I loved how you mentioned God's plurality in your theological themes from these chapters. From the
onset God allows us to see his plurality one scripture that stands out strongly in this case is when God
said “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness" (Genesis 1:26, NIV). With the use of plural
pronouns ("us" and "our"), it indicates the involvement of multiple divine beings in the creation of
humanity. Another example of this is found in Genesis 11:7 in the story of the Tower of Babel and the
scripture says, Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other
(Genesis 11:7, NIV). In this again, the use of plural pronouns suggests the presence of multiple divine
beings deciding and acting together in one accord.
As a married man, I take deep appreciation in your outlook of the relationship found in a marriage. I too
feel that these readings have allowed me to grow a deeper understanding for marriage, it has allowed
me to better understand my role as a husband and how I fit into what God predestined, but also it
allowed me to see what God saw for my wife as well. Being able for us both to understand our roles from
God, I am sure will allow us to grow into a much better marriage and be a collaborative team. In a sense
just like God being the Trinity is still one, my wife and I even though we are our own people, we are still
to be one just like God is one.