Reanna Carty
MSMN 233
Prof. David R. Miller.
January 28, 2024
Week 4 Reflection
To test the faith of his followers, God will send trials and tribulations to his followers. This is a way for God's followers to seek him out, to rely on him in times of doubt and suffering. Suffering is not only used to test the faith of his followers but as a way that God can prove to his followers and nonbelievers the power that he holds. Suffering and trials from God help strengthen the faith of his followers by allowing us to seek him out in times of need and allowing
God to show his followers the power and ability to perform miracles. Numerous stories in the bible teach us about suffering. When a person is sick and suffering and chooses to take their life through physician- assisted suicide, it takes God's will and power away from him. In Romans 8:18, the verse says, "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy of being compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us," which is interpreted to mean that while on Earth, we may have times of suffering, but we can have a home in heaven waiting for us at the end of our lives as long as we are saved. Christians who go through suffering while here on Earth must remember that one day, we will have a beautiful home in Heaven that God has prepared for us. If
we can remember that, keep our faith, and rely on God, then there's no trial or time of suffering that we are not able to get through.