February 28, 2022
Brother Hill
W09 Directed Study
Option 2 (Jacob 7) Sherem, the Anti-Christ
Part A:
Verse 2; Sherem would preach to the people about many of the flattering things that
would/could overthrow the doctrine of Christ. Verse 3; it stated that because of the many
preaching he did, he did sway many hearts and lead them away. Verse 7; Sherem confront Jacob
and contend against him, he shared that the many things that Jacob was sharing was blasphemy
and no man should know these things from a non-existed God.
From my perspective when I had read this chapter, I realized that Sherem wasn’t just a
non-believer in Christ, he had a hard time recognizing the Lord and His hand in his life. Because
he lacked that faith and trust he couldn’t recognize when the Lord was talking to him through
the spirit. Another thought was that he denied Christ because he continued to “sin,” in a sense
that it was okay to do so without understanding the repentance process. He was deceived by
the devil and because of the misleading information of the doctrines of Christ he continued to
preach because he thought that was the truth that was revealed to him.
Part B:
This question helped me see what a great example Jacob was when resisting the
temptations of false doctrines. Because Jacob “saw” and “witnessed” many of the things that
the Lord promised him, his faith was not shaken. The many witnessed promises allowed him to
know and understand the patterns and prompting the Lord would use when presenting himself
to Jacob. I am really glad I chose this option for my directed study because yesterday (Sunday
February 27
) was my YSA’s ward conference and we talked about how to hear the Lord in our
lives. It is through the pattern of Praying, asking questions with sincerity, acting upon the
thoughts we receive from the spirit, and then returning and reporting as well a giving thanks for
the prompting. Knowing that I have the Lord to show Himself in my life when I do something
that grants it.