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Apr 3, 2024





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2/11/24, 11:33 AM Test 1: PHYS 241 001 15A SP24 - Elec Magnetism & Light https://ccp.instructure.com/courses/1905078/quizzes/3938849 1/10 Test 1 Due Feb 11 at 11:59pm Points 12.1 Questions 13 Available Feb 10 at 11:59pm - Feb 11 at 11:59pm Time Limit 180 Minutes Instructions Attempt History Attempt Time Score LATEST Attempt 1 122 minutes 9.1 out of 12.1 Correct answers will be available on Feb 18 at 12am. Score for this quiz: 9.1 out of 12.1 Submitted Feb 11 at 11:32am This attempt took 122 minutes. By starting this online test, you agree to use only your notes, textbook, and WileyPLUS resources as a resource for solving these problems. You may not use the internet other than for resources found on our Canvas site. After you answer a question, YOU CANNOT GO BACK TO IT TO CHANGE YOUR ANSWER, so double check your answer before you submit. The test must be completed in 3 hours after the test has begun. 1 / 1 pts Question 1 We have four identical conducting spheres that are separated by a distance much greater than their identical radii. They have the following initial charges: A , +16 e ; B , -14 e ; C , -15 e ; D , +23 e . Sphere A is touched to sphere B and then pulled away. Sphere B is then touched to sphere C and then pulled away. Sphere A is then touched to sphere D and then pulled away. What is the final charge on sphere D ?
2/11/24, 11:33 AM Test 1: PHYS 241 001 15A SP24 - Elec Magnetism & Light https://ccp.instructure.com/courses/1905078/quizzes/3938849 2/10 -2e +8e +6e -8e +12e 1 / 1 pts Question 2 The figure below shows charged particles 1 and 2 that are fixed in placed. q = -8 e , q = +3 e , d = 0.200 m. At what coordinate should a third charged particle be placed ( x = ?? m) such that the net force on it is zero? 1 2 0.516 0.887 -0.550 -0.333 1 / 1 pts Question 3
2/11/24, 11:33 AM Test 1: PHYS 241 001 15A SP24 - Elec Magnetism & Light https://ccp.instructure.com/courses/1905078/quizzes/3938849 3/10 The figure shows three charged particles. What is the x component (in N) of the net force on the particle at the origin? d = d = 2.00 m, q = 3 e , q = -6 e , q = -2 e , θ = 30.0º. 1 2 1 2 3 0 / 1 pts Question 4 Incorrect Incorrect The figure shows two charged particles fixed on an x axis. It also shows a plot of the net electric field for points between the two particles, complete with the algebraic sign of the field. Which of the following gives the signs of the charges?
2/11/24, 11:33 AM Test 1: PHYS 241 001 15A SP24 - Elec Magnetism & Light https://ccp.instructure.com/courses/1905078/quizzes/3938849 4/10 -q , +q 1 2 +q , -q 1 2 +q , +q 1 2 -q , -q 1 2 0 / 1 pts Question 5 Incorrect Incorrect In the figure, two particles with the same magnitude of charge, are at equal distances d from the origin. Four points are shown. At which is the net electric field in the positive direction of the x axis? 1 only 2 only 1 & 3 only 2 & 4 only 1 / 1 pts Question 6 The figure shows two charged particles. Distance d is 2.00 m. What is the magnitude (in N/C) of the net electric field at the origin? q = +5 e q = -2 e θ = 30.0º 1 2
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