A database that can only be used by a single user at a time is notgoing to meet the needs of most organizations. As computers havebecome networked and are now joined worldwide via the Internet,a class of database has emerged that can be accessed by two, ten, oreven a million people. These databases are sometimes installed ona single computer to be accessed by a group of people at a singlelocation. Other times, they are installed over several serversworldwide, meant to be accessed by millions. In enterprises therelational DBMS are built and supported by companies such asOracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and IBM Db2. The open-sourceInformation Systems for Business and Beyond (2019) pg. 76 MySQL is also an enterprise database.Microsoft Access and Open Office Base are examples ofpersonal database-management systems. These systems areprimarily used to develop and analyze single-user databases.These databases are not meant to be shared across a network orthe Internet, but are instead installed on a particular device andwork with a single user at a time. Apache OpenOffice.org Base(see screen shot) can be used to create, modify, and analyzedatabases in open-database (ODB) format. Microsoft’s AccessDBMS is used to work with databases in its own MicrosoftAccess Database format. Both Access and Base have the abilityto read and write to other database formats as well. Structured Query LanguageOnce you have a database designed and loaded with data, howwill you do something useful with it? The primary way to workwith a relational database is to use Structured Query Language,SQL (pronounced “sequel,” or simply stated as S-Q-L). Almost allapplications that work with databases (such as databasemanagement systems, discussed below) make use of SQL as a wayto analyze and manipulate relational data. As its name implies, SQLis a language that can be used to work with a relational database.From a simple request for data to a complex update operation, SQLis a mainstay of programmers and database administrators. To giveyou a taste of what SQL might look like, here are a couple ofexamples using our School database: The following query will retrieve the major of student John Smithfrom the STUDENT table:Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019) pg. 77 SELECT StudentMajorFROM STUDENTWHERE StudentName = ‘John Smith’;The following query will list the total number of students in theSTUDENT table:SELECT COUNT (*)FROM STUDENT;SQL can be embedded in many computer languages that are used to develop platform-independent web-based applications. An in-depth description of how SQL works is beyond the scope of this introductory text, but these examples should give you an idea ofthe power of using SQL to manipulate relational databases.Many DBMS, such as Microsoft Access, allow you to use QBE(Query-by- Example), a graphical query tool, to retrieve datathough visualized commands. QBE generates SQL for you, andis easy to use. In comparison with SQL, QBE has limitedfunctionalities and is unable to work please use the following above and your outside knowledge to answer please give me a dumbed down version as well as a formal version to help me understand. What is the purpose of mySQL on your Web Server?
going to meet the needs of most organizations. As computers have
become networked and are now joined worldwide via the Internet,
a class of database has emerged that can be accessed by two, ten, or
even a million people. These databases are sometimes installed on
a single computer to be accessed by a group of people at a single
location. Other times, they are installed over several servers
worldwide, meant to be accessed by millions. In enterprises the
relational DBMS are built and supported by companies such as
Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and IBM Db2. The open-source
Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019) pg. 76
MySQL is also an enterprise database.
Microsoft Access and Open Office Base are examples of
personal database-management systems. These systems are
primarily used to develop and analyze single-user databases.
These databases are not meant to be shared across a network or
the Internet, but are instead installed on a particular device and
work with a single user at a time. Apache OpenOffice.org Base
(see screen shot) can be used to create, modify, and analyze
databases in open-database (ODB) format. Microsoft’s Access
DBMS is used to work with databases in its own Microsoft
Access Database format. Both Access and Base have the ability
to read and write to other database formats as well.
Structured Query Language
Once you have a database designed and loaded with data, how
will you do something useful with it? The primary way to work
with a relational database is to use Structured Query Language,
SQL (pronounced “sequel,” or simply stated as S-Q-L). Almost all
applications that work with databases (such as database
management systems, discussed below) make use of SQL as a way
to analyze and manipulate relational data. As its name implies, SQL
is a language that can be used to work with a relational database.
From a simple request for data to a complex update operation, SQL
is a mainstay of programmers and database administrators. To give
you a taste of what SQL might look like, here are a couple of
examples using our School database:
The following query will retrieve the major of student John Smith
from the STUDENT table:
Information Systems for Business and Beyond (2019) pg. 77
SELECT StudentMajor
WHERE StudentName = ‘John Smith’;
The following query will list the total number of students in the
STUDENT table:
SQL can be embedded in many computer languages that are used
to develop platform-independent web-based applications. An in-
depth description of how SQL works is beyond the scope of this
introductory text, but these examples should give you an idea of
the power of using SQL to manipulate relational databases.
Many DBMS, such as Microsoft Access, allow you to use QBE
(Query-by- Example), a graphical query tool, to retrieve data
though visualized commands. QBE generates SQL for you, and
is easy to use. In comparison with SQL, QBE has limited
functionalities and is unable to work
please use the following above and your outside knowledge to answer please give me a dumbed down version as well as a formal version to help me understand.
What is the purpose of mySQL on your Web Server?

Step by step
Solved in 2 steps