Winston is now in a large cell with a telescreen on each wall. He doesn’t know how long he has been here, but only that he is really hungry. He was kept in a temporary holding cell before, among political prisoners and common criminals. He now suspects that he is at the Ministry of Love. He meets Appleforth here, a poet he knows only vaguely. Appleforth is ushered into the cell, where the charges against him are discussed. Later, he also sees Parsons, who was turned in by his own daughter when she heard him say “Down with Big Brother!” in his sleep. Parsons is remorseful and wants to be “cured.” A series of other prisoners are brought in before Winston can be alone again.
The door opens, and O’Brien walks in. At first, Winston assumes that he, too, has been caught by the Thought Police. A few moments later, however, he realizes that O’Brien has always been loyal to the party, and was only pretending to be friends with Winston. A guard then strikes Winston harshly on the elbow, causing him to black out.