NIV Bible- Psalms 104:14-15 (14) He makes grass grow for the cattle, and
plants for people to cultivate— bringing forth food from the earth: (15)
wine that gladdens human hearts, oil to make their faces shine, and
bread that sustains their hearts.
What is the meaning of this passage?
God is confirming that he gave us wine, oil, and bread to feed our
bodies and our spiritual bodies as well. The passage confirms
both things by comparing each food to a physical aspect of our
feeding our body and a spiritual aspect by comparing it to an
emotion that is connected to our being and soul.
Why did you pick this passage?
I picked this passage because it talks about different foods. The
Bible speaks about grass for the cattle. This is confirming that
God also provided meat for us to eat to provide nutrition to our
bodies. I believe this debunks the vegan diet and ect. that want
to exclude meats.
How does it apply to your daily life?
I believe that God is telling us that he gives us this food physical
to give our body nutrition but also to feed our soul from the
parables and comparisons to the emotional aspect to each food. I
believe that when the Bible speaks about “plants for people to
cultivate”. This confirms that we should be planting and eating
our own vegetables and grains.
Holy Bible, New International Version.
(2011). Zondervan. (Original work published 1973)