Matthew Mak
Pg 165-172 Review Questions 1,2,5,6,7
Period 5
1. Give a definition of the church, including its mission.
The church is meant to bring all humanity and even all creation together as one.
It is meant to bring about life in union with one another and God, as God intended
from the beginning of the world.
2. In what sense is Mary the Mother of the Church?
She is the Mother of the Church because she gave birth to Jesus Christ, the Son
of God. Catholics also believe that she continues to love and aid her son’s
disciples who call on her name and that she was united with God at the end of
her life on earth without going through the corruption of death.
5. Describe the meaning of the images of the church as people of God, body of Christ and
temple of the Holy Spirit
People of God
The church is the people of God. The church is a chosen people but not a
perfect people. It is made up of imperfect persons who sin and lose their
way, and they trust that they are beloved by God and are ultimately
guided by God, who will never abandon it.
Body of Christ
Everyone is meant to care for one another as members of one body and
to care for the world as Christ does.
Temple of the Holy Spirit
That the Holy Spirit dwells not in a building called a church but among a
people called the church.
6. Why did Christianity become divided into different denominations?
Sometimes there were disputes about rituals, other times differences in beliefs.
Other reasons were more senseless, having to do with political or military conflict,
personal power struggles, or hurts and misunderstanding.
7. What is Catholic teaching about whether non-Christians can be saved?
The Catholic belief that non-Christians can also be saved is rooted in the
conviction that Christ died for all, and that all human beings-regardless or religion
or any other differences are sons and daughters of the God who loves us all
without boundaries,