Felicia Guzman MNGT – 3330
April 10
, 2023 Critical Thinking 7 1.Who do you think is responsible for employees being placed in the “in-group” or the “out-group”—the leaders or the employees themselves? Explain your answer.
In the workplace environment, the leaders are responsible for an ingroup or outgroup approach. The leader's role is to understand their employees' concerns and needs. The leader sets the tone for the culture of the group. If he/she is open to communication and a friendly environment, then the employees will follow. If the leader is uptight and only speaks about business, the employees
will follow and strictly be about business. 2- In what situations might it be useful to let the other party know your BATNA at the beginning of a negotiation? In what situations would it be best to keep that information to yourself? Explain your answer.
In situations that require serious negotiations, it is important to utilize BATNA at the beginning of the conversation. If you are needing to sell a home, BATNA would be a logical way of having
a conversation. The conversation of selling something with high value would be a proper use of BATNA. A common ground on a price would need to be set for both parties to agree. BATNA would not be used in a setting where there are multiple vendors at a function, and each is getting paid differently. 3- Recall different sources of power discussed in chapter 13. In your own experience, what type of power have you encountered most often?
I have encountered reward power the most throughout my different jobs. I have been rewarded with a bonus and more pay as my yearly evaluations are being given to me. Goals have also been
set and if the goals were reached there would be an incentive such as PTO or Monetary prizes.