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