Q1 Med Ethics
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Non-consequentialists believe that having a virtuous character or
morals is more important than consequences.
Which seeks the greatest good for the greatest number of people?
Which type of fallacy does the statement below exemplify?
"I know I overeat, but all Americans do."
Ad Populum
The study of the formal properties of arguments is:
Moral relativism states that no universal truths exist; right and
wrong must be defined in each society.
Which type of fallacy does the statement below exemplify?
"I know I overeat, but so do you."
Tu Quoque
Consequentialism states that only motives and intentions count,
not consequences
Which type of fallacy does the statement below exemplify?
"How can you judge people for overeating when you smoke cig-
Ad Hominem
Inductive reasoning says that if the premises are true then the
conclusion must be true.
The study of moral principles and the application of those princi-
ples to human life is called:
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