A fee invoice for an MS student should look like VALENCE COLLEGE ORLANDO FL 10101 The purpose of this project is to create a fee invoice application f students attending Valence College, a college in the State of Florida. The are two types of students: graduate (PhD and MS) and undergraduate. An out of-state undergraduate student pays twice the tuition of a Florida-reside: undergraduate student (all pay the same health and id fees of $35). A graduat student is either an PhD or an MS student. PhD students don't take a courses, but each has an advisor and a research subject. Each Phd studen must supervise at least one lab. A lab can be supervised by more than or PhD student (Labs can't be supervised by undergraduate students nor 1 students). MS students can only take graduate courses, and undergraduat students can only take undergraduate courses.. At this time, Valence College offers the following list of classes/labs: (Use it in your project as lect.txt). 89745,COT6578, Advanced Computer theory, Graduate, F2F, PSY-108, No, 4 66636, DIG2158, Introduction to Digital Systems, Undergraduate, Online, 3. 32658,COT6578, Advanced Computer theory, Graduate, Mixed, LPS-35, No, 4 69745, COP5698, Programming Languages, Graduate, F2F, CB2-122, YES, 5 19745, MSB-123 36598, PSY-100 20315, HSA1-116 56980, CDL2587, Introduction to Computers, Undergraduate, F2F, MSB-116, YES, 4 98123, RMA-008 91862, RMA-008 95315, RMA-008 36636, SOF2058, Introduction to Software, Undergraduate, Online, 3 12658,LOG5578, Logic and Proof, Graduate, Mixed, LPS-35, Yes, 3 98103, CMA-008 90862, RMA-013 95310, RMA-028 60045,COP5690, Programming Languages II, Graduate, F2F, CB2-120, YES, 4 19005, MSB-103 30008, PSY-107 20300, HSA1-16 51180,CDL2587, Introduction to Computers, Undergraduate, online, 3. 36637, SOF2058, Introduction to Software, Undergraduate, Online, 3 22658,LOG5578, Logic and Proof, Graduate, F2F, LPS-35, Yes, 3 98000, CMA-008 94442,RMA-013 56510, RMA-028 69970, GOL1091, Introduction to AI, Graduate, Online, 1 An explanation on how to read the list above is provided at the end of this document. You may find the following hierarchy useful when you code your classes. Undergraduate Student Example of an MS student: Name: Emily Jones Id: em1254 Courses taken: LOG5578 Example of an PhD student: Name: Zaydoun BenSellam Id: zb5954 Advisor: Gary Richarson. Research Subject: Fuzzy Topology. Lab supervised: 20300,94442 Student PhdStudent Graduate Student. MsStudent Note that it costs, for undergraduate Florida residents, 120.25 dollars per credit hour, and all MS students pay $300 per credit hour. in addition to the $35.00 charged for health and id services. Undergraduate Students with gpa of 3.5 or higher receive a discount of 25% when the total payments exceed $500. PhD students pay a separate research fee of $700. Phd students who supervise two labs are given a discount of 50%, and PhD Students supervising 3 labs or more pay the health and id fees only. A fee invoice for an undergraduate student should look like VALENCE COLLEGE ORLANDO FL 10101 Fee Invoice Prepared for Student: KJ2959-KARIM JONES 1 Credit Hour $120.25 CRN CR_PREFIX 56980 CD12587 36637 0072058 (Karim, a FL resident, has gpa higher than 3.5 gpal 3 Health & id fees Fee Invoice Prepared for Student: KA2959-ERICKA JUNAID 1 Credit Hour $300.00 CR PREFIX 69970 GOL1091 Health & id fees $ 35.00 CRN TOTAL PAYMENTS $ 335.00 A fee invoice for an PhD student should look like VALENCE COLLEGE ORLANDO FL 10101 Fee Invoice Prepared for Student: J02978-John JUNAID John's research subject:Climate Change. John supervises three labs or поге RESEARCH Climate Change 5-700.00 Health s id fees $ 35.00 Total Payments $ 35.00 657.56 1) In addition to the Project Driver class, you will need to add all the classes shown on the inheritance hierarchy shown above. (Student, Graduate Student, Undergraduate Student, MsStudent and PhdStudent). Both Student and Graduate Student are to be made abstract. The Student class must contain the abstract method: abstract public void printInvoice(); Additional classes may be added. See 6) below 2) The abstract method, print Invoice, is to be overridden to display the right fee invoice, depending on the type of the student. Data fields of all classes are to be made private. 3) You may use any data structure to store your objects. That is: you may use an array, array list, LinkedList ...etc. $ 481.00 s360.75 35.00 876,75 - 219.18 TOTAL PAYMENTS 4) Your code should handle ALL exceptions. The bottom line is that your code should NOT crash! 5) Your code must have a user-defined exception class called IdException that handles the ids entered by the user. Note that and person's ID must be of the form LetterLetterDigitDigitDigitDigit like ex7894. No two persons can have the same id. An exception of type IdException is thrown when the id entered is either duplicated or in wrong format. Handle that anyway you see fit! 6) This project requires additional code to manage the courses and labs. Note that the Java classes and data stuctures needed to manage the courses/Labs is left to you (the student) to decide on... 7) The main menu of your programs has two options: Student Management and Class Management. The Student Management option shows a sub- menu that allows the user to: a. add a student b. search for a student by id c. delete a student d. print the fee invoice of a student by id. e. Print all students (Just the name) grouped by type. PhD students together, MS students together and Undergraduate students together. Something like: PhD Students Zydcun BenSellam. Erica Belksiri MS Students Caleb Sidi Kacem Erika Jones Walid Kali Undergraduate Students. -Ed Johnson -Willian Jones Kirby Sons The Class Management option allows: a) search for a class or lab using the class/lab number b) delete a class (this requires the deletion of all the labs associated with that class c) add a lab to a class when applicable. More information on classes and labs is given at the end of this document... (You may add the option that displays the list of classes and labs to check your code) Main Menu 1 Student Management 2 Course Management 0: Exit Enter your selection: 1 Student Management Menu: Choose one of Main Menu 1 Student Management 2 Course Management 0: Exit Enter your selection: 2 A Search add a student B Delete a Student C Print Fee Invoice. D Print List of Students A X Back to Main Menu B Enter your selection: D Course Management Menu: Choose one of: Search for a class or lab using the class/lab number delete a class C Add a lab to a class X Back to main menu Understanding the structure of lec.txt Each line in lec.txt represents a class being offered at Valence College. A class is either a lecture (LEC) or a lab (LAB). A lecture (LEC) is characterized by: - Class Number (CN), a unique five-digit number assigned for each lecture/lab Prefix (like COP3330) Title (like Introduction to Object Oriented Programming) Location (like CB 2-201) Graduate or undergraduate. Modality: Online, Face-to-Face (F2F) or Mixed Mode (Mixed) If Modality is 2 or Mixed, then the following entry is the location where that class is taking place. The next YES/NO field is to specify whether that class has a lab or not. When a non-online class has a lab, the labs are listed right after. See below for more information about the labs. Online sections don't have. labs. Credit hours is the last field of any lecture. Examples: 89745,COT6578, Advanced Computer theory, Graduate, F2F, PSY-108, No, 4 32658, COT6578, Advanced Computer theory, Graduate, Mixed, LPS-35, No, 4 That means that the college offers two sections of COT6578, one is P2P and the other is online. Both of those sections don't have labs. When a lecture has a lab, the labs' information is provided right after the lecture information Example: 69745,COP5698, Programming Languages, Graduate, F2F, CB2-122, YES, 4 19745, MSB-123 36598, PSY-100 20315, HSA1-116 That means the COP5698 with cn 69745 has three labs. 19745, 36598 and 20315 are the cns of the labs. MSB-123, PSY-100 and HSA1-116 are the building-room numbers where those labs are scheduled to take place. Note that if the Modality is Online, then the line of the lec.txt has the form: CN, PREFIX, LECTURE TITLE, GRADUTE/UNDERGRADUTE/ONLINE, CREDIT HOURS Example: 36636,50F2058, Introduction to Software, Undergraduate, Online, 3

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A fee invoice for an MS student should look like
The purpose of this project is to create a fee invoice application f
students attending Valence College, a college in the State of Florida. The
are two types of students: graduate (PhD and MS) and undergraduate. An out
of-state undergraduate student pays twice the tuition of a Florida-reside:
undergraduate student (all pay the same health and id fees of $35). A graduat
student is either an PhD or an MS student. PhD students don't take a
courses, but each has an advisor and a research subject. Each Phd studen
must supervise at least one lab. A lab can be supervised by more than or
PhD student (Labs can't be supervised by undergraduate students nor 1
students). MS students can only take graduate courses, and undergraduat
students can only take undergraduate courses..
At this time, Valence College offers the following list of classes/labs:
(Use it in your project as lect.txt).
89745,COT6578, Advanced Computer theory, Graduate, F2F, PSY-108, No, 4
66636, DIG2158, Introduction to Digital Systems, Undergraduate, Online, 3.
32658,COT6578, Advanced Computer theory, Graduate, Mixed, LPS-35, No, 4
69745, COP5698, Programming Languages, Graduate, F2F, CB2-122, YES, 5
19745, MSB-123
36598, PSY-100
20315, HSA1-116
56980, CDL2587, Introduction to Computers, Undergraduate, F2F, MSB-116, YES, 4
98123, RMA-008
91862, RMA-008
95315, RMA-008
36636, SOF2058, Introduction to Software, Undergraduate, Online, 3
12658,LOG5578, Logic and Proof, Graduate, Mixed, LPS-35, Yes, 3
98103, CMA-008
90862, RMA-013
95310, RMA-028
60045,COP5690, Programming Languages II, Graduate, F2F, CB2-120, YES, 4
19005, MSB-103
30008, PSY-107
20300, HSA1-16
51180,CDL2587, Introduction to Computers, Undergraduate, online, 3.
36637, SOF2058, Introduction to Software, Undergraduate, Online, 3
22658,LOG5578, Logic and Proof, Graduate, F2F, LPS-35, Yes, 3
98000, CMA-008
56510, RMA-028
69970, GOL1091, Introduction to AI, Graduate, Online, 1
An explanation on how to read the list above is provided at the end of
this document.
You may find the following hierarchy useful when you code your classes.
Undergraduate Student
Example of an MS student:
Name: Emily Jones
Id: em1254
Courses taken: LOG5578
Example of an PhD student:
Name: Zaydoun BenSellam
Id: zb5954
Advisor: Gary Richarson.
Research Subject: Fuzzy Topology.
Lab supervised: 20300,94442
Graduate Student.
Note that it costs, for undergraduate Florida residents, 120.25 dollars per
credit hour, and all MS students pay $300 per credit hour. in addition to
the $35.00 charged for health and id services. Undergraduate Students with
gpa of 3.5 or higher receive a discount of 25% when the total payments exceed
$500. PhD students pay a separate research fee of $700. Phd students who
supervise two labs are given a discount of 50%, and PhD Students supervising
3 labs or more pay the health and id fees only.
A fee invoice for an undergraduate student should look like
Fee Invoice Prepared for Student:
1 Credit Hour $120.25
56980 CD12587
36637 0072058
(Karim, a FL resident, has gpa higher than 3.5 gpal
Health & id fees
Fee Invoice Prepared for Student:
1 Credit Hour $300.00
69970 GOL1091
Health & id fees $ 35.00
$ 335.00
A fee invoice for an PhD student should look like
Fee Invoice Prepared for Student:
J02978-John JUNAID
John's research subject:Climate
Change. John supervises three labs or
Climate Change
Health s id fees
$ 35.00
Total Payments
$ 35.00
1) In addition to the Project Driver class, you will need to add all
the classes shown on the inheritance hierarchy shown above.
(Student, Graduate Student, Undergraduate Student, MsStudent and
PhdStudent). Both Student and Graduate Student are to be made
abstract. The Student class must contain the abstract method:
abstract public void printInvoice();
Additional classes may be added. See 6) below
2) The abstract method, print Invoice, is to be overridden to display
the right fee invoice, depending on the type of the student. Data
fields of all classes are to be made private.
3) You may use any data structure to store your objects. That is: you
may use an array, array list, LinkedList ...etc.
$ 481.00
- 219.18
4) Your code should handle ALL exceptions. The bottom line is that
your code should NOT crash!
5) Your code must have a user-defined exception class called
IdException that handles the ids entered by the user. Note that and
person's ID must be of the form LetterLetterDigitDigitDigitDigit
like ex7894. No two persons can have the same id. An exception of
type IdException is thrown when the id entered is either duplicated
or in wrong format. Handle that anyway you see fit!
6) This project requires additional code to manage the courses and
labs. Note that the Java classes and data stuctures needed to
manage the courses/Labs is left to you (the student) to decide on...
7) The main menu of your programs has two options: Student Management
and Class Management. The Student Management option shows a sub-
menu that allows the user to:
a. add a student
b. search for a student by id
c. delete a student
d. print the fee invoice of a student by id.
e. Print all students (Just the name) grouped by type. PhD
students together, MS students together and Undergraduate
students together. Something like:
PhD Students
Zydcun BenSellam.
Erica Belksiri
MS Students
Caleb Sidi Kacem
Erika Jones
Walid Kali
Undergraduate Students.
-Ed Johnson
-Willian Jones
Kirby Sons
The Class Management option allows:
a) search for a class or lab using the class/lab number
b) delete a class (this requires the deletion of all the
labs associated with that class
c) add a lab to a class when applicable. More information on
classes and labs is given at the end of this document...
(You may add the option that displays the list of classes
and labs to check your code)
Main Menu
Student Management
Course Management
0: Exit
Enter your selection: 1
Student Management Menu:
Choose one of
Main Menu
1 Student Management
Course Management
0: Exit
Enter your selection: 2
A Search add a student
Delete a Student
Print Fee Invoice.
Print List of Students
Back to Main Menu
Enter your selection: D
Course Management Menu:
Choose one of:
Search for a class or lab using the class/lab number
delete a class
C Add a lab to a class
Back to main menu
Understanding the structure of lec.txt
Each line in lec.txt represents a class being offered at Valence College.
A class is either a lecture (LEC) or a lab (LAB). A lecture (LEC) is characterized
Class Number (CN), a unique five-digit number assigned for each lecture/lab
Prefix (like COP3330)
Title (like Introduction to Object Oriented Programming)
Location (like CB 2-201)
Graduate or undergraduate.
Modality: Online, Face-to-Face (F2F) or Mixed Mode (Mixed)
If Modality is 2 or Mixed, then the following entry is the location where that
class is taking place. The next YES/NO field is to specify whether that class
has a lab or not. When a non-online class has a lab, the labs are listed right
after. See below for more information about the labs. Online sections don't have.
Credit hours is the last field of any lecture.
89745,COT6578, Advanced Computer theory, Graduate, F2F, PSY-108, No, 4
32658, COT6578, Advanced Computer theory, Graduate, Mixed, LPS-35, No, 4
That means that the college offers two sections of COT6578, one is P2P and the other
is online. Both of those sections don't have labs.
When a lecture has a lab, the labs' information is provided
right after the lecture information
69745,COP5698, Programming Languages, Graduate, F2F, CB2-122, YES, 4
19745, MSB-123
36598, PSY-100
20315, HSA1-116
That means the COP5698 with cn 69745 has three labs. 19745, 36598 and 20315 are the
cns of the labs. MSB-123, PSY-100 and HSA1-116 are the building-room numbers where
those labs are scheduled to take place.
Note that if the Modality is Online, then the line of the
lec.txt has the form:
36636,50F2058, Introduction to Software, Undergraduate, Online, 3
Transcribed Image Text:A fee invoice for an MS student should look like VALENCE COLLEGE ORLANDO FL 10101 The purpose of this project is to create a fee invoice application f students attending Valence College, a college in the State of Florida. The are two types of students: graduate (PhD and MS) and undergraduate. An out of-state undergraduate student pays twice the tuition of a Florida-reside: undergraduate student (all pay the same health and id fees of $35). A graduat student is either an PhD or an MS student. PhD students don't take a courses, but each has an advisor and a research subject. Each Phd studen must supervise at least one lab. A lab can be supervised by more than or PhD student (Labs can't be supervised by undergraduate students nor 1 students). MS students can only take graduate courses, and undergraduat students can only take undergraduate courses.. At this time, Valence College offers the following list of classes/labs: (Use it in your project as lect.txt). 89745,COT6578, Advanced Computer theory, Graduate, F2F, PSY-108, No, 4 66636, DIG2158, Introduction to Digital Systems, Undergraduate, Online, 3. 32658,COT6578, Advanced Computer theory, Graduate, Mixed, LPS-35, No, 4 69745, COP5698, Programming Languages, Graduate, F2F, CB2-122, YES, 5 19745, MSB-123 36598, PSY-100 20315, HSA1-116 56980, CDL2587, Introduction to Computers, Undergraduate, F2F, MSB-116, YES, 4 98123, RMA-008 91862, RMA-008 95315, RMA-008 36636, SOF2058, Introduction to Software, Undergraduate, Online, 3 12658,LOG5578, Logic and Proof, Graduate, Mixed, LPS-35, Yes, 3 98103, CMA-008 90862, RMA-013 95310, RMA-028 60045,COP5690, Programming Languages II, Graduate, F2F, CB2-120, YES, 4 19005, MSB-103 30008, PSY-107 20300, HSA1-16 51180,CDL2587, Introduction to Computers, Undergraduate, online, 3. 36637, SOF2058, Introduction to Software, Undergraduate, Online, 3 22658,LOG5578, Logic and Proof, Graduate, F2F, LPS-35, Yes, 3 98000, CMA-008 94442,RMA-013 56510, RMA-028 69970, GOL1091, Introduction to AI, Graduate, Online, 1 An explanation on how to read the list above is provided at the end of this document. You may find the following hierarchy useful when you code your classes. Undergraduate Student Example of an MS student: Name: Emily Jones Id: em1254 Courses taken: LOG5578 Example of an PhD student: Name: Zaydoun BenSellam Id: zb5954 Advisor: Gary Richarson. Research Subject: Fuzzy Topology. Lab supervised: 20300,94442 Student PhdStudent Graduate Student. MsStudent Note that it costs, for undergraduate Florida residents, 120.25 dollars per credit hour, and all MS students pay $300 per credit hour. in addition to the $35.00 charged for health and id services. Undergraduate Students with gpa of 3.5 or higher receive a discount of 25% when the total payments exceed $500. PhD students pay a separate research fee of $700. Phd students who supervise two labs are given a discount of 50%, and PhD Students supervising 3 labs or more pay the health and id fees only. A fee invoice for an undergraduate student should look like VALENCE COLLEGE ORLANDO FL 10101 Fee Invoice Prepared for Student: KJ2959-KARIM JONES 1 Credit Hour $120.25 CRN CR_PREFIX 56980 CD12587 36637 0072058 (Karim, a FL resident, has gpa higher than 3.5 gpal 3 Health & id fees Fee Invoice Prepared for Student: KA2959-ERICKA JUNAID 1 Credit Hour $300.00 CR PREFIX 69970 GOL1091 Health & id fees $ 35.00 CRN TOTAL PAYMENTS $ 335.00 A fee invoice for an PhD student should look like VALENCE COLLEGE ORLANDO FL 10101 Fee Invoice Prepared for Student: J02978-John JUNAID John's research subject:Climate Change. John supervises three labs or поге RESEARCH Climate Change 5-700.00 Health s id fees $ 35.00 Total Payments $ 35.00 657.56 1) In addition to the Project Driver class, you will need to add all the classes shown on the inheritance hierarchy shown above. (Student, Graduate Student, Undergraduate Student, MsStudent and PhdStudent). Both Student and Graduate Student are to be made abstract. The Student class must contain the abstract method: abstract public void printInvoice(); Additional classes may be added. See 6) below 2) The abstract method, print Invoice, is to be overridden to display the right fee invoice, depending on the type of the student. Data fields of all classes are to be made private. 3) You may use any data structure to store your objects. That is: you may use an array, array list, LinkedList ...etc. $ 481.00 s360.75 35.00 876,75 - 219.18 TOTAL PAYMENTS 4) Your code should handle ALL exceptions. The bottom line is that your code should NOT crash! 5) Your code must have a user-defined exception class called IdException that handles the ids entered by the user. Note that and person's ID must be of the form LetterLetterDigitDigitDigitDigit like ex7894. No two persons can have the same id. An exception of type IdException is thrown when the id entered is either duplicated or in wrong format. Handle that anyway you see fit! 6) This project requires additional code to manage the courses and labs. Note that the Java classes and data stuctures needed to manage the courses/Labs is left to you (the student) to decide on... 7) The main menu of your programs has two options: Student Management and Class Management. The Student Management option shows a sub- menu that allows the user to: a. add a student b. search for a student by id c. delete a student d. print the fee invoice of a student by id. e. Print all students (Just the name) grouped by type. PhD students together, MS students together and Undergraduate students together. Something like: PhD Students Zydcun BenSellam. Erica Belksiri MS Students Caleb Sidi Kacem Erika Jones Walid Kali Undergraduate Students. -Ed Johnson -Willian Jones Kirby Sons The Class Management option allows: a) search for a class or lab using the class/lab number b) delete a class (this requires the deletion of all the labs associated with that class c) add a lab to a class when applicable. More information on classes and labs is given at the end of this document... (You may add the option that displays the list of classes and labs to check your code) Main Menu 1 Student Management 2 Course Management 0: Exit Enter your selection: 1 Student Management Menu: Choose one of Main Menu 1 Student Management 2 Course Management 0: Exit Enter your selection: 2 A Search add a student B Delete a Student C Print Fee Invoice. D Print List of Students A X Back to Main Menu B Enter your selection: D Course Management Menu: Choose one of: Search for a class or lab using the class/lab number delete a class C Add a lab to a class X Back to main menu Understanding the structure of lec.txt Each line in lec.txt represents a class being offered at Valence College. A class is either a lecture (LEC) or a lab (LAB). A lecture (LEC) is characterized by: - Class Number (CN), a unique five-digit number assigned for each lecture/lab Prefix (like COP3330) Title (like Introduction to Object Oriented Programming) Location (like CB 2-201) Graduate or undergraduate. Modality: Online, Face-to-Face (F2F) or Mixed Mode (Mixed) If Modality is 2 or Mixed, then the following entry is the location where that class is taking place. The next YES/NO field is to specify whether that class has a lab or not. When a non-online class has a lab, the labs are listed right after. See below for more information about the labs. Online sections don't have. labs. Credit hours is the last field of any lecture. Examples: 89745,COT6578, Advanced Computer theory, Graduate, F2F, PSY-108, No, 4 32658, COT6578, Advanced Computer theory, Graduate, Mixed, LPS-35, No, 4 That means that the college offers two sections of COT6578, one is P2P and the other is online. Both of those sections don't have labs. When a lecture has a lab, the labs' information is provided right after the lecture information Example: 69745,COP5698, Programming Languages, Graduate, F2F, CB2-122, YES, 4 19745, MSB-123 36598, PSY-100 20315, HSA1-116 That means the COP5698 with cn 69745 has three labs. 19745, 36598 and 20315 are the cns of the labs. MSB-123, PSY-100 and HSA1-116 are the building-room numbers where those labs are scheduled to take place. Note that if the Modality is Online, then the line of the lec.txt has the form: CN, PREFIX, LECTURE TITLE, GRADUTE/UNDERGRADUTE/ONLINE, CREDIT HOURS Example: 36636,50F2058, Introduction to Software, Undergraduate, Online, 3
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