Final Paper- PSY
Grand Canyon University *
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Feb 20, 2024
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Name and Class Day/time: Amanda Luong (T/TH: 1:00 pm)
There is not a specified word count you need to answer the questions completely. This often takes students 1000 words. _ Stereotypes (pg. 309), Conformity (pg. 485), Introversion (pg. 523)
Topic Explanation Real life example Stereotypes is a set of generalized beliefs that represent individuals, groups, or objects. (Mcleoad, 2023). Stereotypes are thoughts or opinions about specific groups involving gender, color, sexual orientation, and race that are commonly derived from observations that are
made in daily life. Stereotypes can cause people’s opportunities to be hindered this is because with the specific generalizations of gender or race will give a false perception of what those individuals or groups are capable of thus leading to opportunities wasted because one’s biased judgments (Grison & Gazzaniga, 2023). There are two different types of stereotyping positive or negative. Negative stereotypes are defined as negative attributes and beliefs that are placed upon individuals or a
Stereotyping is commonly found through a person’s race. An example of race stereotyping would be, growing up as
an Asian there have been many stereotypes made around my race, however, the most popular one would be that “all Asians are good at math or science”. This stereotype is false as not all Asians are good at math or science but is
commonly said as a joke to those who are Asian and is sometimes a general stereotype that some people do believe is true. This idea that all Asians are good at math and science is derived from the cultural backgrounds of Asians. Asians are known to be diligent, determined, and academically inclined thus leading to the idea that when it
comes to exceling in more technical related courses, they would naturally excel in it. This stereotype tends to be This document will be submitted to Lopes Write as part of your GROUP assignment.
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group which presents them in a poor light (Sam, 2013). Positive stereotype is a set of favorable beliefs that are displayed upon a group or individual (Czopp et al., 2015).
Culture plays a big role in the creation of stereotypes; this
is when an one assumes that all individuals in that specific culture act, think, and behave the same (Openstax, n.d.). harmful towards other Asians as it creates a false expectation for these individuals and causes destructive emotional stress when these expectations aren’t met (Gunderson & Li, 2020).
Conformity is a kind of social influence that involves altering one’s conduct or beliefs to blend in with others or
to match what is expected of oneself from others (Mcleod, 2023). There are different types of conformity compliance, internalization, identification, and ingratiational. Compliance conformity occurs when an individual accepts influence because they are wanting to feel validation from another person or group, this is a temporary behavior change because when group pressures
begin to stop compliance stops (Mcleod, 2023). Internalization is the deepest level of conformity since this level of change in behavior is permanent, internalization happens when an individual adopts the beliefs of the group into their own (Mcleod, 2023). Identification is essentially when an individual recognizes
and adopts the expectations of their social roles into their lives (i.e. jobs) (Mcleod, 2023). Ingratiational occurs when a person changes their beliefs to achieve validation from others, this type of conformity is motivated by a need that an individual as for social rewards (Mcleod, 2023).
There are many different types of conformity within our society, an example of positive conformity would be the idea of waiting in line. It is embedded into our brains that to promote fairness we conform to social norms and wait in line rather than clumping together and causing chaos (Cox, 2023). Conformity can also be present through the influence of family and friends, an example of this would be individuals voting for the same political party as their family members, this is because when growing up as a child you conform to the ideas that your parent’s believe in because these are the values that you are familiar with and were raised with. Another example would be conforming to wearing the same outfits as your friends, this is because many individuals who conform to wearing the same clothing as their friends are wanting to feel accepted and validated by their friends (Cox, 2023). Introversion is a personality trait that is identified to be the desire to be more internally oriented and having a stronger want to be alone rather than feeling the need to be in group settings and in the company of others (GoodTherapy, 2015). Just like other personality traits introversion has different levels to it depending on the individual, it can range from moderate, extreme, or somewhere in the middle. When an individual shows extreme introversion this typically means they do not have a strong desire to reaching out to others or wanting to be alone most of the time. Introversion is a trait that is found in individuals who usually derive their energy from
being with oneself rather than gathering their energy from
groups or in the presence of other individuals (GoodTherapy, 2015). There are 5 signs that point to the idea of introversion, the first being that many introverts believe that small talk is typically considered a waste of time, this is because introverts tend to be more active listeners and gather information and process it internally rather than having a handful to say about the matter. The second sign is after any type of social interaction introverts need to have their own time alone, after social outings introverts believe that they need time alone to An example of introversion would be, an individual attending a party where there is dancing, loud music playing, and is crowded by many people. Introverts will usually tend to feel more overwhelmed in situations like this and scan their environment to find more isolated locations for them to be by themselves and observe the party from a distance. When being away from the crowd this allows for introverts to recharge their social battery, while continuing to have conversations with individuals who they are more comfortable with such as close friends.
At the end of the party introverts typically enjoy going back home and spending their time alone recharging their social battery as big social gatherings like parties take out a lot of energy from them. This document will be submitted to Lopes Write as part of your GROUP assignment.
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recharge because they find social gatherings to be exhausting. Another sign is that introverts are not anti-
social or hate the company of others this simply just means that they tend to enjoy the company of their trusted
friends or family. The fourth sign is that since introverts always process information internally, they have a strong inner voice for reflection and they are more likely to be smarter on the idea of thinking before performing that action, they also enjoy devoting much time to themselves and learning more about their interests and hobbies. The fifth sign is that introverts enjoy the idea of texting, emailing, or anything that doesn’t involve physically speaking to someone over the phone, this is because this relates to the idea that introverts enjoy silence and being alone and if they have time to spare, they will rather spend it doing something by themselves than being on the
phone with friends. (Frothingham, 2023)
With the knowledge of the terms stereotype, conformity, and introversion this will allow me to understand the reasons as
to why we act a certain way in social settings and why no one should ever be quick to judgement for any differences that may be present because every individual has a set of characteristics or ideals that shape who they are and should not be discriminated against due to any differences of their way of life.
Stereotyping is the generalization of a certain belief upon specific individuals, groups, or objects (Grison & Gazzaniga, 2022). This could be beneficial to the understanding that we should not be quick to stereotype individuals whether it be by gender, sex, or race because of our personal beliefs and opinions on individuals who are different from us. Stereotyping happens many times throughout the day, when it comes to stereotyping each identity has its own negative stereotype and this can cause mistreatment to innocent people who are simply being misjudged by another person’s false beliefs about their identity (Rappaport, 2013). Stereotypes can impact an individual’s behavior significantly whether it be
individually, in groups, or in society. When a person who recognizes the specific attributes and stereotypes of their identity, they as an individual would most likely conform to those ideologies because they are familiar with the practices,
expectations, and societal perceptions of their identity (Tiayon, 2021). For example, as an Asian growing up there were many expectations that I was aware of and had to meet, this would be coming home and preparing dinner because in Asian cultures this is what women were expected to do in the household, or with the stereotype of Asian parents are strict
this is true in most cases because of the generational teachings of the Asian culture. This behavior is expected from Asians so as someone from this culture I conformed to these teachings and still practice them to this day. However, stereotyping is different when it comes to groups. When stereotyping in groups this can lead to more negative stereotyping because this will cause more discrimination and judgment to happen within the group and cause more dissonance of the individuals within the group (Tiayon, 2021). Societal stereotyping is prevalent to the beliefs and attributes we place upon individuals with those identities, this can lead to prejudices and can become a big influencer on the way individuals would act, especially with everyday life, such as, employment, finding friends, and through education (Tiayon, 2021).
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Conformity is the alteration of oneself to match the expectations of other within a group (Mcleod, 2023). Conformity impacts a human’s individuality, because when individuals conform to the ideologies of another group rather than their personal beliefs, they are doing this to gain validation from others around them (Jilani, 2019). Individually, conformity can alter the individual mind negatively, this is because a person may feel as if the way they are acting, thinking, and what they are saying are not “good enough” to reach societal expectations and therefore they as a person would not be able to be accepted or be “popular” (Jilani, 2019). When it comes to groups, conformity plays a bigger role in altering the
minds of an individuals to feel as if they need to change themselves in order to feel accepted within their group (Mcleod, 2023). For example, in a friend group Annie enjoys wearing colors in her everyday wardrobe, but her friends enjoy wearing neutral beige colors, for Annie to feel accepted she conforms to the ideas of the group sacrificing her own happiness to feel satisfaction and acceptance from her friends. In a societal standpoint, conformity can look bigger and affect more individuals rather than just one person, when people conform to a certain belief or action, they are wanting to
feel accepted and have a sense of inclusion leading to the loss of individual freedom (Mcleod, 2023). An example of this would be living in a small town where the political views are all in unison and you believe otherwise, but because the town is voting one way you feel pressured to vote the same as the town to avoid feeling any type of exclusion or be indifferent from everyone else. Introversion is a personality trait that reflects a level of shyness or quietness within a person, they are more internally oriented and enjoy spending time alone (Grison & Gazzaniga, 2021). Introversion is misjudged within society and those who are introverts are deemed as anti-social, weird, and mysterious. However, these are all false representations of introversion and instead introversion has many positive effects on individuality, groups, and society. In an individual sense, people who are introverts are more creative, they can think outside of the box, and they have more knowledge to who they are and have a wiser mentality (Frothingham, 2023). With the immense amount of time that introverts spend alone they can enjoy their personal hobbies and discover more about themselves, this is all beneficial to the shaping of one’s personality. In a group setting there are many positive attributes that introverts display such as being good listeners
and they are more sympathetic to the ways others may be feeling, they usually set aside their personal thoughts and feelings to take in the feelings of others and allow other people to vent to them (Frothingham, 2023). Introverts also make for amazing deep friendships, although introverts do not tend to reach out often this doesn’t mean that they do not care for you, in social settings introverts tend to gravitate closer to their close friends and have more intentional conversations with them wanting updates on life, and listening to any problems that may be putting a heavier burden onto their lives (Knox, 2023). Introversion also plays a big role in society as this allows for others to understand that the stereotype that revolves around introverts are all false, and that once getting to know those who are more introverted can find many positive outcomes to their lives. Judgment clouds that way we live and can cause us to lose sight of real friendships and understanding that all individuals are wired uniquely and not the same, so we as humans should not judge others before getting to know each other (High Country Behavioral Health, 2021).
2. God created the world and placed us on this earth and had a plan for us to uphold which included honoring Him, this can be accomplished by respecting and helping others because we are all uniquely made in His image. God calls us to cultivate loving relationships and build the kingdom of heaven here on earth (Statement on the Integration of Faith and This document will be submitted to Lopes Write as part of your GROUP assignment.
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Work, 2015, para. 3). As humans we were sent on mission to live out the heart of the Lord and that means recognizing the beauty that God has created and that means loving His people and respecting each other because at the end of the day
we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. As Christians we need to recognize that our salvation did not come from us, but instead from Christ alone, Jesus died on the cross for our sins leaving us to continue the mission that Jesus has provided for us as stated in Matthew 28:19 (NIV) “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” We as Christians are to find the lost and broken and lead them to the heart of Jesus, so their pain and suffering can be healed by the Father (Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work, 2015, para. 7). Our goal as Christians is to live a life that exemplifies who Jesus is, living a life of patience, kindness, and
faithfulness, we are to love each other as He has loved us no matter how much we have sinned, as our Father he overlooks our sin and sees a beautiful son or daughter. He teaches us to love our neighbors as He has loved us and this teaches us to overlook and differences that we see in each other because Jesus did not choose who he wants to love he loves all because is heart is good, he sets the way for us Christians to think and by working together as brothers and sisters in Christ we are able to spread the word of God and love on the differences of each other because at the end of the
day we were all made in the image of God and we all have the same mission to fulfill (Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work, 2015, para. 8-10).
3. The Christian worldview principles can enhance the understanding that although we are all different and uniquely made, we are still created by the same Father, these principles allow for us to set these differences aside and have more of a positive engagement with one another. In John 15:12-13 (NIV) “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” Jesus commands us to love one another, we should not be picking or choosing who we love because that is not what Jesus did, instead he sets a prime example of cultivating a positive interaction for all on earth. We as Christians should live a life glorifying who are Father
is and should commend the teachings of His word (Graham, 2014), we can do this by engaging with one another to solve
problems, being empathetic towards others, and showing kindness in everything we do. When we are kind to one another
this allows for more cooperation to be shown and more solutions for bigger problems would unfold, for instance, if someone started a food drive for those who are labeled “the least of these” in hopes of exemplifying what Jesus did for the poor and lowly while also spreading the word of God, many Christians would come together and make this a dream a
reality contributing to the donations of food, clothes, and shelter working together and doing things out of kindness, love,
and through Christ. A big difference can be made because we are fulfilling the mission that God sent us to do which is spreading the Gospel to the broken (Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work, 2015, para. 7) while also loving those who may be different around us and caring for them as Jesus has done for us (Graham, 2014)
Considering what I have learned about the three topics this allows me to be more mindful in the way I act and prevent myself from quick judgement to those who are different than me. When it comes to stereotyping, I often forget that although these are jokes to me this may not be a funny matter to others and negative stereotypes can have harmful effects
to an individual as well. This leads straight into conformity, oftentimes individuals feel the need to change their ideals and beliefs to match the expectations of a group to feel more included and indifferent, however, this is not something that
God wants us to encourage, yes He crafted us all in the same image, but he crafted us to all be unique from each other, we should not be ashamed of who we are, but instead proud of the person He made us to be. While learning about This document will be submitted to Lopes Write as part of your GROUP assignment.
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conformity this has taught me to not fall into the temptations of the world and follow what the crowd is believing but rather to trust my Father for, he knows that plans of my life, and recognizing that he created me uniquely and to be proud
of who I am instead of being ashamed of my differences. Lastly, introversion, learning more about this topic this has allowed me to have more of an open mind to those that are introverts, society has always been quick to stereotype introverts as weird, anti-social, and mean human beings, this is the opposite of who they are and instead introverts are amazing friends, they care for others on a deeper level, and are amazing listeners. All these positive attributes get misjudged because of what society has deemed introverts to be and instead of going to prejudice, I’ve learned to have more of an open mind to getting to know others that are different than me while also loving on them. All of these social psychological topics have taught me that different cultural backgrounds may not always follow the same ideas and teachings as mine, but that does not give me the right to misjudge innocent people because of my own unfair bias beliefs and stereotypes of other individuals. This allowed me to be more motivated to learned about their culture and understand why they believe it rather than judging them for believing in something different than me. A culture that I had always been surrounded with was the Asian culture, I went to an all Asian private school and it wasn’t until high school that I was introduced to the true ideologies of Americans, it’s ironic how I grew up in America and was always closed minded to any American practices this is because of the ideas that my parent’s and family engraved into my head which were Asian ways are the right ways any other way is wrong, I had no choice but to conform to these ideas because that is all I knew growing up. However, going to a public high school this as taught me that the American stereotype that I was taught which was Americans were judgmental, rude, and racist were all wrong. I was quick to be close-minded because I
had conformed to the ideas of my family, these ideas quickly changed when I met my best friend that I now go to college
with. She taught me that the stereotype was all wrong and that the American ideas are much different than what I was imagining. My now best friend is the reason why I am a Christian and now with the teachings of Jesus being my pathway
of life I have been less close-minded and loving on those who are different than I am. APA References Resource to help you:
Billy Graham. (2008, April 22).
Learning to Treat God’s Creation With Respect
. Billy Graham Evangelistic
Czopp, A., Kay, A., & Cheryan, S. (2015). Positive Stereotypes Are Persuasive and Powerful
. Association for Psychological Science.,%20Kay,%20&%20Cheryan,
Frothingham, M. B. (2023, September 1).
8 Signs You’re an Introvert
. Simply Psychology
Frothingham, M. B. (2023, September 1). Signs of An Introvert Personality: Types, Traits, & Characteristics
. Simply Psychology.
McLeod, S. (2023, June 16).
. Simply Psychology.
Openstax. (n.d.). Cultural Stereotyping and Social Institutions.
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This document will be submitted to Lopes Write as part of your GROUP assignment.
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