14 15 16 Web Design Basics 17 18 19 20
Q: Revise the following img element to attach it to the mapsites image map: <img src=”logo.png”…
A: Please find the answer below
Q: in the index.html file, add a class attribute with the value tablet-desk to the second div element…
A: In the index.html file, after adding a class attribute with the value tablet-desk to the second div…
Q: Modify or add a CSS rule for each requirement below to change the background-color property as…
A: Approach to solving the question: Detailed explanation: ul { background-color: magenta;} This rule…
Q: Home Page Styles At the bottom of the home page is a navigation list with the ID bottom containing…
A: In this question we have to create a set of CSS style rules for a website's home page, targeting…
Q: Create a style rule for the table header row group including every row within that row group that…
A: tab.css tr{line-height: 60px;}th:first-of-type{font-size: 2em;}th:not(th:first-of-type){color:…
Q: Step 2 Below the tablet media query, add a new comment with the text, Media Query for Desktop…
A: Here we have given solution for the 6 given tasks. you can find the solution in step 2.
Q: In the styles.css file, below the last style rule, add a new comment with the text, Media Query for…
A: The objective of the question is to add a new comment and a media query in the styles.css file. The…
Q: Tablet Media Query Next, you’ll define the layout for tablet and desktop devices. Create a media…
A: @charset "utf-8";@import url("cw_designs.css"); /* New Perspectives on HTML5 and CSS3,…
Q: Setting Background Color
A: I have provided HTML CODE( having internal CSS) along with CODE SCREENSHOT and OUTPUT…
Q: file to create style rules to design the table as shown in Figure 8–68. The table uses the following…
A: the html code is an given below :
Q: Fix the style code below for the angular gradient of the division for every browsers. div.angle {…
A: div { width: 200px; height: 200px; border: 3px solid purple; text-align: center; background:…
Q: Create a style rule for th & td selectors that say it's a border with the values 1px solid #7188b.…
A: Select all th and td elements on the page. Set their border property to a 1-pixel solid line with…
Q: rule for the table element that sets the way up to 80% sets the top and bottom margins to zero sets…
A: Dear Student, The below code sets up styling rules for table elements, caption elements and th and…
Q: 3. Go to the sd_effects.css file in your editor. Andrew wants you to create a fixed background for…
A: Here, Andrew wants you to create a fixed background for the browser window and he wants the web page…
Q: In cw_styles.css file and at the top of the file, use the @import rule to import the contents of the…
A: Hey there, I am writing the required solution based on the above given question. Please do find the…
Q: Add a blank line after the header h1 style rule, add a comment with the text Style rules for…
A: According to the information given:- We have to follow the instruction in order to implement Style…
Q: Create a custom footer for the worksheet. In the left footer section, display the current Page…
A: 1. To create a custom footer on the worksheet, first switch to the Page Layout view by clicking on…
Q: Create the web page shown below using HTML in the index.html file you created earlier.
A: The HTML Code is as under with comments: <!DOCTYPE html><!--html tag and lang attribute for…
Q: Open the code6-1_table.css file and create the following style rules for the indicated elements: 1.…
A: Overview: - In this question here, it has to write a html and css code for the Orangeville Library…
Q: for the home page of your school's website. Write the CSS to configure a grid layout for the…
A: Hey there, I am writing the required solution of the questin mentioned above. Please do find the…
Q: One way to introduce an image and place it in a block element container is to embed it inside its…
A: 1)The correct answer of the questions is Option("True") EXPLANATIONMany HTML elements, such as div…
Q: Create home, menu, and contact us pages. The three pages should have the same header and footer. The…
A: Home.html <html> <head> <title> Home </title> </head> <style…
Q: Add a blank line after the main content style rules, add a comment with the text Style rules for…
A: The correct HTML and CSS codes are given below with output screenshot A demo tortoise image has been…
Q: I need the help with the proper code to produce 3 columns using the directions below: Add a DIV…
A: The task at hand involves creating a responsive three-column layout using HTML and CSS. The design…
Q: In this exercise, you will create and modify style rules to learn more about how to place elements…
A: Here we have given code for the above mentioned tasks. You can find the solution in step 2.
Q: alloween 15 Add a transition and an animation In this exercise, you’ll add a transition and an…
Q: Add a blank line after the header h1 style rule, add a comment with the text Style rules for…
A: HTML file - <!DOCTYPE html><!-- Student Name:File Name:Date:--> <html lang="en">…
Q: In the styles.css file, below the last style rule, add a new comment with the text, Media Query for…
A: styles.css /* CSS Reset */ body, header, nav, main, footer, h1, div, article, h2 { margin: 0;…
Q: CSS Add a body selector and set the following: Set the font family to sans-serif. Add a class…
A: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8">…
Nest an img element within the header element below the heading element. Use images/web-design.jpg for the value of the src attribute. Add an alt attribute with a value of computer with the text web design. Add a height attribute with a value of 326px and add a width attribute with a value of 450px.
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- Create a link element that loads the myprint.css style sheet file but only for printed output.Go to the Flex Layout Styles section and insert a style rule to display the page body as a flexbox oriented as rows with wrapping. As always, include the latest WebKit browser extension in all of your flex styles.Before the paragraph, add an h2 header that reads "Introduction" and then an h3 header that reads "Section 2". Ensure each element has an opening and closing tag.
- Modify or add one CSS rule for each requirement below using the specified selectors. Element selector: Change the text color from green to blue for the list items. Class selector: Set the text-decoration to underline for all HTML elements with the class name footnote. ID selector: Set the text color to orange and the font-style to italic for the HTML element with the ID footnote-1. <section> <h2>Facts about CSS</h2> <ul> <li>According to Wikipedia, CSS was first proposed by Håkon Wium Lie on October 10, 1994. <a href="#footnote-1">[1]</a></li> <li>The first W3C CSS Recommendation (CSS1) was released in 1996.</li> <li>CSS was selected over competing stylesheet technologies because CSS <cite>allowed a document's style to be influenced by multiple stylesheets by way of "cascading".</cite> <a href="#footnote-1">[1]</a></li>…Setup Use your editor to open the ws_lincoln.html and ws_cloud.js. Enter your name and the date in the comment section of each file. Linking JS File Go to the ws_lincoln.html file in your editor. Link the page to the ws_cloud.css style sheet and the ws_stopwords.js and ws_cloud.js JavaScript files (in that order). Load the JavaScript files asynchronously. Study the contents of the file. Lincoln's speech is stored in a div element with the id "speech". The word cloud text will be placed in the aside element with the id "cloud". html---------------------------------------------------------------------- <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <!-- New Perspectives on HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript 6th Edition Tutorial 13 Case Problem 4 Word Cloud of Lincoln's 1st Inaugural Author: Date: Filename: ws_lincoln.html --> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,…Can you show me how to add padding, margin, and borders for elements and positioning elements using CSS? Within a CSS, add padding to main, aside, and footer elements of the page. Add a border to text headings in main and borders with rounded corners to the main and aside sections. Border can be partial or extend around the entire element. Add 0 margin to nav ul element. Add margins to all header elements as well as to heading elements in the main section and aside sections of the page. Make images in the main element float left, Make paragraphs in the "more" class clear left, and add a margin to image elements in the main section. In an HTML, add a png image to the page. In the css, position the png image it absolutely to the top left of the viewport window. If needed, add a z-index so the png image is always visible.
- Create a table as shown at the below in an HTML document. Write an internal style sheet for the following requirements. Insert all the data into the table. Set the caption according. Set the border for the table and collapse the borders as well. Apply a font family for text in the table. Use the table as a selector and specify sans-serif as the font. Add a style for the caption that changes the font size to 24pt, adds some bottom padding to move it away from the table border.Add a class attribute with the value mobile-tablet to the empty div element. Nest the following elements within this div element: An h3 element with the text Sponsorship Levels. Paragraph element with the text Green: $200. Paragraph element with the text Blue: $400. Paragraph element with the text Red: $600. Paragraph element with the text Purple: $800. Paragraph element with the text Silver: $1,000. Paragraph element with the text Gold: $1,500. Paragraph element with the text Each sponsorship supports our animals and operations. Business recognition is given at every sponsorship level. Contact us today to become a sponsor. <!DOCTYPE html> <!-- Student Name: File Name: partnership.html Today's Date: 07/07/2023 --> <html lang="en"> <head> <title><span class="icon">🐾</span>Wild Rescues: Template</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css"> <meta…i need this solved. below is style.css In the tablet media query, add a style rule for the grid class selector that sets the display to a grid, creates three columns with the grid template columns property, and sets the grid gap to 20px. In the tablet media query, add a style rule for the aside element that creates one grid column that spans three columns. Review the various favicons in the images folder. Add four link elements within the head to add a favicon, favicon shortcut, and favicons for iOS and Android. style.css /* CSS Reset */ body, header, nav, main, footer, h1, h3, div, section, article, aside { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; } /* Style rule for body */ body { background-color: #ffebdc; } /* Style rules for mobile viewport */ /* Style rule for header */ header { font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; margin-top: 0.2em; background-color: #9d4502; color: #feab6d; padding: 2%; } /* Style rules for nav area */ nav {…
- CLL question Next within the form, create a field set with the ID deliveryInfo. Within this field set, add the following: A legend containing the text Delivery Options. A text area box with the ID addressBox and field name of delAddress containing the placeholder text Enter delivery address. A label containing the text Delivery time (leave blank for earliest delivery) associated with the delBox control. Add an input element with the ID delBox and field name delTime for storing delivery time values. Use a data type of “time” for the control.I need this assignment solved. Below is index.html and styles.css Tasks Correct the style rule for the h1 selector located in the header element to center-align its content. Correct the style rule for the list item elements within the nav to display the list as an inline-block. Update the style rule for the main selector that sets the overflow property to auto. Update the style rule for the footer selector to clear a float on the left. Remove the underline from all nav links using the text-decoration property. Create a style rule for anchor elements within the main element that sets the font color value to #47476b, removes the underline, sets a font-weight value of bold, and sets a font style value of italic. Adjust the width value for the cssl, css2, and css3 id selectors so that they appear next to each other horizontally. In the nav element in the index.html file, do the following : link the text, W3C, to https://www.w3.org/ link the text,…Create the page layout as shown in the screenshot above. In particular, we will call the top, bottom, left, and right portions of the page "header", "footer", "content", and "menu", respectively. Note that the content part of the page is further divided into three blocks: the top block has a heading and a paragraph, and is followed by two blocks - one on the left with two images, and one on the right with three "announcements". The header should use large, white, center-aligned text on a red background with a thick black border. There should be some space between the text and the border. The footer should use green, centered-aligned text on a gray background. The menu has an unordered list on a black background. The background of the list is red. Each item in the list is hyperlinked except for "Home". The unlinked text should be black, and the linked text should be white. When a user mouse over a link, the color of the text should change to black. There should be some space between…