Winston wishes that he and Julia could lead a more romantic and leisurely life as a couple. With time hard to come by, they take on the risk of booking the room above Mr. Charrington’s shop. As before, Winston arrives early. Though Julia is late, she brings real coffee, sugar, bread, and jam—luxuries reserved solely for the Inner Party members. Before they make love, Julia puts on makeup and perfume in an act of defiance Winston finds admirable.
They spend some more time together, and toward the end, to Winston’s absolute horror, Julia spots a rat. The rat triggers an unwanted nightmare for Winston, and Julia promises to plug the rat hole in time for their next visit. As they leave, Winston sings an old ditty that Mr. Charrington had taught him. To his surprise, Julia also joins in on the singing. Winston finds out that she’d learned it from her grandfather before he disappeared, most likely during one of the Party’s purges.