What are 5 characteristics that you feel are necessary in order for an apology to
be authentic and believable? List and explain.
Take full responsibility -
Taking full responsibility means they are admitting
what they did wrong without making excuses, blaming others, or
minimizing the harm caused.
Acknowledgement - An apology must be specific about what is being
apologized for and it should address the
acknowledgement of the harm
caused and how it affected the specific people.
Emotion - An authentic apology should express genuine emotions such as
eye contact, face awareness and
show that the person understands the
impact of their actions on others.
Call to action - The apology should offer to make things right such as
preventing the harm happening again and offering something to the
No script - Apologizing without a script people will believe that your words
come from your heart and this can help you build trust.
After watching the apology videos of former PM Stephen Harper, PM Trudeau
and Pope Francis, do you believe that their apologies on behalf of the Canadian
government and the Catholic Church were authentic and believable? Why or why
I think that PM Trudea’s apology was authentic and believable compared
to former PM Stephen Harper and Pope Francis because former PM
Stephen Harper didn’t express his emotions to show the people that he
understood the harm caused and how it affected the people and Pope
Francis didn’t make eye contact with the audience to make it authentic.
What, if anything, do you think our Government can do to make up for what took
place in residential schools?
The government can take responsibility for the harm that was done in
residential schools and also the government can support ongoing
reconciliations, within Indigenous communities, the government can also
offer financial compensation, support for healing and mental health