01 == 0000 0001 What does this do???????
Q: ow many objects of type Car are created? ar mustang = new Car(); ar prius; nt miles; ruck tundra =…
A: Objects are created in Java in the following way By new keyword and by cloning method Using the…
Q: int a = 10, b =7; System.out.println(a>b?a:b); Will always print what?
A: Coded using Java language.
Q: 5O Design -private int data field named id for the account Edefault a) private double data field…
A: The answer is given below:-
Q: ang = (z1+z2).argument(); //Put a comment here explaining what happened and why?
A: Code argument: The argument code is the specific set of instructions that tells a computer program…
Q: Please create a java class that contains the following data attributes and methods: private int…
A: Introduction A Java class is a blueprint or a template for creating objects. It contains fields…
Q: In the Game of 21, a player is dealt two cards from a deck of playing cards and then optionally…
A: The Answer is
Q: create a java application that: Prompts the user for a number called num (MUST BE INTEGER). Finds…
A: Program description: user input is stored in the num variable as integer The user input number is…
Q: Java Constructor(String) This constructor will take a string of digits(no commas) and turn it into…
A: Actually, the answer has given below:
A: Declare a variable, size, to hold the number of students. Declare arrays to hold ids, names of…
Q: Assume a random number generator object named randGen exists. Which expression is most appropriate…
A: Here have to determine about python for random generator problem statement.
Q: he weather generator methods you will be writing for this assignment will: predict future…
A: A weather generator produces a “synthetic” time series of weather data for a location based onthe…
Q: o codeHS: https://codehs.com/sandbox/id/piggybankjava-IySHGW?filename=MyProgram fix the error…
A: when i put this URL the its show something Oops! you dont have permission to view this program…
Q: You have been logged in on a result label. If they don't match, put the message Sorry, that password…
A: Approach We will use Java swing to built a GUI application to enter a username and password. The…
Q: transfer this code into GUI Tkinter in python print("Welcome to the ATM software") class ATM: def…
A: In this question we have to convert the code in python tkinter code with a GUI for the ATM code…
Q: Hi I like this code but is it possible to incorportate the 3 methods, because i dont see it in the…
A: In this question we have to write a JAVA code for the missing code in the tic tac toe code that was…
Q: java programs Perfect Numbers Write a method isPerfect that determines whether parameter number is…
A: public class Main{ //method to check whether the given number is perfect or not //if perfect…
Q: A company pays its employees on a weekly basis. The company has three types of employees: Salaried…
A: SOLUTION- I have solved this problem in Java code with comments and screenshot for easy…
Q: Write a program that will add and remove the following name and phone number list. (List on image…
A: The class name is Contacts. So commands to run will be javac Contacts.java and then java Contacts.…
Q: def parrot(voltage, state="a stiff", action="voom", p_type="Norwegian Blue"): print("-- This parrot…
A: Answer:
Q: Java Program Prime Number List Use the isPrime method that you wrote in Programming Challenge 13…
A: 1. Start2. Import the necessary Java libraries, including `Scanner`.3. Define a method called…
Q: $choice = "free"; setcookie('choice', $choice, time() + 60 * 5); 12.6 What is the value of the…
A: setcookie() : setcookie() function is to create a cookie. which defines the cookie to be sent with…
Q: In the game Flick Fleet, players undertake space combat by flicking a six sided die at other ships.…
A: class SpaceShip: def __init__(self,type): self.type=type #get type of ship def…
Q: Python help please! Thank you! Add the following methods to your Boat Race class: Write a method…
A: Given, if __name__ == '__main__': the_race = BoatRace('the_big_one.csv')…
Q: In Java: Parse String that look like this: cookies>mile>fudge:cake:ice cream Display the food item…
A: Prompt User:Display a prompt asking the user to enter ingredients.Read Input:Use the Scanner class…
Q: Output "Fruit" if the value of userltem is a type of fruit. Otherwise, if the value of userltem is a…
A: Below is the complete solution with explanation in detail for the given question in Java Programming…
Q: C# (Sharp): Using visual studio a). Make a math library with 3 methods with the same name…
A: As per the given information, we need to write a c# program that implements method overloading and…
Q: My code : # TODO: Write your header comment here. questions = [ "I am the life of the party…
A: Here are the mistakes in the expected output which is causing mismatch with the expected output :…
Q: Suppose that the application is accessible for all the tenants living in the apartment omplex and…
A: In this question, it is asked the provide the java code for the given application of tenant ticket…
Q: In Java Write a Fraction class that implements these methods: • add ─ This method receives a…
A: Create a Fraction class with instance variables numerator and denominator. Implement a constructor…
Q: def area(side1, side2): return side1 * side2 s1 = 12 s2 = 6 Identify the statements that…
A: Here we have a function named area(), which takes 2 input parameters and returns the area. Now, to…
01 == 0000 0001
What does this do???????

== is a comparison operator in most of the languages.
Step by step
Solved in 2 steps

- Duke Shirts sells Java t-shirts for $24.95 each, but discounts are possible for quantities as follows: 1 or 2 shirts, no discount and total shipping is $6.993-6 shirts, discount is 10% and total shipping is $5.497-9 shirts, discount is 20% and total shipping is $4.0010 or more shirts, discount is 30% and shipping is free Write a Java program that prompts the user for the number of shirts required. The program should then print the extended price* of the shirts, the shipping charges, and the total cost of the order. Use currency format where appropriate. *Note extended cost is the unit cost multiplied by the number of those items that were purchased with the discount applied(PLEASE USE JAVA AND JFRAME GUI) Game rules:The game consists of a two-dimensional field of size m × n (game field). Each element ofthe game field is a button with a number assigned to it.Initialization of the game:• The numbers on the buttons of the game field are set to a random digit between 0and 9• The target value is displayed above the game field• The current sum of the numbers displayed on the buttons of the game field is printedbelow the game field• The number of moves to completion is displayed in the upper right corner above thegame field.Playing:The first move is determined by the player by selecting any button (button A) on thegame field.1. The player is allowed to choose a second button (button B) located in the columnor row of the previously selected button (A).2. Upon selecting the second button (B), the value of button (A) is updated accordingto the following formula: A = (AoperationB)mod10.3. The operation for the basic game will be +.4. Decrement the number of moves…Instructions: For each Exercise below, write your code in an IDE and run your code within the IDE as well. Once you have satisfied the Exercise requirements, paste your code below under the corresponding. Exercise 1:The Magic 8-Ball is a super popular toy used for fortune-telling or seeking advice developed in the 1950s! Write a magic8.cpp program that will output a random fortune each time it executes. The answers inside a standard Magic 8-Ball are: ● It is certain ● ● ● . ● ● ● ● ● It is decidedly so Without a doubt Yes - definitely You may rely on it As I see it, yes Most likely Outlook good Yes Signs point to yes Reply hazy, try again Ask again later Better not tell you now Cannot predict now Concentrate and ask again Don't count on it My reply is no . My sources say no ● Outlook not so good ● Very doubtful
- In Java code: A company pays its employees on a weekly basis. The company has three types of employees: Salaried employees, who are paid a fixed weekly salary regardless of the number of hours worked; Hourly employees, who are paid by the hour and receive overtime pay; Commissioned employees whose pays are 20% of the week's sales Create a console-based object-oriented Java application that:Calculates weekly pay for an employee. The application should display text that requests the user input the name of the employee, type of employee, and the monthly salary, or hourly rate, if it’s an hourly employee, and hours worked for the week. For hourly employees, the rate will be doubled if it’s beyond 40 hours/week.The application should then print out the name of the employee and the weekly pay amount. In the printout, display the dollar symbol ($) to the left of the weekly pay amount and format the weekly pay amount to display currency. Implements a feature that allows the company to…Can you implement a module named inventory that will be responsible for managing the players inventory? The module should hold the inventory and implement the following functions: - displayInventory: Displays the current inventory - addToInventory: Adds an item to the inventory. *Use existing code below and don't use HTML* const prompt = require("prompt-sync")(); var adventurersName = ["Captain Thomas King","George","Tim","Sarah","Mike","Edward",];var len = 0;var Inventory = new Array(5).fill(" ");Inventory[len++] = "Food";Inventory[len++] = "Wine";Inventory[len++] = "Horses";Inventory[len++] = "Medicine"; var adventurersKilled = 3;var survivors;var numberOfAdventurers = adventurersName.length; survivors = numberOfAdventurers - adventurersKilled; displayIntroduction();getLeader(); var user_life = 3;var correct_answer = ["1","2","3"];var userIsCorrect;var options = ["\nOption 1 Enter the village hut?","Option 2 Eat the turkey leg?","Option 3 Sit on the stool?","Option 4 Talk with the…In Java Write a Fraction class that implements these methods:• add ─ This method receives a Fraction parameter and adds the parameter fraction to thecalling object fraction.• multiply ─ This method receives a Fraction parameter and multiplies the parameterfraction by the calling object fraction.• print ─ This method prints the fraction using fraction notation (1/4, 21/14, etc.)• printAsDouble ─ This method prints the fraction as a double (0.25, 1.5, etc.)• Separate accessor methods for each instance variable (numerator , denominator ) in theFraction classProvide a driver class (FractionDemo) that demonstrates this Fraction class. The driver class shouldcontain this main method : public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner stdIn = new Scanner(System.in); Fraction c, d, x; // Fraction objects System.out.println("Enter numerator; then denominator."); c = new Fraction(stdIn.nextInt(), stdIn.nextInt()); c.print(); System.out.println("Enter numerator; then denominator."); d = new…
- X609: Magic Date A magic date is one when written in the following format, the month times the date equals the year e.g. 6/10/60. Write code that figures out if a user entered date is a magic date. The dates must be between 1 - 31, inclusive and the months between 1 - 12, inclusive. Let the user know whether they entered a magic date. If the input parameters are not valid, return false. Examples: magicDate(6, 10, 60) -> true magicDate(50, 12, 600) –> falsePlease do in Java In many computer systems and networks,different users are granted different levels of access to different resources. In this case, you are given a int[] rights, indicating the privilege level of each user to use some system resource. You are also given a int minPermission, which is the minimum permission a user must have to use this resource. You are to return a String indicating which users can and cannot access this resource. Each character in the return value corresponds to the element of users with the same index. 'A' indicates the user is allowed access, while 'D' indicates the user is denied access. Constraints users will contain between 0 and 50 elements, inclusive. Each element of users will be between 0 and 100, inclusive. minPermission will be between 0 and 100, inclusive. Examples a) {0,1,2,3,4,5} 2 Returns: "DDAAAA" Here, the first two users don't have sufficient privileges, but the remainder do. b) {5,3,2,10,0} 20 Returns: "DDDDD"…%3D 0 = uns ju! int i = 0; while (i < 4) {sum = sum + i; { '++! System.out.print(i); what is the value of i ? Ob. 5 C. 4
- Write an application named SumFiveInts that allows the user to enter five integers and displays their sum. cannot use args using System;using static System.Console;class SumFiveints{static void Main(){// Write your main here}}JavaInteger userValue is read from input. Assume userValue is greater than 1000 and less than 99999. Assign tensDigit with userValue's tens place value. Ex: If the input is 15876, then the output is: The value in the tens place is: 7 2 3 public class ValueFinder { 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 GHE 14 15 16} public static void main(String[] args) { new Scanner(System.in); } Scanner scnr int userValue; int tensDigit; int tempVal; userValue = scnr.nextInt(); Your code goes here */ 11 System.out.println("The value in the tens place is: + tensDigit);