When concerning the polity of the church we are simply looking at how the
church is run, who is running the church, and how it works. There are 3 types
of church government today Episcopal, Presbyterian, and Congregational. All
these types of church government relate to each other and take some pieces
from the other governments. According to the textbook In Introducing
Christian Doctrine the Episcopal form of church government the church is ran
by the Bishop. According to Erickson there are 2 concepts related to the
Congregational form of church government democracy and autonomy. He
also states that in this form of church government everyone has a voice and
will be allowed to use it in their church setting. I think the Presbyterian form
of government is pretty much the same as Episcopal the only difference is
the elders hold the power in the church instead of the bishops. I think of all
these forms of church government I would choose to run an Episcopal form
of government. One reason I would choose to run an Episcopal form of
government is because the church I have always gone to runs an Episcopal
form of government. Episcopal form of government is what I've been around
my whole life, I've talked to multiple of my church's bishops, and one of them
was my grandpa. I think running a Congregational form of government can
be a little more difficult because of how many people can be involved in the
decision making of the church. I'd think it would be harder to get things done
with a congregational form of government. The other form of Government is
the Presbyterian form. I like this form because it is simple like the Episcopal
form. But personally, because I have been around an Episcopal form of
government, I have connections that would help me understand everything.