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Jun 24, 2024





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4.4 Assignment: Data management This is an assessment opportunity which is used to evaluate your work based on established criteria. Instructions There are 4 Tasks in this assessment opportunity Task 1: Knowledge and Understanding Show all work for each question. 1. Would you use primary or secondary data in each situation? Explain. a. To determine the percentage of fellow workers who drink at least one coffee a day. (2 marks) b. To find the average weight of Canadian men. (2 marks) 2. For each day in the month of March, the number of cars given speeding tickets was as follows: 56, 57, 43, 56, 87, 37, 76, 55, 29, 65, 84, 74, 46, 58, 61, 40, 43, 60, 51, 77, 53, 47, 50, 81, 61, 44, 55, 54, 76, 39, and 77. a. What was the median number of tickets given out on any particular day in the month of March? (2 marks) b. If your friend was caught speeding on a day when only 43 tickets were awarded, does the day rank below the lower quartile? (3 marks) 3. A test has a maximum possible score of 200. The results achieved by a class of 20 students are listed: 168, 152, 112, 88, 95, 123, 177, 166, 145, 104, 112, 156, 110, 141, 177, 166, 134, 190, 111, and 120. Calculate the percentile rank of a score of 141, to the nearest percentile. (4 marks) 4. Imagine that the Consumer Price Index for Canada in 2020 was 102.6. Assume a base year was established in 2006. a. What can you conclude about prices in Canada in 2020? (1 mark) b. If a set of tires cost $440 in 2006, how much would the same set of tires cost(approximately) in 2020? (4 marks) 6/15/24, 1:45 PM 4.4 Assignment: Data management https://course.ilc.tvo.org/content/enforced/25315776-MAP4C-EN-02-0324-ON-(I-D)/course_content/assets/locker_docs/map4c_04.04.100.html?ou=25315776 1/8
5. Calculate the body mass index (BMI) of a person who is 5’1” and 120 lb. (Round to one decimal place.) (3 marks) 6. Given the correlation coefficient (r-value), determine the strength of the relationship. Defend your answers. (6 marks) a. r = −1 b. r = 0.86 c. r = −0.12 Task 2: Applications Show all work for each question. 7. The average annual exchange rate in Canada for the US dollar from 2008-2018 is shown in the following table. Year Exchange rate 2008 0.94 2009 0.88 2010 0.97 2011 1.01 2012 1.00 2013 0.97 2014 0.91 2015 0.78 2016 0.77 2017 0.77 2018 0.77 a. Draw a scatter plot, without using graphing technology. (3 marks) b. Draw the line of best fit. (1 mark) c. Determine the slope of your line of best fit and identify the y-intercept. (3 marks) 6/15/24, 1:45 PM 4.4 Assignment: Data management https://course.ilc.tvo.org/content/enforced/25315776-MAP4C-EN-02-0324-ON-(I-D)/course_content/assets/locker_docs/map4c_04.04.100.html?ou=25315776 2/8
d. Determine the equation of the line of best fit without technology (2 marks) e. Draw a scatter plot using technology. (2 marks) f. Determine the equation of the line of best fit using technology (2 marks) g. Draw the line of best fit. (1 mark) h. Based on your findings (use both equations of the line of best fit), what will the average exchange rate be in the year 2020, if current trends continue? Which one do you think is the most accurate? Why? (4 marks) 8. Your maximum heart rate depends on your age. These data were collected from a sports journal: Age (years) 20 25 30 Maximum heart rate (beats/min) 206 200 194 a. Draw a scatter plot of the data. Find the equation of the line of best fit. (3 marks) b. Determine the correlation coefficient. How well does the line fit the data? (3 marks) c. Use the equation to give a prediction of the maximum heart rate for a person of 23 years? (1 mark) Task 3: Communication Show all work for each question. 9. Given the graph of the distribution of fouls received by each player on a basketball team, 6/15/24, 1:45 PM 4.4 Assignment: Data management https://course.ilc.tvo.org/content/enforced/25315776-MAP4C-EN-02-0324-ON-(I-D)/course_content/assets/locker_docs/map4c_04.04.100.html?ou=25315776 3/8
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