Assume that a new light bulb will burn out after t hours where t is chosen from [0, ∞) with an exponential density function f(t) = ue-ut. Find a time value T so that the probability that the bulb will burn out before T hours is equal to 1/27. Express your answer as a function of u. T Hint: In other words, find a number T so that ["we" ue ut dt = 1/27.

A First Course in Probability (10th Edition)
10th Edition
Author:Sheldon Ross
Publisher:Sheldon Ross
Chapter1: Combinatorial Analysis
Section: Chapter Questions
Problem 1.1P: a. How many different 7-place license plates are possible if the first 2 places are for letters and...
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Assume that a new light bulb will burn out after t hours where t is chosen from [0, ∞) with an exponential density function
f(t) = ue-ut.
Find a time value T so that the probability that the bulb will burn out before T hours is equal to 1/27. Express your answer as a function of u.
In other words, find a number T so that
ue ut dt = 1/27.
Transcribed Image Text:Assume that a new light bulb will burn out after t hours where t is chosen from [0, ∞) with an exponential density function f(t) = ue-ut. Find a time value T so that the probability that the bulb will burn out before T hours is equal to 1/27. Express your answer as a function of u. T Hint: In other words, find a number T so that ["we" ue ut dt = 1/27.
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