PSY6920 W6 D1



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Jun 14, 2024





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PSY6920 W6 D1 & D2 Chapter19 19.02 D1 Develop an outline for a competency to stand trial evaluation based on cognitive impairments such as dementia or intellectual disabilities. As cognitive deficits are not by themselves reason to be deemed incompetent, what other factors must the forensic psychologist consider? Justify your choice of two assessments you would use in this evaluation, one of which must be an assessment for malingering of cognitive impairments. February 15, 2024 Honorable Judge Michael Brown 321 N Main Street Peoria, IL 61603 CASE NUMBER: 23-CF-169 John J. Jones Competency to Stand Trial Examination Referral Information: John J. Jones was referred to the office of Katie Glover, Ph.D. by the 10 th Judicial Court of Illinois, Honorable Judge Michael Brown for an evaluation of Competency to Stand Trial. Mr. Jones was explained the purpose of the examination and that the results of the examination would not be confidential. Mr. Jones was explained the contents of the examination would be presented in court for the purpose to conclude if there is a rational understanding of the proceedings against him. Sources of Information: 1. Clinical interview with John J. Jones (12/1/2023). 2. Administration of Competence Assessment of Standing Trial for Defendants with Mental Retardation (CAST-MR) (12/2/2023). 3. Evaluation of Competency to Stand Trial Revised (ECST-R) (12/2/2023). 4. Administration of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Forth Edition (WAIS-IV) (12/3/2023). 5. Administration of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventor (MMPI-2) (12/3/2023). 6. Review of Peoria City Police Reports and Peoria County Sheriff Department Reports (12/4/2023). 7. Interview with collateral and caretaker, Jack Jones (12/4/2023).
8. Interview with Peoria County States Attorney (12/5/2023). 9. Interview with Defense Attorney Mark Blue (12/5/2023). Social / Relationship History: Educational History: Work History: Legal History: Medical History: Psychiatric History: Psychological Testing: 1. Administration of Competence Assessment of Standing Trial for Defendants with Mental Retardation (CAST-MR) (12/2/2023). a. The CAST-MR contains 50 questions in three sections . The first section contains 25 written multiple-choice questions that test Mr. Jones understanding of basic legal terms. The second section contains 15 written multiple-choice questions designed to test Mr. Jones ability to assist in their own defense. The third section consists of 10 open ended questions regarding the Mr. Jones specific case asked orally by the examiner. 2. Evaluation of Competency to Stand Trial Revised (ECST-R) (12/2/2023). a. A semi-structured interview of Mr. Jones designed to assess dimensions of competency to stand trial as proposed in Dusky v. United States. 3. Administration of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Forth Edition (WAIS-IV) (12/3/2023). a. An intelligence examination which will measure Mr. Jones in verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed. 4. Administration of Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventor (MMPI-3) (12/3/2023). a. A psychological test to assess Mr. Jones personality traits, psychopathology, and malingering. Mental Status Examination: 1. General Appearance: 2. Emotions: 3. Thoughts: 4. Cognition: 5. Judgement and Insight:
Provisional Diagnosis (DSM-5-TR): Respectfully Submitted, Katie Glover, Ph.D. Ben-Porath, Y. S., Heilbrun, K., & Rizzo, M. (2021). Using the MMPI-3 in legal settings. Journal of Personality Assessment , 104 (2), 162–178. Code of Criminal Procedure . Illinois General Assembly - Illinois compiled statutes. (2023). Everington, C. T. (1990, January 1). Competence assessment for standing trial for defendants with mental retardation (cast-MR) . National Institute of Justice. mental-retardation-cast-mr Melton, G. B., Petrila, J., Poythress, N. G., Slobogin, C., Otto, R. K., Mossman, D., & Condie, L. O. (2018). Psychological evaluations for the courts: A handbook for mental health professionals and lawyers . The Guilford Press. PAR INC . PARINC. (2024). Ryan, J. J., Gontkovsky, S. T., & Kreiner, D. S. (2023). Age Effects on Subtest and Composite Scores of the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence–Second Edition. Assessment. , 10731911231207785–10731911231207785. D2 Develop an outline for a competency to stand trial evaluation based on psychopathology, such as schizophrenia. As psychological conditions are not by themselves reason to be deemed incompetent, what other factors must the forensic psychologist consider? Justify your choice of two assessments you would use in this evaluation, one of which must be for the assessment of malingered psychosis. February 15, 2024
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