Week 2 Discussion
Name one step you would immediately take to make progress in relation to economic, social, and
cultural rights.
Children’s Aid Society itself is very understaffed as is now. I have chatted with several
employees that have worked at Children’s Aid Society and now changed employment from there.
Their experience is that they are under an enormous amount of workload, and the turnover rate at
their agency was a year. My first step would be to increase the number of frontline workers at the
agencies, increase the resources to balance out the workload of the current employees. I’m not
certain of the current salary as frontline staff at Children’s Aid Society, but from the ex-
employees, I have chatted with, their salary was approximately 70 thousand annual, this, of
course, reflects on their experiences and their time at the agency. Nevertheless, by going with a
figure of 70 thousand, if it decreased to 60 thousand, this would increase one employee for every
six salaries cut. If the Children’s Aid Society has more employees, it could increase their
involvement in First Nations and African-Canadian families.
Another area I would like to indicate is the weak measures to preserve First Nations
languages. I was not born in Canada, my family and I immigrated to Canada back in 2006. I
remember learning about the World Wars and D-Day during history class in secondary school but
nothing about the indigenous people, nothing about their culture at all. I learned it from my wife
since she was part-indigenous and is very passionate about learning her culture. I have witnessed
very little teaching about the indigenous people in Toronto’s school system, the issue may be
since I am employed at a Catholic school board. Incorporating the Aboriginal people’s culture
into the history class and offer First Nations languages as extra credit in secondary schools could
increase the student’s interests, regardless of the city or Catholic school board.