DQ 2: Having read the text and Harmon, C. (2004).
How Al Qaeda May End
critically analyze
his five ways terrorist organizations have ended and how you think expert’s think the
Al Qaeda organization reign of terror will end? Provide at least one other source,
scholarly, that confirms your argument.
The five ways terrorist organizations ended consist of military power, great amazing strategy, capturing
or murdering leaders, moving in the direction of democratic ways, and a few terrorist success (Herman,
Most terrorist groups eventually end, and these terrorist groups are defeated because of military
Some of the once-promising groups lacking power include Briton Liberation Front in France,
Belgium’s Communist Combatant Cells, the Liberation Front of Quebec, and the People’s Revolutionary
Army in El Salvador.
Today, military efforts are focused on al-Qaeda, in Afghanistan where the regime
and international terrorism is mostly intertwined than other modern memory (Herman, 2004).
Also, Herman (2004) discusses how some terrorist groups fail because of losing their leader, and how
some terrorist outwardly and convincingly reform, and reenter normal society.
Some terrorist are
successful and this should be a reminder of the high stakes in the current war against terrorism. The goal
of the United States is to grind down al-Qaeda and their partners by increasing security efforts at home
and abroad but additional funding is needed.
For the next few years, the focus is the will and
determination to oust al-Qaeda.
Harmon, C. (2004).
How Al Qaeda may end
. Retrieved from