


Binghamton University *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by ProfessorFlower13672

Magnetic Field of a Solenoid Connor Edwards PHY-152 Abstract Electromagnetism is a useful concept in the modern day that can be used for anything like trains to medical equipment. Through this experiment, participants will gain hands-on experience in calculating and visualizing magnetic fields produced by various current distributions. The lab delves into the determination of the cross product, distance dependence, and the function of the constant μ0 in determining the strength of the magnetic field. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of electromagnetic phenomena and the basic principles underlying them by investigating how various arrangements of currents result in distinctive magnetic field patterns. This gives the result of a value of 1.33*10^-06 with a percent error of 5.6 percent. Introduction A fundamental idea in electromagnetism known as the Biot-Savart Law clarifies how magnetic fields are produced by current-carrying wires. It uses an inverse square law-based distance-dependent relationship and a cross product calculation to identify the magnetic field's direction. The concept of a current element, which represents a minute portion of a current-carrying wire, is introduced by the law. The permeability of free space (μ0), a constant that links the strength of the magnetic field to current, determines how much of the magnetic field this element contributes. In this lab, we'll investigate the use of the Biot-Savart Law to learn more about the magnetic fields produced by various current distributions and to better understand electromagnetic phenomena. Experimental Setup This lab was online once again instead of using the in-person lab kit so the set up was more complicated. As can be seen a current is run through a solenoid from a multimeter in order to measure how much is needed for a certain amount of copper wire to be lifted using only the magnetic properties. Here it is in use to see what exactly is happening when the current runs through it at the right amount.
Data Here is the raw data collected for the lab which first shows the length of wire being experimented on and the current value found to create magnetic balance for the given wires. Trial Wire Length [cm] Current I[A] 1 2 0.64 2 3 0.92 3 4.8 1.16 4 6 1.46 5 7 1.61 6 8 1.81 7 8.7 1.82 8 9.7 1.97 This table is for the total mass of the lengths of wire, and the current value squared for use in future calculations. Trial Wire mass m [kg] Current I^2[A^2 ] 1 8.76E- 06 0.41 2 1.31E- 05 0.85 3 2.10E- 05 1.35 4 2.63E- 05 2.13 5 3.07E- 05 2.59 6 3.50E- 05 3.28 7 3.81E- 05 3.31 8 4.25E- 05 3.88
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