AutoSave Home Insert Draw Design Layout Aˆ A Paste Page 1 of 2 Courier New V 12 B I U 253 words V ab R X 2 V x² A References Aa ✓ English (United States) Po Αν Mailings BEGIN Review V ELSE: W Final Project - Saved to my Mac V DISPLAY "Correct" INCREMENT score by 1 Else INITIALIZE SCORE TO 0 DISPLAY "Q1 Who invented Python?” READ answer IF answer is "Guido van Rossum" THEN Final Project: This code is a simple quiz program about the history of computing. It begins by welcoming the user and initializing a variable called "score" to keep track of their performance. ENDIF The program then asks three questions one by one, and the user provides answers. For each question, the user's answer is checked in a case- insensitive manner. If the answer is correct, the program increments the score and displays "Correct." If the answer is incorrect, it displays the correct answer. ELSE View After all three questions are answered, the program prints the user's final score and provides feedback based on their score. If the score is 3, it prints "Perfect!"; if the score is 2, it prints "Great!"; if the score is 1, it prints "Good!"; otherwise, it suggests the user try again. V Tell me 싫 V Display "Incorrect. Python was invented by Guido van Rossum" ENDIF DISPLAY "Q2. Who is the father of computers?" READ answer IF answer is “Charles Babbage" THEN Display "Correct" INCREMENT score by 1 IF score==3 THEN DISPLAY "Perfect!" ELIF score==2 THEN DISPLAY "Great!" ELIF score==1 THEN DISPLAY "Good!" ELSE: DISPLAY "Try Again!" ENDIF ENDF Accessibility: Good to go AaBbCcDdEe Normal DISPLAY " INCORRECT. Charles Babbage is the father of computers." DISPLAY "Q3. Who invented Java?" READ answer IF answer is "James Gosling" THEN DISPLAY "Correct" INCREMENT Score by 1 DISPLAY "Incorrect. Java was invented by James Gosling" ENDIF PRINT Score Aa BbCcDdEe No Spacing Aa BbCcDc Heading 1 Focus Comments Aa Bb CcDd Ee Heading 2 Editing Styles Dictate Pane Share E Editor + 75%
I need help correcting my program.
The corrections i need to make:
Your Python looks good but you need to add in a file, a list, a loop, and you have to define your functions using def: Python Defining Functions Please refer back to the course modules for functions and review the link provided. The same applies for the other missing elements in this project: loops, list, functions, and files.
my Python code:
print("Welcome to Quiz on History of Computing!")
score = 0
# Question 1
answer = input("Q1. Who invented Python?")
if answer.lower() == "guido van rossum":
score += 1
print("Incorrect. Python was invented by Guido van Rossum")
# Question 2
answer = input("Q2. Who is the Father of Computers?")
if answer.lower() == "charles babbage":
score += 1
print("Incorrect. Charles Babbage is the Father of Computers")
# Question 3
answer = input("Q3. Who invented Java?")
if answer.lower() == "james gosling":
score += 1
print("Incorrect. Java was invented by James Gosling")
# Print final score and feedback
print("Your Score:", score)
if score == 3:
elif score == 2:
elif score == 1:
print("Try again!")
Your pseudo looks nice. One thing to point out with your pseudo, besides the lack of comments, is that there are caps in places that do not need caps. Please be sure to use comments even in your pseudocode and watch your capitalization. Also, the most critical for this section, you are missing elements of the requirements for this project: files, list, functions, and loops.

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