Calculus 2012 Student Edition (by Finney/Demana/Waits/Kennedy) - 4th Edition - by Ross L. Finney - ISBN 9780133178579

Calculus 2012 Student Edition (by Finne...
4th Edition
Ross L. Finney
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 9780133178579

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Browse All Chapters of This Textbook

Chapter 2.3 - ContinuityChapter 2.4 - Rates Of Change And Tangent LinesChapter 3 - DerivativesChapter 3.1 - Derivatives Of FunctionChapter 3.2 - DifferentiabilityChapter 3.3 - Rules Of DifferentiationChapter 3.4 - Velocity And Other Rates Of ChangeChapter 3.5 - Derivatives Of Trigonometric FunctionChapter 4 - More DerivativesChapter 4.1 - Chain RuleChapter 4.2 - Implicit DifferentiationChapter 4.3 - Derivatives Of Inverse Trigonometric FunctionChapter 4.4 - Derivatives Of Exponential And Logarithmic FunctionChapter 5 - Application Of DerivativesChapter 5.1 - Extreme Value Of FunctionsChapter 5.2 - Mean Value TheoremChapter 5.3 - Connecting F' And F" With The Graph Of FChapter 5.4 - Modelling And OptimizationChapter 5.5 - Linearization And DifferentialsChapter 5.6 - Related RateesChapter 6 - The Definite IntegralChapter 6.1 - Estimating With Finite SumsChapter 6.2 - Definite IntegralsChapter 6.3 - Definite Integrals And AntiderivativesChapter 6.4 - Fundamental Theorem Of CalculusChapter 6.5 - Trapezoidal RuleChapter 7 - Differential Equations And Mathematical ModelingChapter 7.1 - Slope Fields And Euler's MethodChapter 7.2 - Antidifferentiation By SubstitutionChapter 7.3 - Antidifferentiation By PartsChapter 7.4 - Exponential Growth And DecayChapter 7.5 - Logistic GrowthChapter 8 - Applications Of Definite IntegralsChapter 8.1 - Integral As Net ChangeChapter 8.2 - Areas In The PlaneChapter 8.3 - VolumesChapter 8.4 - Lengths Of CurveChapter 8.5 - Applications From Science And StatisticsChapter 9 - Sequences, L'hopital's Rule, And Improper IntegralsChapter 9.1 - SequencesChapter 9.2 - L'hopital's RuleChapter 9.3 - Relative Rates Of GrowthChapter 9.4 - Improper IntegralsChapter 10 - Infinite SeriesChapter 10.1 - Power SeriesChapter 10.2 - Taylor SeriesChapter 10.3 - Taylor's TheoremChapter 10.4 - Radius Of ConverganceChapter 10.5 - Testing Convergance At EndpointsChapter 11 - Parametric, Vector, And Polar FunctionsChapter 11.1 - Parametric FunctionsChapter 11.2 - Vectors In The PlaneChapter 11.3 - Polar FunctionsChapter A2 - Mathematical InductionChapter A3 - Using The Limit DefinitionChapter A5.1 - Conic Sections And Quadtratic EquationsChapter A5.2 - Classifying Conic Sections By EccentricityChapter A5.3 - Quadtratic Equatiions And RotationsChapter A6 - Hyperbolic Functions

Book Details

The esteemed author team is back with a fourth edition of Calculus: Graphing, Numerical, Algebraic written specifically for high school students and aligned to the guidelines of the AP Calculus exam. The new edition focuses on providing enhanced student and teacher support; for students, the authors added guidance on the appropriate use of graphing calculators and updated exercises to reflect current data. For teachers, the authors provide lesson plans, pacing guides, and point-of-need answers throughout the Teacher's Edition and teaching resources.

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